The Henry County Times is not responsible for views expressed in Hey, Henry. We will not print any libelous material nor any personal insults. We reserve the right to edit any submission. Submissions posted through our website will not post immediately, as they are reviewed by the editorial department.
The Henry County Times is closed. We published our last edition on June 21, 2023.
Vintage comment from June 10, 2015 – “Hey Henry, my bank has a new service where they’ll text you your balance. I just don’t think they should add LOL on the end!”
Hey Henry, the big bike ride, through Henry County, not the place to do it.Traffic is bad enough.
Hey Henry, Seeing is no longer believing: Don’t let videos circulating on social media influence your own good sense; these days they’re too easy to fake or misrepresent. For example, videos supposedly showing widespread election fraud in 2020 were found to be fake (at least one was actually from Russia). Trump’s own attorney general, his own appointed judges, and many of his own supporters admitted that the election fraud claims were baseless.
Hey Henry, Why close a money-making golf course (Cotton Fields) and build costly county buildings on it?
Hey Henry, I’m 65 years old and have been living in Henry County for 27 years. I went to North Ola Park to see my grandson play baseball today and got charged $10 to get in. I asked the lady taking my money about my discount, I was told there is not one. One game for 1 hour and 30 minutes. That is with no security and no one keeping the score board. Last week we were at J P Mosley Park and were only charged $5 with a senior citizen discount, even a much nicer park. North Ola Park needs to be investigated. I will be notifying the ADA on this matter, even my Congressman that represents this district. North Ola, you are wrong for that, taking advantage of seniors.
Hey Henry, What’s the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale? A northern fairytale begins ‘Once upon a time …’ A southern fairytale begins ‘Y’all ain’t gonna believe this …’
Hey Henry, Ladies of Henry County, would you please not wear so much perfume on Sundays at church. Many people are sensitive to perfume and it can cause an asthma attack. I arrive early to church and sit in the last pew to avoid that happening to me. But you came after me and sat in the pew in front.You looked lovely, but too much perfume.
Hey Henry, Greed wins over Truth and Integrity. The PGA – LIV merge was planned from day one. The PGA could not just let the Saudis in, so they made it look like they had a gun to their head. The PGA is now on the level with the World Wrestling Federation. Total money-grubbing phonies.
Hey Henry, I’m sick and tired of all the agendas forcing their views on everybody. TV, ads, stores, schools … everywhere. Just Shut Up.
Hey Henry, Why are fire trucks so LOUD nowadays? When one comes down my street it almost gives me a heart attack. I know there are emergencies, but do they need to wake up the whole neighborhood?
Hey Henry, Why is it that the west side of the county gets ignored when it comes to traffic issues? I see that the Commissioners have approved 2 million in intersection improvements for Willow and Bridges intersection, with a new school coming to Willow Rd. Meanwhile in the West, Mt. Carmel Rd and Hwy 81, with 3 schools in the area for over 20 years, continues to have accidents and backups.
Hey Henry, The person who invented autocorrect should burn in hello.
Vintage comment from June 25, 2014 – “Hey Henry, The Board of Commissioners do not believe it is their responsibility to keep Henry County Libraries open. It is their responsibility to decide how Henry County tax dollars are spent. If you want to keep your local libraries open you need to let your county commissioner know. If they decide not to fund Henry County Libraries, we need to vote them out.
Hey Henry, Come everybody we need to stand up and prove that our libraries are important to us. This is a call to action to support our libraries! Let’s tell the county and show the county how much we love them and need them.
Hey Henry, A heartfelt thank you to all the young medical professionals who came to my aid when I tripped and took a very bad fall last Thursday on the McDonough Square. I had some pretty significant injuries – including my spirit. As I heal, I’m lifted up by reminders of your care and compassion.
Hey Henry, there are no warning lights to let drivers know that a school zone speed limit is in effect at Henry County High School in McDonough. How is this just?
Hey Henry, here is one for Rob’s list. Bob Dylan recorded Simple ‘Twist of Fate.’
Hey Henry, why are TV commercials so disgusting?
Hey Henry, I finally used up all the toilet paper I hoarded during the supply shortage.
Hey Henry, too many bodily functions on the television these days.
Hey Henry, If you care about your library, contact your commissioners to request fair pay for library workers.
Hey Henry, Seeing is no longer believing: Don’t let videos circulating on social media influence your own good sense; these days they’re too easy to fake or misrepresent. For example, videos supposedly showing widespread election fraud in 2020 were found to be fake (at least one was actually from Russia). Trump’s own attorney general, his own appointed judges, and many of his own supporters admitted that the election fraud claims were baseless.
I’m so glad this county hates trees since they impede progress and profits. With trees out of the way, they can build more warehouses, strip malls, and subdivisions. Sarcasm intended.
Hey Henry, Graduation at the racetrack was disappointing. It was treated like an everyday sporting event with hotdogs and nachos sold throughout the ceremony.
Hey Henry, It takes a grifter to know one.
Hey Henry, When is the BOC going to treat our libraries with respect? I’ve been a longtime patron of the McDonough Library and I went to their meeting recently to see what’s going on. They just completely brushed off the lady that runs the libraries. They even brushed off the folks that came there to speak on the libraries’ behalf.
Hey Henry, the diverging diamond interchange at I-75 and HWY 20-81 was to alleviate traffic congestion. It has not. Can we get a refund?!
Vintage comment from January 3, 2013 – “Hey Henry, will Georgia drivers ever learn to obey highway signs? Move to the right if you are not passing, you are causing a traffic jam.”
Hey Henry, I’m retired but I still hate Mondays.
Hey, Henry, who came up with this sickening far right and far left political movement that I am forced to hear about every day? Are we not tired of this crap? The only thing the lefties and righties can agree on here in Henry County is the need to fix the terrible traffic flow and traffic signals immediately!
Hey Henry, the person talking about how the Republicans couldn’t prove election fraud needs to think again. There is plenty of evidence, and was all on video with them stuffing the ballot box. You must like high gas prices, scandals, high groceries prices or you just don’t have any brains at all!
Hey Henry, I don’t understand why our county does not have a noise ordinance that they adhere to. Four or five nights a week in the Fairview area, the loud music goes on in that parking lot until 1 a.m. It’s almost impossible to go to sleep. Obviously, they don’t care about their senior citizens, or they would stop this.
Hey Henry, why is it that when you get older you can’t make a move without making a noise?
Hey Henry, I’m happy that I have lived in McDonough long enough to identify some of the pictures in “Henry County as it Was.”
Hey Henry, does anyone know what is going to open in the space that used to be Ms. Morene’s Doll Shop?
Hey Henry, why do you continue to place warehouses along the 155 near exit 216, knowing that the traffic on the one-lane road is already terrible and worsening?
Hey Henry, how do I disable the autocorrect function on my wife?
Hey Henry, the See Click Fix App needs to be updated by the City of Stockbridge to include all the subdivisions that they have annexed into the City of Stockbridge.
Hey Henry, McDonough really needs another restaurant on the Square. What’s the holdup at the old PJ’s location?
Hey Henry, a Big Thank You to The Sons of Confederate Veterans for the Beautiful Memorial Day Service at Stone Mountain on the 29th. A great day to be a Georgian.
Hey Henry, since the Henry County Jail was on the 60 Days in TV show, what has happened to the money that was paid by the network for this? Also, what has been done to fix the “problems” portrayed in this show. Hasn’t he been in office long enough to fix many of these issues.
Hey Henry, with all the new houses springing up everywhere, why does the county need to raise all the property taxes?There should be more than enough tax dollars coming in. I certainly do not see what the county is spending it on.
Hey Henry, these new loud mustangs sound awful!
Vintage comment from December 12, 2012 – “Hey Henry, when you see my blinker, I’m signaling my intention. I’m not asking your permission!”
Hey Henry, the Ola community and school district are still one of the best parts of Henry County! As a first-grade teacher at Ola Elementary, I work with the most amazing students, parents, and educators. We are still Ola!
Hey Henry, County Commissioners don’t care about the influx of people and subdivisions as long as the county is making money from taxing all of these people moving in. It is ridiculous.
Hey Henry, Henry County drivers show so much disrespect on the roads. I think they are the same ones that have bullies in our schools. Disrespect on the roads, disrespect in our schools. Something to think about.
Hey Henry, are you Democrats listening to what you have created? Soros Is destroying law in your country he obviously knows your integrity and freedom are for sale. Your children will not thank you when they realize what you allowed to happen. Evil succeeds when good men do nothing.
Hey Henry, Republicans couldn’t prove there was election fraud (because there wasn’t), so now their strategy is to kick duly elected Democrats out of office (see Tennessee and Montana). Democracy isn’t about shutting people up (see Desantis vs. Disney) or denying legally elected officials the ability to represent their people, it’s about giving voice to the nation’s diverse viewpoints and achieving a workable compromise. It’s been about that since day one.
Hey Henry, you women putting make up on while driving, that’s no different than someone texting while driving and not watching what they are doing. Y’all need to get the same ticket people receive for texting while driving.
Hey Henry, to Governor Brian Kemp. Henry County is one of the fastest growing counties and our Board of Commissioners are passing out permits and giving approvals to build without giving any thought to our infrastructure. No one can tell me permits can be approved that quickly. Our County needs to be audited by the Governor’s office of internal affairs. Please come in and help us. We need it.
Hey Henry, by a landslide the worst, most inconsiderate and most dangerous drivers in the state of Georgia right here in Henry County. Pack your bags and go back to the state that had the gall to issue you a license.
Hey Henry, these new loud mustangs sound like crap!
Hey Henry, I see these people with shirts on saying that God is dope, how disrespectful is that? You should have one on saying God is love, God is forgiving, etc. Being dope? I don’t believe he would care too much for that. Just my opinion.
Hey Henry, math problem: if we add 30 minutes a day to our commute during construction and reduce our commute by 10 minutes a day after construction, how long will it take us to recoup the $50,000,000.00 the government spent of our money on the road project?
Vintage comment from November 28, 2012 – “Hey Henry, I was at Kroger the other day and my car wouldn’t start. I am disabled and can’t do much physical work. A nice young man came up with his jumper cables and started my car. In this age when people are so stressed, its nice to know that someone cares.”
Hey Henry, to the 5’ 10” lady fortunate enough to have long legs: As long as there wasn’t a dress code when you were hired, I’m on your side; I’m assuming you would have been 5’ 10” at that point, as well. I, for one, would enjoy the fact that you were at the workplace. However, if you were called into the office for being late to work EVERY day, would you consider that discrimination?
Hey Henry, the typical fast food experience is disgusting at best. When I was a kid working at a fast food restaurant, circa 1964, we would have been fired before the end of the day exhibiting the callous, arrogant, cavalier attitude of most fast food workers. If you weren’t cooking or taking in money, you were cleaning or outside picking up trash. We have been backing up for decades.
Hey Henry, Atlanta braves – I thought you had more character than to let Stetson Bennett, recent DUI offender, throw out the first pitch. You have honest and loyal men … like Clark Howard, Glen Burns or even Scott Slade that have done so much for Atlanta and their contributions will live on forever. You should be recognizing them and they should have been considered for throwing out the first pitch.
Hey Henry, So why is all of social media broadcasting the speeding crackdown in Henry County this weekend? Why is it even being broadcast? Just do it. Don’t forget the back roads, they speed there too. Ban Social Media.
Hey Henry, my people skills are fine, it’s my tolerance to idiots that needs work.
Hey Henry, if what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, I should be able to bench press a Cadillac by now.
Hey Henry, regarding the comment about all the building in Ola; welcome to the insanity and lack of common sense in Henry County, Georgia. It’s spreading like wildfire!
Hey Henry, how can a property zoned residential be able to park tractor trailers and run an auto repair business? I called code enforcement four times, and they keep saying, “we’re working it.” No one is doing anything about it.
Hey Henry, does everybody else notice all the people living in Georgia who refuse to register their cars in Georgia and drive them for years without consequences? I understand they don’t want to pay the fees; but it is the law. The only people paying the price of TAVT are law-abiding Georgians.
Hey Henry, women who wear these tight black spandex pants or tights, you look terrible in them, especially the heavyset women.
Hey Henry, we seem to have an influx of new community members who may not have been introduced to our local customs and traditions. If you meet one of these newer residents, be sure to mention that in Henry County, we all stop at stop signs and use our turn signals. I can only deduce that folks moving in from other parts of the country haven’t picked up on local niceties yet.
Vintage comment from October 24, 2012 – “Hey Henry, I would like to send a special Thank You to the members of Turning Point Church who helped my teenage girls when they were hit by another car. Your kindness made an awful situation easier. Thank you for calling us and taking care of them until we arrived. Your kindness is very much appreciated.”
Hey Henry, just how many more houses are the commissioners going to allow to be built in Ola? Are you going to double deck the roads and schools? This isn’t progress, it’s insanity.
Hey Henry, a big thank you to Locust Grove High School for a first class Partners Prom for students with Special Needs! It was perfect from beginning to end!
Hey Henry, I’m a 5’ 10” woman, if I wear a mini skirt in a standard size, sure I’ll appear more leggy. We shouldn’t have to pay exorbitant prices just to buy a skirt a few inches longer. I hope y’all call me to the office. That’s discrimination, because women come in all shapes, sizes and heights. Clothing manufacturers could care less. Take that into consideration.
Hey Henry, every rose has a thorn, even the Rosa Californica.
Hey Henry, April is still Confederate History and Heritage Month in Georgia. “Celebrate the Heritage.”
Hey Henry, a very special thank you to the two employees from Henry County DOT who responded to the fallen tree across Old Jackson Rd. These two brave men sprung into action to clear the roadway with chainsaws a-blazing. They risked their own safety working in treacherous conditions. They should be commended for their heroic actions and selfless dedication. We all walk and work among heroes who don’t wear a cape, a badge or a fire hat. They are the true unsung heroes.
Hey Henry, the world population is over 8 billion. Sometimes I feel half of them are moving into Henry County.
Hey Henry, McDonough High School has the best Theater teacher! A big shout-out to Mrs. Blue-Fearing for her hard work.
Hey Henry, you got the state wrong. It’s not Florida tags, it’s all the liberal left wing states like New York.
Hey Henry, the Alabama House of Representatives recently approved a resolution to officially recognize St. Patrick’s Day and individuals of Irish heritage in Alabama. They should be recognized in Henry County, Georgia too.
Hey Henry, Rob DeMarco isn’t afraid to put tough questions to interviewees. He should be on 60 Minutes!
Hey Henry, I told my wife she needs to start embracing her mistakes. So she hugged me.
Hey Henry, can someone do something about these disrespectful drivers? They are getting stupider by the day. As long as they get from point A to point B, the heck with everyone else.
Hey Henry, I believe Georgia is the new tornado alley.
Hey Henry, companies still want to pay like it’s the 1980’s. In reality, if you’re not making $100,000 or more, it’s hard to make it. Everything goes up except paychecks.
Vintage comment from October 10, 2012 – “Hey Henry, to the lovely couple and the lady that helped me when I fell outside of Kroger – Thank you so much for your kindness and concern. It really hurt and I wanted to cry, but your kindness kept the tears at bay!”
Hey Henry, Henry needs to do it’s due diligence by researching and purchasing the best asphalt money can buy to rebuild our roads. Revenue is not an issue for Henry. There was a huge increase in property taxes last year and everywhere we look there is construction of homes, apartments, retail spaces, and warehouses. Henry has massive truck traffic and filling potholes is a waste of time and money. Henry can do better.
Hey Henry, my cat can’t stand Daylight Savings Time. His entire routine is out of wack!
Hey Henry, just wondering, do any of the commissioners that vote to destroy every tree and forest in the county ever ride through the areas that they are re-zoning to see the effects of what they are doing?
Hey Henry, who says there are no more Good Samaritans? My son and his family were involved recently in a serious wreck on Jonesboro Road. After the crash, wonderful people came from all directions, pulling the family out of the car and providing comfort until the amazing first responders arrived. Way to go, Henry County!
Hey Henry, quitting Social Media is the adult version of running away from home …We all know you do it for attention, and you’ll be back soon.
Hey Henry, have you seen the water run-off along Millers Mill road from the two new subdivisions?
Hey Henry, seriously, where is Dee Clemmons? Is she holed up on the 3rd floor of Dallas Memorial with JFK and Elvis ?
Hey Henry, I want to commend the young man with the pierced ears working at Ace Hardware on Hwy. 81. I have never had such incredible customer service at any of the bigger homes stores! I wish I had gotten his name. Thanks to those like him, there is hope for our future!
Hey Henry, so MTG and other staffers were “attacked” by a woman and her adult son while in a restaurant. She said they are self righteous, insane, and completely out of control. Funny, that is how I describe her. She actually said “people used to respect others even if they had different views, but not anymore.” She said our country is gone. Does the word HYPOCRITE apply here?
Hey Henry, why are there so many Florida tags in Henry County. I know one thing, they are disrespectful, and they definitely do not obey the Georgia driving laws.
Hey Henry WAKE UP AMERICA! While we focus on Daylight Savings Time, the Oscars and bathroom protocol, China is taking over the South China Sea, South America and building its war machine.
Hey Henry, special thanks to our “leadership” for the amazing traffic daily on I-75 north and southbound. Sarcasm intended!
Hey Henry, everyone that voted for Biden/Harris owes the rest of us an apology, gas, groceries, and 10% for Bidinflation in our paychecks! In 2023, the Democratic leadership is still a costly disaster for Americans.
Vintage comment from September 26, 2012 – “Hey Henry, thank you to the two nice men who helped my special needs friend get down from the bleachers at the rodeo on Saturday night. It was very much appreciated.”
Hey Henry, as a County, I hope we are monitoring the train cargo coming through our community (Ex: Chemical Cargo/ King Mill Road). We should be learning from the train derailment in Ohio. Let’s keep Henry safe.
Hey Henry, when did they start charging for parking at Piedmont Henry? It’s bad enough that they’re wringing more money out of people who are at their absolute lowest, but half the time the machines don’t work. There are lines of cars full of people who are already at maximum stress levels lined up to get out of the parking lot with malfunctioning machines, screaming and blowing their horns. If you’re going to gouge people, at least have machines that work.
Hey Henry, why in the world would a restaurant ask you if you want jelly when you order a sausage biscuit? Just saying…
Hey Henry, where is Commissioner Clemmons? Florida? Is she answering her county email? We need local representation.
Hey Henry, lifetime guarantees are a joke. My gutters and windows are both from companies that went out of business.
Hey Henry, to the person who wrote, “I can’t figure out why people pay to drive in the extra lanes on the highway.” I’ll wave at you as I zip by while you’ve been stuck in traffic for 20 minutes!
Hey Henry, please put something in the front seat of your vehicle if you have small children to remind you that they are in the car. Every summer we lose too many children that are left in hot cars. Do whatever you have too to protect your precious children. Don’t leave pets in the car during hot weather either!
Hey Henry, the next time you buy an item with a “Made in China” label on it, you need to realize that some of your money may be paying for research on another deadly virus, or for a fentanyl pill that will kill someone’s teenaged son or daughter. Do you really want to do that?
Hey Henry, is Marjorie Taylor Green for real? If I need a good laugh, I just read the latest comments she has made. If she does not like the way the United States is set up as one country, then maybe she may want to pack up, and move.
Hey Henry, why are the commissioners allowing more and more houses to be built when our roads are in such poor condition? Please fix the pot holes throughout the county.
Hey Henry, to the people in Ola who insist on burning wood everyday (especially off of Snapping Shoals) – could ya give it a break for at least a week? I’m just trying to have a clean car for one week. Is that too much to ask?
Hey Henry, the reason Henry County can’t attract a Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or Sprouts is because we don’t meet the income brackets they have set. They go to more affluent areas which can support these stores. All Henry can attract is car washes and Dollar Generals.
Vintage comment from August 15, 2012 – “Hey Henry, I just want to say thank you to the lady with the baby who found my purse in the Kroger grocery buggy Monday evening. Cannot thank you enough for your honesty! Nice to know there are still awesome people in McDonough. God Bless you.”
Hey Henry, China doesn’t have to try so hard to destroy
America. We are doing it for them.
Hey Henry, watching the Superbowl game was good until the half time show. … The way this country is killing each other, they should have put different celebrities on stage yelling at the parents about disciplining their kids better. So long NFL, I am deleting all apps pertaining to any network that has to do with the NFL.
Hey Henry, Tom Hanks, you are one great actor. Everyone has got to see A Man Called Otto. Loved it.
Hey Henry, seems like companies now days still want to pay like it’s the 1980’s. Don’t they realize the cost of living has increased 200%? Wake up, America.
Hey Henry does anyone know the status of Lake Dow? Will that dam ever be fixed and will the lake return to full level? Can someone report on this?
Hey Henry, we are so lucky to have a local paper! Let’s support it any way we can.
Hey Henry, Groundhog day? You saw the prediction today – 6 more weeks of winter on the way. Wow! Spring starts on March 20. From Feb. 2, till then is 47 days, that is 6 weeks and 5 days. The calendar is always right.
Hey Henry, Candi Gilmore of Henry County was named on the Presidents List at Mercer University!
Hey Henry, Someone asked why Henry County doesn’t get a Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or Sprouts. The reason we, as well as anything south of Atlanta, don’t have these stores, or Cheesecake Factory or PF Chang’s, is because we don’t meet the income brackets they have set. They go to more affluent areas which can support these stores. All Henry can attract is car washes and Dollar Generals.
Hey Henry, Can Henry County please place a “No Left Turn” sign or some of the road dividers so that drivers cannot turn left into the plaza at Jonesboro Road and Oak Grove Road?
Hey Henry, sometimes God clouds our minds when we do folks wrong.
Hey Henry, the community has a right to speak and oppose things. I understand that seems to be a difficult concept for you.
Hey Henry, I wish the red light at E. Atlanta Rd. and Belair Dr. could be adjusted. It frequently stops the busier traffic on E. Atlanta when no one is even waiting on Belair. Traffic is having to stop for no reason. Happens all the time!
Hey Henry, Can the Road Department at least paint the 3 speed bumps on N. Davis Dr. yellow, so people can see them?
Hey Henry, I’ve been praying for our commissioners.
Hey Henry, we were all friends in Henry until that truck load of divisiveness was dumped on us.
Vintage comment from August 8, 2012 – “Hey Henry, I must have missed the email when they changed yield signs to mean merge!”
Hey Henry, to those who throw fast food trash and beer bottles all over the side of the road. I clean up after you because I have civic pride. Please have some of your own.
Hey Henry, if you have a POT HOLE PATROL they really need to take a ride down Keys Ferry Road. The cracks are becoming holes.
Hey Henry, why can’t we get a Whole Food, Trader Joes, or Sprouts?
Hey Henry, what did the DNA say to the other DNA? Do these genes make me look fat?
Hey Henry, did you know you can’t properly cover Henry County from Florida?
Hey Henry, why doesn’t the county figure out the traffic issue before building more houses, apartments, warehouses, etc. It is impossible to get around anywhere in the county.
Hey Henry, Stockbridge is getting weird.
Hey Henry, ESPN, don’t hire jerks for announcing the games. My TV just went off.
Hey Henry, February is American Heart Month and a time to focus on cardiovascular health. I can’t figure out if these Hey Henrys that are so angry reduce blood pressure or make it worse. Isn’t venting supposed to be good for us?
Hey Henry, when will we get a traffic light or roundabout on Racetrack and Iris Lake Rd.? Does someone else have to get seriously injured or die for this to happen?
Hey Henry, why are so many blonde jokes one-liners? So brunettes can remember them.
Hey Henry, the lines need to be addressed on the East Lake Pkwy. four lane. When it is raining you can’t see the white lines on the road.
Hey Henry, I would love it if Henry County would repair the restroom door locks at Bud Kelley Park in the women’s restroom.
Hey Henry, am I the only one who is completely fed up with TV? It costs more and more and even if you pay extra to subscribe to networks you still pay for old movies or old series plus you get commercials. What a rip off. (Ed. note – We suggest you visit one of the Henry County Libraries and check out a good book. There are no commercials in them.)
Hey Henry, I can’t figure out why people pay to drive in the extra lanes on the highway. I know you can ride on it because of traffic, but you paid for them with your own tax money. I’m not paying for something my tax money paid for. That’s absolutely crazy!
Hey Henry, once politicians and parents started running our school system, we’ve declined terribly. Get teachers back in leadership. If they’d even try at this point. Many have been in survival mode since mid-August because of what you do to them. It’s abusive.
Vintage comment from August 1, 2012 – “Hey Henry, just take a moment and think of the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us. If you think good thoughts, good things will happen.”
Hey Henry, a big thank you to our local law enforcement and power company employees who worked hard to keep us safe and restore power in our community after last week’s storm.
Hey Henry, no matter what some people have to say, there are STILL some really nice people in Henry County. This old (94-year-old) lady was waiting for lunch in a local restaurant when a family of 5 or 6 walked in. The gentleman of the group walked over and asked if I would do them the honor of having lunch with them. I declined as I was in a hurry. When I left, they were sitting close by and I found out they had paid for my lunch. I thanked them and told them that we had a local paper who printed nice things that people did.
Hey Henry, the 12-month moratorium on apartments in Henry County is sort of like closing the barn door after the horse gets out.
Hey Henry, based upon my observation of motorists in Henry County, I believe it is in everyone’s best interest if the Georgia Legislature were to provide daily PSA videos demonstrating the proper method for navigating Traffic Circles, 4-Way intersections and merging onto interstate traffic.
Hey Henry, unity is meaningless if it just includes your own race.
Hey Henry, I keep hearing people are sitting at home being paid enormous amounts of money to not work. Who are these people? I know of no one getting paid. Someone please tell me. I’m old and broke. Why am I not being paid?
Hey Henry, Locust Grove needs a new 900-person manufacturing facility like we need another hole in the head.
Hey Henry, not only is the food and service great at Gabinos in Locust Grove, but I recently left my wallet there … with my ID, credit cards, gift cards and cash. I didn’t realize it was missing for three days! When I called, they had it and it was returned to me with everything intact. Saved me from having to make many phone calls! Thank you, Gabinos’ staff! You’re the best!
Hey Henry, use some of that SPLOST money and put up a traffic light at Racetrack Road and Iris Lake Road. I can’t tell you how many close calls I have seen there. Does it take someone getting hurt to get one? Besides, you are allowing a BP to be built there. More congestion, more danger.
Hey Henry, a friend asks a stranger as they chat about the County. “Have you lived here all your life?” He answers, “not yet.”
Hey Henry, “Good ol’ Clayton County, where the stupidity never ends.” I agree, it never ends, AND it’s spreading like wildfire in Henry County.
Hey Henry, painting houses white with black trim is code.
Hey Henry, I am amazed at the number of incompetent and ignorant people who are installed in positions of power.
Vintage comment from July 4, 2012 – “Hey Henry, to whomever was so affected that they had to complain about the quality of kid’s meal toys: please don’t buy a box of Cracker Jacks. You will be risking a major coronary.”
Hey Henry, I would like to thank the Henry County Police Department, and especially Officers Braswell and Valentine, for offering both the Citizens Police Academy and Women’s Self Defense classes free of charge to anyone who wants to participate in them. Both classes were very comprehensive, included useful tips for everyday life, situational awareness and a better understanding of those who provide protection for the citizens of Henry County. I encourage everyone who is eligible to take these classes!
Hey Henry, AJC headline: “Clayton Commission considering naming Victor Hill pick as Interim sheriff” …..let me fix that … “Clayton County politicians allow federally convicted felon to choose their interim sheriff.” Good ol’ Clayton County, where the stupidity never ends.
Hey Henry, I want to report the horrible junkyard-like plaza at the intersection of 138 and Tara Blvd. There are broken construction vehicles there and the parking lot looks like a dump! Is the DOT responsible for this? Someone should look into it.
Hey Henry, I wonder if those who voted Democratic are requesting their representatives to petition the president to do his job and protect the US border?
Hey Henry, how many times did you hear Trump say his taxes were under audit while President? Yeah, me too.
Hey Henry, let me get this clear. Biden doesn’t prisoner swap for a veteran, but swaps for a doper. Something is seriously wrong here.
Hey Henry, I’m at a doctors office waiting room with no available seating. Half the patients were young adults and in walks an elderly lady. Not one soul got up and offered her a seat. I was ashamed of the entire room. I asked my 9-year-old grandson to offer her his seat and he sat in my lap. We have lost all civility and manners and it is staring us right in the face.
Hey Henry, I remember wanting to be old enough to shave my legs. Now I’m old enough to never want to do it again.
Hey Henry, when will we teach our community what trash cans are? Litter, litter everywhere …
Hey Henry, we just got our “welcome to the city residents guide” for the City of Stockbridge. I’ll make sure the new resident gets it. We are out of here.
Hey Henry, to whomever wrote complaining about the exit 218 interchange. It was announced well before the work began that it was going to be a “diverging diamond” interchange, so yes, the cross-over pattern was in the completed project. If you have ever been on the north side of Atlanta, Ashford-Dunwoody Road does the same where it crosses I-285. It’s the style of the future, get used to it.
Hey Henry, why are folks all of a sudden painting their houses white with black trim, even the brick ones?
Hey Henry, my wife told me I was looking forlorn. I didn’t even know Lorne was missing.
Dear Readers,
We’ve reviewed all of the Hey Henry comments from this year and are bringing you some we feel are special and more positive. We hope it encourages you to find the good in the place that we call home and in the people who live here.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hey Henry, On Christmas eve morning I ran to Dollar General in Ola for a few things. The gentleman in front of me asked if I was picking up a few last minute things. I said yep, I’m doing laundry, getting batteries for my cat’s toys for Christmas, and getting some nuts for snacking. When he stepped up to the counter pay for his things he waved me over to put my items with his so he could buy them for me. His act of kindness brought tears to my eyes. If you are reading this I want to Thank You for restoring my faith in others. God Bless you!
Hey Henry, R.I.P., Grover. You were a true McDonough treasure and will be missed.
Hey Henry, I want to thank the Locust Grove library staff for a wonderful job on their Summer Reading opening program. My grandchildren thoroughly enjoyed the craft programs, the Locust Grove fire department, and registering for summer reading. We look forward to participating in more library programs this summer.
Hey Henry, We look forward to every issue to read Hey Henry. We also enjoy the Casual Observer. Every article is so unique!
Hey Henry, typically bad news gets more viewers, so that is what news outlets show. I believe most people are good and are just trying to live their lives the best they can.
Hey Henry, I would like to thank everyone for all of the phone calls, presents, surprises and gifts that I received for my 90th birthday. Special thanks to those of you who stopped by the drive through birthday celebration. May God continue to bless you all – Mrs. Willie G. Varner
Hey Henry, A HUGE thank you to HCPD Community Relations and A Friend’s House teens for your recent service creating the Fairview library’s butterfly garden. You are my heroes!
Hey Henry, Congratulations to Eddie and Brenda Whitaker who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 14!
Hey Henry, a big shout-out to whoever did the planter containers on the Square. Keep McDonough beautiful!
Hey Henry, a recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.
Hey Henry, I really appreciate the very nice young lady with Henry County Code Enforcement working in my neighborhood now. Anytime I call she is right on top of things. Thank you for all you do!
Hey Henry, Is there another word for thesaurus?
Hey Henry, I would like to thank the gentleman who offered to stand guard while I picked up the money I dropped at the ATM at the Bank of America in McDonough.
Hey Henry, the best decoration of the Halloween Season was the dragon at the corner of Old Conyers Road and Fern Road. Thanks for going all out!
Vintage comment from June 3, 2009 – “Hey Henry, I’m a 59-year-old white man married to a very beautiful 51-year-old black woman. To all of you idiots who can’t help but stare at us when we go out, get over it; it’s 2009 (the 21st century), not 1865.”
Hey Henry, I wish 1984 was fiction again!
Hey Henry, at one time Hey Henry was a forum for boasting about a wonderful community and its citizens. Today it’s a forum for its despicable citizens and the decline of the community.
Hey Henry, Can anyone tell me when the next phase of construction will be complete on exit 218? There’s no way that someone approved for the zigzag traffic pattern to be the final product. It is horrific.
Hey Henry, most people have heard of the Waffle House index concerning the severity of a storm. A new index of citizens emptying coin containers in grocery store coin changers should be next. I see more and more customers emptying coins. An excellent indicator of Joe’s economy.
Hey Henry, it seems like our D4 commissioner forgot to take her campaign signs down but she didn’t forget to take down her speech after she won.
Hey Henry, when you see five cop cars strategically parked in the mall area it’s a sure sign crime is wayyyyyy up. Welcome to the new Henry County.
Hey Henry, fact of the matter is, Donald Trump has a better chance of getting pregnant than ever being elected golfer-in-chief again, and America is grateful.
Hey Henry, I have a Smart phone, a Smart TV, a Smart car and I drink Smart water. Why do I keep making dumb mistakes?
Hey Henry, have all these political types ever considered that all the negative ads, robocalls, and spam texts and emails are enough to make people consider removing their name from the voting registries. It is getting way out of hand! I don’t even answer my phone anymore, unless I know the caller. Let’s hear it for term limits and a ban on these types of ads.
Hey Henry, it is neither voter suppression nor incompetence; all you had to do was check the website.
Dear half of America: Surprised to hear Donald Trump call for termination of the Constitution? The half of America that hasn’t fallen for his cult-of-personality tactics isn’t surprised at all. We knew this was coming, and guess what? This isn’t the end, the Orange man has more tricks up his sleeve and he’ll continue to deal them as long as anybody will listen.
Hey Henry, seems like everywhere you go, you smell pot. Everyone smoking pot these days?
Hey Henry, I saw this in a “letters to the editor” in a 1940 LIFE magazine. “Nothing in this world is so precious as innocence. I feel we should all make every effort to preserve it, for once it is gone it can never be recovered.” 82 years ago readers could never have envisioned the decadent society we now raise children in. Innocence is no more.
Hey Henry, Let me see if I understand correctly: Killing babies prior to birth prevents them from being abused or killed in the future.
Vintage comment from May 27, 2009 – “Hey Henry, support your local musicians and bands. Henry County is home to a bunch of talented people.”
Hey Henry, Snapping Shoals Road is not a good place to throw out your unwanted cats. If you can’t spay, neuter, or feed them, don’t get them in the first place.
Hey Henry, I had to go to three polling places to find my own, with no notification from the county electoral board after having voted here in Henry County for 40 years. Is this incompetent leadership or voter suppression?
Hey Henry, educated voters support Herschel Walker to stop the insanity of Joe Biden’s administration with its outrageous inflation, out-of-control immigration, political unrest, and radical policies. Raphael Warnock is a yes man for Biden and out of control spending. The Democratic Party should be ashamed of their attacks on Herschel and, as a self-proclaimed preacher, Warnock should have never allowed that kind of campaign on his behalf.
Hey Henry, what a surprise that NO ONE had the guts to respond to the post from 10/19. How dare so many of you claim to be pro-life, and not care at all what these babies will endure as a result of people having no right in deciding what women do with their bodies. I hope when you see the news or read the newspaper about another child being abused, or killed, you think about what you have done.
Hey Henry, did y’all hear our county commissioner’s racist victory speech?
Hey Henry, Marjorie Taylor-Green won easily; clearly, she’s well liked and there’s no need to feel sorry for the Republicans.
Hey Henry, does anyone else have questions about the shooting involving the detention officer in McDonough? What started the entire event. Why was a detention officer involved in something, not at the jail. There seems to be a lot of detail missing.
Hey Henry, the Johnson Amendment, a 1954 adjustment of the federal tax code, forbids any religious or charitable organizations that are tax exempt from participating in any campaigns on behalf of political candidates, or in opposition to them. It also bans religious leaders from endorsing candidates from the pulpit. Seems it’s past time to crack down on the political preachers breaking the law, it’s been going on for far too long!
Hey Henry, it’s a form of discrimination to require a potentially new employee to have been vaccinated for COVID before they are even considered for being hired. If someone is applying for a job, they shouldn’t be forced to get the vaccine especially if they don’t want it or can’t get it for religious reasons.
Hey Henry, Republicans like to refer to the current state of our economy as “Bidenflation.” Fair enough, given the price increases we’ve all had to face. Democrats need a catchy phrase to express the potential economic depression that a Republican laissez-faire approach to the COVID situation would have produced. The federal actions that partly caused inflation may have prevented something much worse–economic meltdown.
Vintage comment from May 13, 2009 – “Hey Henry, Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them leaves an impression. It’s choice, not chance, that determines your destiny.”
Hey Henry, I would like to send out a Big Blessing to James (Bill) Searcy at the Stockbridge Police Department. He went beyond the call of duty to help me with some information, and remained a gentleman. Thank you, Sir.
Hey Henry, the best decoration of the Halloween Season was the dragon at the corner of Old Conyers Road and Fern Road. Thanks for going all out!
Hey Henry, save Henry County, do not re-elect anyone.
Hey Henry, just curious, do elected officials or police departments ever read this section? I think the comments represent how the general public really feels about our county and what’s going on in it. It’s a very good guideline for things that need your attention.
Hey Henry, I agree with the posts concerning the downward spiral of Henry County. 25 plus years ago it was a decent, safe place to live. Over the last several years, I have watched it get more like Clayton and Dekalb, the exact counties we moved away from due to the crime and blight. Time to move from Henry as it is circling the drain. It’s a shame to see a nice area ruined by overgrowth and greed.
Hey Henry, to understand what’s going wrong in Henry County Schools these days, start at the top and work your way backwards: The superintendent is afraid of the school board, the school board is afraid of parents who make noise, the parents are afraid of their own children, their children are afraid to put their phones away, listen to their teachers, and get to work.
Hey Henry, twice in the past six months I’ve almost been hit by cars backing out of spaces at the grocery store. Be aware of where you walk, since some people are too lazy to look behind them before backing up.
Hey Henry, these days it’s opinions over facts, and we can’t agree on the facts.
Hey Henry, Batman is about to get caged! It’s about time!
Hey Henry, I thought Georgia is a hands-free state. I can’t believe the amount of people I see texting and driving, or holding the phone up to their head. What is it going to take for people to start listening?
Hey Henry, Folks in this town just love throwing garbage out their car windows, they also leave their trash in shopping carts. Why do they think someone else should clean up their mess? Grow up!
Hey Henry, The Anti-Trump submission regarding Trump wanting “freebies” is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. The list of serious issues and dramatic failures of the Biden/Harris administration is growing daily. Anti-Trumpers fail to move on and see the reality of the disaster of a President Biden is (and he’s planning to run again). Get over it!
Hey Henry, did you hear that Trump is going to give Marjorie Taylor Green a position in his administration if he wins in 2024? It makes you almost feel sorry for the Republicans. Not!
Vintage comment from April 15 2009 – “Hey Henry, anybody ever wonder why umbrellas have metal rods and a point at the top? Can anyone say lightening rod?”
Hey Henry, to the individual who took my cane out of my shopping cart at the Publix on Hwy.. 20 – please return it!
Hey Henry, why do people only fill their glasses up part way in a wine glass, but yet, get refill after refill? Fill the dang thing up and that way you don’t have to be like everyone else.
Hey Henry, Critical Race Theory (CRT), a framework of analysis grounded in critical theory, originated in the mid-1970’s in the writings of several American legal scholars, including Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, Kimberle Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda and Patricia J. Williams. CRT draws from the work of thinkers such as Antonio Gramsci, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, and W. E. B. Du Bois, as well as the BLACK POWER, Chicano, and radical feminist movements from the 1960s and 1970s. Republicans didn’t create it! (when is Black Power a Republican group?) Keep drinking that Democratic Hogwash Kool-aid.
Hey Henry, the squirrel tables are an Art and Beautification project between the County and local artists. They are built by Barn Beautiful in Stockbridge, and painted by local artists. No money involved. GET A LIFE!
Hey Henry, the more I hear about Herschel, the more I am hearing OJ.
Hey Henry, everyone please join me in booing the absolute low-life who vandalized a lot of the scarecrows on the Square. I just hope the traffic cameras in that area got a good picture of your face!
Hey Henry, years ago Henry County had the distinction of being one of the fastest growing counties in the nation. A distinction to be proud of in 1995 and sadly a definite curse in 2022.
Hey Henry, are there really 325 sheets of bath tissue on every roll? Does anyone really know?
Hey Henry, I have had several “Hey Henry” submissions printed over the last few years, so I now consider myself a published author.
Hey Henry, do you think that any of the pro-life people stop to think how many unwanted babies they are possibly subjecting to a life of misery, abuse, and possible death? That is what happens sometimes when you force a woman to have a baby she does not want. I still cannot believe I live in a country that can tell women what they can, and cannot do with their bodies. Do you think men would allow this of their bodies? I think not.
Hey Henry, funny how Trump loves to brag about how much money he has, but then is always wanting “freebies” for Melania, and the “boys.”
Hey Henry, complain and complain some more about the dee—cline of Henry County. You have to move out, nothing is going to change or get better. You have to pack up and get out. Let the hoodlums, wannabe race car drivers and parolees have the place.
Hey Henry, it’s only going to get worse.
Vintage comment from April 8, 2009 – “Hey Henry, did you know that when a rich man steals he is considered a shrewd businessman and when a poor man steals he is considered a thief?”
Hey Henry, the world is going to heck in a handbasket while churches are trying to figure out what evangelism is.
Hey Henry, Regarding the “lime green Chevrolet camaro” — that describes most of the drivers in Henry County. Walt Stephens Road from Flippen Road (headed toward Clayton County) is a drag strip of excessive speeding, passing in the turning lanes, loud music and noisy exhaust pipes. It’s repeatedly reported to law enforcement, and it never improves. Just another in the long list of issues Henry County has and doesn’t care; and yet some wonder why all the homeowners/taxpayers are leaving.
Hey Henry, don’t waste $95 on a driver improvement class if you are intending to use it in court in McDonough. Doesn’t mean a thing even with a clean record.
Hey Henry, once politicians and parents started running our school system, we’ve declined terribly. Get teachers back in leadership. If they’d even try at this point. Many have been in survival mode since mid-August because of what you do to them. It’s abusive.
Hey Henry, we (citizens) can’t recycle that child’s broken yellow plastic toy; but we can easily recycle plastic shopping bags! 111 billion are used each year and only 16 billion are recycled.
Hey Henry, isn’t it funny that Trump is so concerned about where Biden and his wife sat during the Queen’s funeral? You would think he had MANY more things to lose sleep over at night.
Hey Henry, I love and respect police officers all over the country. I know we are in short supply of folks who will take on this honorable profession. And criminals seem to be a dime a dozen these days. I live in Ola and the lawlessness I see here every day blows my mind. Punks driving 100 mph on rural roads without a care of being pulled over or who they may harm. To the brave souls who still carry a badge – do your job, or quit. Criminals need to be taught harsh lessons, not given break after break. Evil can’t be rehabilitated.
Hey Henry, my therapist told me that a great way to let go of your anger is to write letters to people you hate and then burn them. I did that and I feel much better but I’m wondering – do I keep the letters?
Hey Henry, has anyone actually seen a squirrel eating at any of the squirrel tables they are putting out in Henry County? Sounds like another government boondoggle to me.
Hey Henry, to the Trump haters. I guess your hatred for the man has probably blinded you to the possibility that the FBI and the DOJ are in cahoots with the Biden and Obama’s administrations to keep him out of White House. I will confess that I didn’t agree with everything he did but I was a lot better off and so was America.
Hey Henry, are you a hypocrite when you say you are pro-life, and have a history of paying for abortions for your girlfriends? Some politicians will say ANYTHING to get elected.
Vintage comment from January 7, 2009 – “Hey Henry, is anyone else bothered by the fact that hardly anything is “Made in the USA” anymore?
Hey Henry, this has to be the dumbest county ever. They have needed traffic lights at Harris Drive and at Bethlehem Road on Hwy. 42 for years. They put them in places that don’t really need them instead of dangerous places like this. Just like they pave roads that don’t need it and don’t pave roads that do need it.
Hey Henry, two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the Universe.
Hey Henry, teachers are leaving, really? Guess what, doctors and nurses are quitting in droves. I have heard from two physicians; you are on your own. Both complain about the incompetent staff in hospitals. As you age, the care you are provided is diminishing. Better stay healthy, or move to England and get much better care.
Hey Henry, so, I put on my eyelashes, fake nails, enhanced bra, and my Spanx. Ready for a night out on the town. But when I get home and take it all off, I look like a busted can of biscuits.
Hey Henry, a record 1.8 million migrants have crossed the border under the political leadership of Joe Biden. Border states are overcrowded and inundated with them, and they are spreading all over the U.S. when they are released to wait for their immigration hearings (and disappear). Fifty (50) get flown into Martha’s Vineyard (Democrats), and they are having a fit about it. Democrats are all about immigration and open borders but don’t want them in their backyard … typical hypocrites.
Hey Henry, to parents of school-age kids: stop panicking over Critical Race Theory. Nobody is teaching it in our schools. It’s a fake issue created by MAGA types to scare you into voting a certain way. The most important factors in kids’ moral development are parents, not teachers. Teach your kids to analyze issues and make decisions based on something more important than a politician’s vote tally.
Hey Henry, have any of you noticed our commissioner loves tooting their own horn? Toot toot!
Hey Henry, Henry Police: please be on the look out for the lime green Chevrolet camaro. They were on Airline Road speeding, tailgating and just being stupid.
Hey Henry, the Board of Education sends us surveys asking how we are and what you can do to help. Empty words. Empty sentiment. Teachers are at their breaking point, yet you do nothing but add more to our plates. We’re working full weekends (no pay). We’re not allowed to strike, but if we were, you’d be quite surprised at how many of us would walk out. We love our children, but you are asking more and more daily.
Hey Henry, we’re the most advanced country on earth, with the best medical care in the world, brilliant scientists and scholars galore, so many talented people and our country is failing miserably and Biden and Trump are the answer? All we’ve got out of 330,000,000 people, are Joe Biden and Donald Trump? That’s it?
Hey Henry, I have to admit that the diverging diamond seems to be helping with the traffic flow on Hwy. 20. Now if drivers could just figure out which lane they need to be in.
Vintage comment from December 17, 2008 – “Hey Henry, I want to let everyone know about my good and honest neighbor in Locust Grove. He brought my medicine to me after it was delivered to his house by mistake. It is good to know there are still honest and helpful people.
Hey Henry, I’ve been with my girlfriend for over 31 years. She is quite smart and can beat anyone I know in Jeopardy, but when it comes to cleaning, cooking and me, she turns into Helen Keller. Go figure, 31 years. Must be love.
Hey Henry, typically bad news gets more viewers, so that is what news outlets show. I believe most people are good and are just trying to live their lives the best they can.
Hey Henry, please put Wednesday, October 5 on your calendar to come out and speak up against the County’s plans to get rid of the locomotive and all the historic buildings and other historic displays. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. at Heritage Park in McDonough.
Hey Henry, Noah’s Ark’s mission hasn’t changed. The board is out of step with the mission. They need a new board. Clearly the one they have is not a fit.
Hey Henry, Henry County teachers are leaving. You are making it impossible to work. We have to spend six or more extra hours for training on our own time? Lesson planning that is about the form, not the lesson, terrible professional development – they just throw info at us without actual training us on the new materials and programs. With teacher shortages, you’re paving the way for our county to fail even worse than you have been the last few years, which is a terrible accomplishment.
Hey Henry, I recently moved to Peachtree City from McDonough. One thing I noticed is in Peachtree City, there are so many trees. In Henry County, when they build a house, they cut down most or all of the trees. Same with businesses.
Hey Henry, to the person complaining about Trump – I guess it is about like Hillary thinking she is above the law. You do remember the emails that she deleted and got away with?
Hey Henry, Isn’t it interesting how we pick and choose what to believe? Republicans were all about law and order until MAGA’s cult leader broke the law and absconded secret documents. Now they can’t wait to tear down the Department of Justice. Only in Trump do they trust.
Hey Henry, county revenue could be made easily by Henry County Police ticketing drivers on Russell Road every morning from the hours of 7-11. The speed limit of 25 is rarely followed by cars, trucks and school buses! Try it for one week and see how much $ is made. SLOW DOWN!!!!
Hey Henry, why all the censoring of the comments to articles on your website? Comments are submitted and never added. Oh … just comments you don’t agree with?
Hey Henry, the county commissioners couldn’t decide how to use the federal Covid money, but they sure did raise our taxes.
Hey Henry, is it sad when the only birthday card you get is from a financial investment firm? Asking for friend.
Vintage comment from October 22, 2008 – “Hey Henry, it’s sad that we’re all excited that gas prices are getting down to what we all used to complain about them getting up to!
Hey Henry, why can’t the commissioners fix our roads and fully fund our libraries to the fullest? Our roads are in terrible shape and our libraries need proper funding to keep people hired. Every time I go into the McDonough library I never see the same people twice that have helped me. The roads I travel on look like they belong in a war zone.
Hey Henry, don’t call her The Saurus, she has a name. Mrs. Bronto Saurus is a fine, upstanding citizen and deserves better.
Hey Henry, a most beautiful sight standing in front of Kroger the other morning. Two motorcycle cops chasing down speeders right and left. I watched with enthusiasm as they caught five speeders one right after another. It’s about time. Henry County has given in to the reckless cavalier attitude of drivers moving here from who knows where. Make that fine $500 and make believers out of the lawless.
Hey Henry, 2024 cannot get here fast enough; Biden/Harris have got to go! I can’t afford Bidenflation. Way to go Democrats, he’s a puppet disaster!
Hey Henry, “Trees provide oxygen and limit carbon in the atmosphere. They reduce air pollution, provide food and shelter for wildlife, minimize erosion and maintain healthy soil, increase rainfall, and absorb sunlight as energy. Simply, trees are an essential component of life on Earth.” and YET, when building new homes the developers are allowed to remove nearly all, or all of the trees. How does that serve the community?
Hey Henry, HELP! Litterthugs and LOUD Boyz (mufflers) are terrorizing our “communities.”
Hey Henry, Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
Hey Henry, as to the person that commented about the moronic comments about Trump. Feel free to not read them, as those who worship at the feet of Trump seem to be extremely angry people. I don’t know why so many react in such violent terms (like when he got caught stealing) TOP SECRET documents from the WH. How can one person break so many laws? It almost seems like he wants to be locked up. Why does he think he is above the law? I am sure he will use this as a way to win votes from the many people that feel sorry for the mistreatment of Trump.
Hey Henry, How do I disable the autocorrect function on my wife?
Hey Henry, has anyone else noticed how the landscaping around the McDonough Library looks very bleak and uninviting? It’s not very cheerful or full of color.
Hey Henry, everyone knows the traffic is bad, and that McDonough is not the little town it used to be. How about looking at some of the positive aspects of living in this community instead of wallowing in the past. Find out what you can do and don’t ever think that there isn’t anything you can do to make things better. But you won’t make it better by just complaining.
Hey Henry, I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
Vintage comment from October 8, 2008 – “Hey Henry, just because you pull halfway into the intersection, don’t assume that I will surrender my right-of-way. Remember what assume means.
Hey Henry, so the insurance companies will be raising auto rates because of the stupidity of senseless and disrespectful drivers. With the technology we have, place a tracker on the vehicles who are at a high risk. Some of us that still obey all driving laws still get punished from other idiots. I say charge the insurance companies for them not doing their jobs.
Hey Henry, Is there another word for thesaurus?
Hey Henry, thanks to the Henry County Times for offering an outlet for freedom of speech.
Hey Henry, How does Rob DeMarco get these interviews? Aren’t these people dead?
Hey Henry, Do 16 pro-trump fake electors qualify as voter fraud?
Hey Henry, Why worry and fret about the state of our country? God is in control. His plan is coming to fruition.
Hey Henry, I find it comical when TV reporters thank each other for their reports. I’ve never had a co-worker come into my office and say “thanks for showing up today and doing the job you’re getting paid to do!”
Hey Henry, There are several lights in the parking lot of the McDonough Post Office. Why are they never on in the early morning when I drop my mail off on the way to work? Just asking.
Hey Henry, To celebrate the 4th of July, I jumped around in my underwear. It was my In-Depends-Dance Day.
Hey Henry, I keep seeing a local minister mentioning “increase.” I’ve seen it on a bumper sticker too. What’s it mean? Asking for a friend.
Hey Henry, attention all slobs. STOP leaving your used masks and garbage in shopping carts. How were you brought up, if at all?
Hey Henry, our family and friends loved the Frankenstein article. Great photo!
Hey Henry, thanks for wasting money on that stupid diverging diamond and those dumb round-abouts and not re-paving the roads that desperately need it.
Hey Henry, Britney Griner got caught with drugs in Russia. She’s an adult and she’s not special. I’ve got no sympathy for idiot drug users (nor should anyone else). Commit the crime, do the time.
Hey Henry it seems the title Secret Service has a whole new meaning.
Hey Henry, Every two weeks I continue to read moronic comments from the one or two socialist/marxist President Trump bashing loons who are permitted to post here for the sake of a free press. Why, nearly two years after Mr Biden and the behind-the-scenes, Democrat, puppet-master politburo pulling his strings has taken office, are these individuals still spewing anti-Trump insults? The answer is quite simple. They fear his return, and so they should.
Vintage comment from September 3, 2008 – “Hey Henry, I thought I saw a pirate the other night. Arrrrgh!
Hey Henry, I’d like to give a super thank you to the nice lady and her two children in line at Wal-Mart who told this old white-haired woman to get in front of her with my two items. There are still a lot of special and kind people out there.
Hey Henry, It was asked “Why wear the mask?” You wear the mask because of the reason that was stated … “because people are still getting sick.”
Hey Henry, A HUGE thank you to HCPD Community Relations and A Friend’s House teens for your recent service creating the Fairview library’s butterfly garden. You are my heroes!
Hey Henry, “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.” ~ Thomas Jefferson.
Hey Henry, Why doesn’t Kim Kardashian contact her bud D. Trump and ask him to call his BFF Putin in trying to help Brittney Griner obtain release? Is Trump waiting to see if he wins in 2024 before he would try to help her? Sounds just like him.
Hey Henry, to the person talking about the variant changing with Covid, again, you are brain washed and I believe it’s a little fried to believe that.
Hey Henry, that so-called “Good Trouble” and shenanigans is the exact same thing, they just decided to change the terminology.
Hey Henry, The Teachers Union is omitting the word mother in order to appease the trans community at the expense of all the mothers in the world. What a shame – if the Teachers Union Board of nonsense had not had mothers we would all be better off.
Hey Henry, someone please kick me for selling my beautiful home and not thinking ahead about everyone unloading their rundown junk. No bargains exist and I’m thinking of asking Biden to help me out.
Hey Henry, I hate driving. Drivers pulling out in front of you, tailgating, I’m talking about even doing this with kids in their vehicles. Tell me, why does the state issue handicap tags? These drivers are the worst.
Hey Henry, this column has become nothing more than a soapbox for anonymous complaining about Republican this, or Democrat that. I pose this question, what have any of these political parties done constructive for you and your well being? Stop being fooled, none of them are for us!
Hey Henry, After dinner, my wife asked if I could clear the table. I needed a running start, but I made it!
Hey Henry, Brittney Griner should stay in Russia. She is part of the Olympics. She should be a role model for other women instead of being stupid by bringing drugs into Russia. I have no pity for her. People who have no respect for our country or themselves don’t deserve the freedoms that America offers.
Hey Henry, why can’t the county pave roads during the hours of less usage? They always have to work on them when traffic is the heaviest, such as the morning hours when folks are going to work. Plus, stop wasting taxpayers money by cold patching pot holes in roads. That stuff just washes out in a rain storm or just doesn’t hold up to traffic driving over it.
Vintage comment from August 6, 2008 – “Hey Henry, spay and neuter your pets. Too many die every day!
Hey Henry, I would like to thank the lady at the Eagles Landing Publix for paying the balance of my grocery bill. I was taken aback at your kindness and your optimism, because I don’t see that too often. Thank you so much. God bless you. You really made my day. God is looking down on you.
Hey Henry, I want to thank the Locust Grove library staff for a wonderful job on their Summer Reading opening program. My grandchildren thoroughly enjoyed the craft programs, the Locust Grove fire department, and registering for summer reading. We look forward to participating in more library programs this summer.
Hey Henry, I take exception to the people who park their cars in the Curbside Pickup lanes just so they can be a little closer to the store entrance. You are being lazy and rude. Sometimes it’s hard for people there to pick up groceries to find an empty space because of jerks like you. This is a frequent occurrence at the Willow Lane Walmart. Too bad they won’t tow you away!
Hey Henry, I have been noticing that private lawn care companies are cutting the grass at Henry County libraries. Since when did the county stop cutting grass at county facilities?
Hey Henry, You speak of Ms. Abrams only caring about her personal wealth, what has Kemp done for the people that are not wealthy? Stacey cares about the people of this state that are uninsured, sick and many dying. Has Kemp done ANYTHING to help those people? If you are dead all of this other stuff doesn’t mean much.
Hey Henry, Keisha Lance Bottoms failed at running the City of Atlanta, and now she’s joining the Biden Administration. It’s a great fit, she has the failure credentials.
Hey Henry, The reason people are getting covid after getting the vaccines is because the VARIANTS KEEP CHANGING. You say people are being brain washed, I say I think you went to the same school as Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Hey Henry, Do you fact check posts? What source supports the statement that most of the 2020 voter fraud was Republicans?? Oh wait, Democrats are really bad at doing their own thinking. Here, have some more Kool-Aid.
Hey Henry, Rob DeMarco is too funny!
Hey Henry, Pat Benatar put on a great show in Stockbridge on the 25th, but that gal down front in the Joan Jett concert T-shirt made it kinda tough to concentrate on Pat!
Hey Henry, Hate won’t win the race.
Hey Henry, That Wild West atmosphere on the roads is on purpose. They’re hoping to drive more folks out of town.
Hey Henry, Why not wait until you can actually get concrete before throwing the Diverging Diamond Interchange up.
Hey Henry, Some of you are using your cars as weapons the way you tailgate and cut us off.
Hey Henry, If I have to hear the amphitheater, it’ll have to hear me in kind.
Vintage comment from July 2, 2008 – “Hey Henry, If you are building a high-end, nice home, don’t use chicken wire for your fence. Money sure doesn’t buy class!
Hey Henry, I would like to thank the gentleman who offered to stand guard while I picked up the money I dropped at the ATM at the Bank of America in McDonough.
Hey Henry, the cost of living in Europe is four times higher than it was last year, and rising. They have some of the highest gas prices. Are we going to blame Biden for that also?
Hey Henry, with all this street racing going on, where is the insurance commissioner, or even the underwriters that insure these dang idiots. Put your foot down on this. Quit insuring them. Start holding the parents responsible for their child’s stupidity.
Hey Henry, have you heard about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu – you get what you deserve.
Hey Henry, so Trump did not want to look like a loser in 2020. Well, he was already a loser. (Just ask all the people that worked for him in the past, and he cheated them out of their hard earned money). Can’t tell the truth if his life depended on it. As far as Biden, there are some things I don’t exactly agree with, but you cannot blame a President (not any of them) for everything bad that happens. The more Trump whines about the 2020 election, the more of a loser he becomes.
Hey Henry, we are living in the most chaotic, expansive wild west atmosphere imaginable. I can’t get over the driving habits in Henry. Where did these people come from? It’s more than dangerous, it’s criminal.
Hey Henry does anyone find it ironic that the cases of voter fraud discovered in the 2020 election were mostly committed by Republicans? I find it ironic, but not at all surprising !
Hey Henry, people wear a mask because of the so-called virus, if they get the so-called vaccine, which is not a vaccine because people are still getting sick, why wear the mask? People are brain washed!
Hey Henry, the person talking about the tractor trailers taking over the community, I bet you’re the same one complaining about stuff not being on the shelf and out out stock. If it wasn’t for the trucks, you would have nothing.
Hey Henry, just remember, no one is getting out alive.
Hey Henry surely there is just one person who could help MTG with proper English. Maybe you could tutor her. It boggles the mind that she was reelected – not much to pick from. She does not know the difference in the use of the words fragrant, and flagrant? Sad. She would come across as much more intelligent if she would just not speak.
Hey Henry, I don’t mind so much getting old, but my body is throwing a major fit.
Hey Henry, the only thing Stacy Abrams wants to expand is her personal wealth. She cares nothing about Georgia. She’s simply giving lip service and promoting herself to get elected. Fools are making her rich (she was in debt and broke when she ran last time!). It’s frustrating for native Georgians to watch the destruction of Georgia by politicians like Abrams. Democrat Joe Biden is doing a horrible job; inflation, gas prices, food prices – everything is outrageously priced, immigration is out of control. Why would anyone want more Democratic failure?
Vintage comment from June 18, 2008 – “Hey Henry, does anyone else think quality growth is an oxymoron in Henry County?”
Hey Henry, a big shout-out to whoever did the planter containers on the Square. Keep McDonough beautiful!
Hey Henry, WOW… couldn’t the county wait to resurface Elliott Road when school was out? Turner Church is closed because of putting in a roundabout that is taking forever, and now Elliot. What a mess!
Hey Henry, John McCain will always be known as a hero, and Trump will always be known as a bone spur COWARD.
Hey Henry, the Georgia Supreme Court is right now hearing arguments from lawyers representing the Sons of Confederate Veterans regarding the unlawful removal of the Charles T. Zachary monument from the McDonough Square. The monument is still in storage. It may be back. This is not over…
Hey Henry, a recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.
Hey Henry, I really appreciate the very nice young lady with Henry County Code Enforcement working in my neighborhood now. Anytime I call she is right on top of things. Thank you for all you do!
Hey Henry, Let’s get some clarification on Airbnb in Henry County. Rentals are interfering with the neighborhoods with loud music, traffic etc. Only certain business can be allowed from your home and this is not one of them. Henry County Government, protect our neighborhoods.
Hey Henry, I’m not sure why tractor-trailers are taking over our community. They are destroying our roads and no one seems to care. It’s heart breaking. We are the residents on Old Griffin Road.
Hey Henry, I actually had a “Lime in the Coconut’’ drink in Puerto Rico a few years ago, but I can’t remember what was in it.
Hey Henry, Did the people that voted for MTG recently do so in order to make themselves feel smarter? She actually said peach tree dish in the place of petri dish.
Hey Henry, it’s amazing how I sit and watch people with cell phones and it’s like their life line. To me, it’s like watching a baby with a pacifier, they can’t do without. My, my how they have society so brain washed and focused on the wrong things.
Hey Henry, as far as the person talking about Stacey Abrams and her finances, and the question “how can people be so stupid?” Ask anyone that voted for Trump and you will have your answer. Stacey wants to expand Medicaid and make sure everyone in this state has health coverage. I would be curious to know how many people against her do not have insurance.
Hey Henry, I was addicted to the hokey pokey, but then I turned myself around.
Hey Henry, I know gas prices are high and people complain but yet they’re still buying new cars, eating out just about every night and spending money left and right, and yet they complain about gas. Not to mention, going on vacation.
Vintage comment from June 11, 2008 – “Hey Henry, why do some people think a dirt road is a trash can?”
Hey Henry, Congratulations to Eddie and Brenda Whitaker who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 14!
Hey Henry, Not including YIELD and STOP signs, I think the most ignored traffic sign is ‘left lane is for passing only.’
Hey Henry, The old saying, there’s a sucker born every minute and people will buy just about anything describes the housing market, not just in Henry, but all over. The junk out there is amazing. Save your money and try something other than buying.
Hey Henry, The economy is terrible. At the beginning of the year, the politicians promised things would improve by the last quarter. Well, I’m down to my last quarter and they haven’t improved!
Hey Henry, Parents, please call your student’s school before you have DoorDash delivered. Most schools do not take outside food unless it is brought in by the legal guardian.
Hey Henry, Joe has us in a most dangerous situation. If the Democrats don’t step up and admit we are in trouble, the situation will continue to get worse. How could everything go down so fast after Trump left office?
Hey Henry, It is a dark, dark, day for America and our Democracy. The rights and laws the majority of Americans are fighting for are issues the people want, and these issues are 70, 80 to 90% in favor by the majority. What we have is government by the minority. The majority are in favor of immigration reform, expansion of health care for all, restoration of the voting rights act, gun reform laws that insure background checks to reduce the slaughter on our streets, and women’s rights that protect not only the infant, women, reproduction rights, but all of life.
Hey, Henry, To the person who says Trump is envious of John McCain, you need to check your facts. John McCain was not a hero, but the privileged son of an admiral.
Hey Henry, Guess what? If you move further from metro Atlanta the housing prices drop over one hundred thousand dollars compared to Henry County. It’s true, research it.
Hey Henry, Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.
Hey Henry, The Richard Craig Park ball field is a hazard for kids to play on. The pitcher’s mound is about a half foot high. It is all crab grass, there are no bleachers to sit on and the bathrooms are locked. I was at Warren Holder ball field today and the bathrooms were so nasty it was sickening. I drive on Hwy. 42 and Peeksville Road almost daily and see these County golf carts riding around. Send them to the parks to clean them up. Are you only worried about the Square? How about concentrating on the parks where kids play?
Hey Henry, I mentioned this several times already. I live in a 55 and older subdivision off Brannon Road, and we have several Stop signs in the neighborhood. I see people daily just running these Stop signs. If they run these, they are more than likely running those on the main roads.
Hey Henry, I have just enough discipline to know that I don’t have much discipline.
Vintage comment from June 4, 2008 – “Hey Henry, happy birthday to my wife! You little cutie-pie, you’re no bigger than the hammer on a twenty-two, but you sure are pretty! Remember Gina Lollobrigida, that gorgeous Italian film star from the 50’s and 60’s? You favor her a lot, if the light’s kinda dim and I squint real hard.
Hey Henry, You learn nothing from life if you think you’re right all the time.
Hey Henry, I would like to thank everyone for all of the phone calls, presents, surprises and gifts that I received for my 90th birthday. Special thanks to those of you who stopped by the drive through birthday celebration. May God continue to bless you all – Mrs. Willie G. Varner.
Hey Henry, for the idiot on the black motorcycle riding my bumper on Locust Road, you are going to end up as road kill. This guy has no sense and thinks he is cool driving like that. I hope the police catch his no-good butt.
Hey Henry, the Governor isn’t giving us anything. That’s our money in the first place. Nobody, especially in your local state and government, give you anything. That’s your money you paid in and wasted on taxes. Maybe the school system would retain more employees if they paid them more money – from teachers to maintenance personnel, to paraprofessionals.
Hey Henry, Stacey Abrams owed all kinds of taxes and had outrageous debt the last time she ran for Governor (and was rejected!), now she’s throwing money around right and left….oh wait, that’s not HER money, it’s from her “non profit” contributions. Seriously, how are people so stupid?
Hey Henry, I want all of the men and women that are pro-abortion to get healthy and form an organization that will be willing to adopt all of the unwanted babies. I want you to think about the kinds of lives these babies will be subjected to, such as the 3-week-old baby that died of alcohol poisoning. Do you think that was a wanted baby? I think not.
Hey Henry, How many times will we let our Board of Commissioners break promises before we vote them out?
Hey Henry, John McCain, unfortunately, did not have the respect he wanted. Yes he was a POW at the Hanoi Hilton. That was his only claim to fame. He blew whichever way the wind blew. He wanted to be liked and respected but failed at both.
Hey Henry, Plantation Road will get renamed before it gets repaved. Wait for it.
Hey Henry, we need weekly vents, not bi-monthly.
Hey Henry, I now have a cardiologist, an ophthalmologist, a rheumatologist, an otolaryngologist, a pulmonologist, and a gynecologist. I, myself, am a tiredofitologist.
Hey Henry, Thanks Henry Times, for writing about the opening (finally) of the Stockbridge City Council meetings. But … “A quick scroll on the COS Facebook page shows the council meetings closed since at least last October”? The city council meetings have been closed for over 2 years … since March of 2020. While they spent millions of tax dollars, and began attempting annexation of an extra 21,000 (6900?) citizens/taxpayers into the city limits.
Vintage comment from April 30, 2008 – “Hey Henry, there is no ‘ctrl’ button on Chuck Norris’s computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
Hey Henry, When you’re dead, you don’t know you’re dead, but it’s hard for the people around you. It’s the same when you’re stupid.
Hey Henry, I hate it when I go out in public and the public is there.
Hey Henry, Russia and the Ukraine killed Covid-19!
Hey Henry, Since when did “like, like, like, for sure, I mean, yeah, I mean like amazing,” become a complete sentence or thought?
Hey Henry, Henry County is already full of Shake Rag and Tatterdemalions and there’s no fixing the cat.
Hey Henry, to all the big payday home sellers: make sure you have a plan, a real plan, before you sell your home. You will find yourself with nowhere to go, no home, missing your home, and going through money fast. Didn’t count on that, didja?
Hey Henry, In response to the last Casual Observer column – I prefer raw oysters, which should help clams be happier.
Hey Henry, Any chance of Plantation Road (New Hope to Laney) being resurfaced? It’s in really bad shape!
Hey Henry, Many people are quick to criticize federal taxes and federal spending. Most of them don’t realize that 31% of the Georgia budget ($15.1 billion) is funded with federal tax dollars.
Hey Henry, I can’t believe it, but I’m actually getting tired of checking my smartphone every 30 seconds!
Hey Henry, I had the most inconsiderate jerk at the Publix checkout counter the other day. Last time I use the self checkout lane!
Hey Henry, It would be far too efficient and effective for Code Enforcement to hand out citations within neighborhoods they are in WHILE they are there. It is ridiculous that a “complaint/request” must be filed before they can maybe, at some point in time, investigate the exact address given and maybe write a citation.
Hey Henry, Putting politics aside, Melania Trump is definitely a lady and a smart one at that. You don’t hear much from her because she is so busy doing good things that benefit people. She’s not busy tearing others apart. What do you hear from Jill Biden? Nothing!
Hey Henry, Do you think Trump will ever get over being so envious of John McCain? It looks as if Trump needs SOME mental help speaking badly about a War Hero who was a POW for over five years. He will NEVER obtain the respect John McCain has, and he knows it. He should be ashamed.
Hey Henry, Trump’s so-called BFF didn’t start any wars while President Trump was in charge! Putin knew he couldn’t withstand the pay back from Trump, not like the old senile wimp who is now in the White House. Hope all you Biden voters enjoy filling your vehicles up and paying the high cost for groceries when they’re available.
Vintage comment from April 16, 2008 – “Hey Henry, Why do people move here and try to take over? It ain’t broke! Don’t mess with it. Leave the Square alone.
Hey Henry, What makes you think it’s you we’re talking about?
Hey Henry, Happy birthday to Geraldine Nelson who turned 90 on March 6 and Mary Ruth McClendon who turned 96 on March 11. Both ladies are members of Shiloh Baptist Church in McDonough.
Hey Henry, What happened to Henry Code Enforcement? You can ride through any neighborhood and see grass and weeds ankle-high, junk cars and trash everywhere. Has someone told them not to write citations anymore?
Hey Henry, Well, the county keeps bringing in people by the thousands and building houses on every corner. You have caused overcrowding and bumper-to-bumper traffic, not to mention the warehouses y’all keep allowing them to build cause more traffic.
Hey Henry, those who can; do. Those who can’t; criticize others on social media.
Hey Henry, Just remember, without freedom of speech, we wouldn’t know who the idiots are.
Hey Henry, Thank you to the Henry County District 1 Transportation crew. During a recent storm a tree fell across Coan Dr. They quickly responded and cleared the roadway. Those brave men jumped into action without any regard for their own personal safety to help others. It reminded me that not all heroes wear a cape, a badge or ride in a fire truck. We have unsung heroes right here in our D.O.T!
Hey Henry, Face it. The only reason anyone owes back taxes is because of unreported income and failure to report income. It’s as simple as that. You don’t suddenly owe taxes because of some glitch or mistake. Pay your taxes. The fees and penalties are outrageous. I know.
Hey Henry, What does it take to get a Henry County Police officer to put down his cell phone, get out of the car and actually direct traffic at a malfunctioning red light? I have yet to see one actually direct traffic to ease congestion.
Hey Henry, Jesus, can you please come and take the wheel? This whole thing is being run into a ditch.
Hey Henry, Eagle’s Landing Pkwy. should be renamed, “drive at your own risk.” While you’re at it, rename Jodeco road the same. I really hate these disrespectful drivers.
Hey Henry, And just like that, in one instant, you’re gone. You took your last breath. And decades of building a good and worthy life are gone, leaving only memories that dwell in the hearts and minds of all who loved you. My heart is so broken.
Hey Henry, Republican Gov. Kemp is giving a State Tax Refund due to Bidenflation. If you voted for Biden, you shouldn’t get any refund.
Hey Henry, Have you seen the latest that Trump’s BFF, Putin, is up to now? Torturing and killing men, women and children. Keep this in mind when you go to vote if Trump runs in 2024.
Vintage comment from April 9, 2008 – “Hey Henry, Please don’t talk about me.”
Hey Henry, All the ads by personal injury attorneys remind me of a story. A client asked the attorney, “What is it going to cost me?” The attorney replied, “It won’t cost you a thing. In fact, I am going to give you half of what I get.”
Hey Henry, So Trump says there is a lot of love behind Putin wanting to make his country larger. It’s a shame he has to leave
so many dead bodies behind in order to do so.
Hey Henry, You know how some football players throw the football into the crowd after scoring a touchdown? That’s not allowed in bowling. I know that now.
Hey Henry, Just heard this while watching a really old movie on TV: “The worst thing a woman can do is to pick the wrong man and try to make him right.” Sure wish I’d learned that before a lot of failed relationships!
Hey Henry, Henry County is already full of Shake Rag and Tatterdemalions and there’s no fixing the cat.
Hey Henry, I don’t know who to thank for the upgrade at the recycling center in McDonough … but, WOW! Last year taking my recycling was a nightmare. But, last week when I went, the receptacles were clean and newly organized. The staff was helpful and upbeat. The employee at the new cardboard compactor enthusiastically explained the process. What was at one time a rather harrowing trip, was “easy-peasy.” (I’m 80 years old and those wooden steps were a killer!)
Hey Henry, Why can’t we support everyone and everything, not just specific groups?
Hey Henry, The best decision my family ever made was moving out of Henry County. It was a wonderful place to grow up, but my husband and I, our 6 children, 10 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren finally made the decision to get out while the getting was good. All of the houses sold, except one, which was designated Section 8. This shows you how far McDonough has fallen.
Hey Henry, Hey Mom, why are Nana’s arms blue in the family pictures. Oh, Nana had an emotional moment when she was young and foolish that has lasted a lifetime. Tatoos, they were called. Why would you do that? “Ask your Nana.”
Hey Henry, As we watch Ukranians die in the streets to preserve their freedom, let this be a reminder to all Americans about how very sacred freedom is. The socialist/marxist movement that is underfoot in the U.S. and has infiltrated big tech, our universities and the government wishes to invalidate our constitution and eliminate our freedoms. Their policies are destroying our nation. Vote against them in 2022 and 2024.
Hey Henry, OK, I’m going to be the grammar police. I submitted a Hey Henry that was published. It had been edited to change it from a grammatically correct sentence to a non grammatically correct sentence. Shame on you, “Hey Henry,” for not knowing the rules of grammar.
Hey Henry, Sorry to disappoint, but Melania #1 is not classy. As the song goes, “money can’t buy you class.” # 2 She is NOT a lady (I have seen the pictures that prove that). We did not see Melania that often because she had nothing of any interest to say.
Vintage comment from March 26, 2008 – “Hey Henry, what does a crook see with? Burglarize!”
Hey Henry, Look up the Urban Dictionary’s definition of “sagging” pants and its origin. From a mark of shame to a fashion statement. #TeamBackwardHats.
Hey Henry, Kudos to Mr. Cannon for standing up for what is right and calling out the corruption within the Henry County Board of Commissioners. You are the commissioner that Henry County deserves but will never have with the present political leaders.
Hey Henry, We look forward to every issue to read Hey Henry. We also enjoy the Casual Observer. Every article is so unique!
Hey Henry, Here’s a solution for your friend, tell her to leave EARLIER or find a different route to work. It’s called being personally responsible.
Hey Henry, Regarding the comment about outrageous and overpriced real estate in Henry County. That is happening everywhere. I’m quite thankful for it, I’ve lived in HC for over 30 years, my home is long ago paid for and I’m selling to get the heck out of Henry County given the political degradation and long list of reasons NOT to live here just like everyone else who can. It’ll become a rental property just like every other house sold in Henry County. Given the demographics, it’ll only get worse.
Hey Henry, Henry County Commissioners should take care of the employees who make their special projects happen. Quit using them as pawns against the Henry County Chair.
Hey Henry, If the American people would stay their butts at home and not go out so much, the gas prices would not stay so high. But people are going to go out regardless of how high the price of gas is. I wish I knew where they found these good paying jobs. That’s right, family and friends.
Hey Henry, The school system was just out for a week-long break. Yet someone must have “forgotten” to turn off the school zone warning lights. Now that we’re getting tickets for speeding in school zones by cameras, what’s going to happen to all those tickets when school isn’t even in session?
Hey Henry, Let’s bring back Shake Rag.
Hey Henry, American made products don’t get stuck on cargo ships.
Hey Henry, I can’t help but notice that our commissioners work really hard at tooting their own horn.
Hey Henry, I was just wondering when Girl Scouts will be required by the woke to change the name of their cookies to “all gender” cookies?
Hey Henry, News flash, Georgia is one of the worst states for older Americans to live in. Not only Georgia, but Henry County is sadly gaining in unpopularity.
Hey Henry, If you are in favor of or support any war on foreign soil are you willing to send your son or daughter to wage it? If not, then don’t support it.
Vintage comment from March 19, 2008 – “Hey Henry, I recently served on Jury Duty at the State Court. It was a wonderful experience … really. The court staff were very pleasant and they served hot coffee and raisin oatmeal cookies every morning. Thanks for the great experience.
Hey Henry, can someone please do something about the train ALWAYS breaking down between Jonesboro Road and Racetrack. The traffic is ridiculous. MY FRIEND lost her job because this happens at least 7 times a week.
Hey Henry, there is no more Henry County, it is non-existent and will never return. Rename Henry County with an appropriate name.
Hey Henry, I have serious, debilitating health issues. So, me and my husband’s retirement is not what we dreamed it would be. I told him that if he wants to go and have a better life, it would be OK. He said “I don’t want to go have a better life, I want to stay here with you.” Hmmm. It made me laugh out loud.
Hey Henry, why is it that it is up to the board of commissioners to select a district 3 commissioner? Let the people vote one in. Did the board of commissioners not run off Greg Cannon? They must want a commissioner that will not work for the people of Henry County, only one that will work for crooked politicians.
Hey Henry, why does the City of McDonough still allow 18 wheelers to come through the Square and turn left on Zack Hinton Blvd.? There isn’t enough space for them to make the turn and all they do is hold up traffic!
Hey Henry, The Bulldogs FINALLY won a championship; the last time was 1980. Alabama has won 16? 18? National Championships. Georgia fans need to spare everyone the obnoxious “bragging.”
Hey Henry, the newfound wealth of real estate prices has given rise to hundreds of listed homes over-priced beyond reason. Some I wouldn’t give you a dollar for and listed for 2 and 3 hundred thousand. Buyer beware.
Hey Henry, so a Henry County commissioner resigned because he couldn’t tolerate the corruption, graft, politics or whatever. So now what? Do we, the citizens of Henry County, get an investigation? Or, is it business as usual.
Hey Henry, concerning men wearing hats backwards. The “Urban Dictionary” defines a “backwards hat” in this way. 1. The calling card of a moron. 2. Something that white kids took from black kids and ruined. 3. How to identify the true loser in the crowd. 4. I can easily single out who is the real dope of the group because he has his hat on backwards.
Hey Henry, If gas prices continue to rise, I believe employers should compensate and pay employees an extra hour to make up for the increase or give some type of supplement. I’m not talking about a raise, I’m talking a about extra money on a continuous basis until gas prices come down.
Hey Henry, I love the Henry County Times, most of the time it’s our only voice.
Hey Henry, I’ll be happy to buy Melania’s “I don’t care” jacket. She’s a classy lady! Unlike Hillary and Michelle, she didn’t have to be the center of attention or act like she was President when her husband was the one elected to the Presidency.
Vintage comment from March 5, 2008 – “This is a good ole town that has been
around for many years. It is a great place to live … we used not to have
all these fun activities, but we are getting there.”
Hey Henry, Tide rolled … over. Congrats to the Georgia Bulldogs – college
football’s National Champions. Yah-Hoo!
Hey Henry, Why are the folks in our Henry County Government so divisive? Do
we not all deserve to live in peace? They socially engineer everything and
do absolutely nothing to bring folks together.
Hey Henry, Blessings to the gentleman at the Shell station at East Lake Rd.
and Hwy. 155 N, who bought my 3 grandchildren their treats on Sunday, Jan.
27th. You made quite an impression with your generosity. Thank you.
Hey Henry, It upsets me this morning as I hear the news about the threats to
the Black colleges nationwide. Consider that with technology, it could be an
attack by a source not in the US, to turn our nation’s people against each
Hey Henry, I think it’s time McDonough starts fining Norfolk Southern for
leaving trains parked across Phillips Drive for 30 minutes or even longer.
This is getting ridiculous.
Hey Henry, Do you censor posts about Henry County Schools? There’s a severe
shortage of paraprofessionals in the schools, so they just created a
$90,000-a-year position to recruit more paraprofessionals for $5.15 an hour
with a high school degree and $14.00 an hour with a college degree.
McDonald’s pays $15.00 an hour and no kids will hit or bite you.
Hey Henry, Time may be a great healer, but it’s also a lousy beautician.
Hey Henry, To all the newbies here in McDonough, please know that the stop
signs and traffic lights, are NOT a suggestion, but actual laws that save
lives! You don’t get the option to drive through without stopping! Neither
are the turn lanes meant for passing! Let’s be safe on the roads, we’re all
trying to get somewhere.
Hey Henry, Tax Commissioners can you please STOP BUILDING! JUST SAY NO
Hey Henry, Ladies, those over-the-top fake eyelashes make you look like
Cartoon characters. It’s BeYond ridiculous!
Hey Henry, Who knew Trump had relatives in Henry County? Surely they are
related since they know so much about his personal activities and all about
him. I guess their invitation to visit at the White House got lost in the
mail. Rein in the Trump hate and stop embarrassing yourself. Biden/Harris
and the Democratic party are disasters in the White House; the list of
failures is already long.
Hey Henry, Some guys look great with their hat on backwards. I’ll take that
any day over a guy walking around with his pants hanging down to his knees
holding his crotch.
Hey Henry, Please do not fill up our hospitals if you CHOOSE to not get
vaccinated. I am not referring to the people that are UNABLE to take the
vaccine. This is very selfish, and unfair to those that are vaccinated and
have serious health issues, that they must travel hundreds of miles from
their homes in order to find a hospital bed. That is, if they are lucky
enough to even find one.
Vintage comment from February 29, 2008 – “What is it called when you bring suit against a government official? Sudafed!”
Hey Henry, At my age, everything in the giant wholesale clubs is a lifetime supply.
Hey Henry, Is it really any surprise that Trump was sitting, watching the violence unfold at the Capitol? It is no secret that he feeds off of violence, as long as he is not directly involved. I am sure as a young boy/man if anyone approached him in a violent manner he went running to dear old dad. He is such a poor excuse for a human, and I hope and pray he never sees the inside of the White House.
Hey Henry, When I look back on my life, I am seriously impressed that I’m still alive.
Hey Henry, To the person inquiring about the Christmas Parade, that was axed when “officials” told the SCV they’d rather cancel the parade than deal with the “fallout.” Funny how folks ‘prejudge’ ain’t it?
Hey Henry, R.I.P., Grover. You were a true McDonough treasure and will be missed.
Hey Henry, You may not realize it but your column is very popular and widely read. Please return to listing it weekly. There is a lot of truth and wisdom posted here. Thanks also for allowing the socialists and marxists to post. We free Americans want them to have freedom of speech even though they would deny it for the rest of us and shut this page down.
Hey Henry, Make no mistake. We will be revisiting 1956 sitting on the floor outside your classroom with our head tucked in our knees if Joe Biden doesn’t get a grip on this country. China is the dominant world power today and it comes as no surprise. Chinese warships will be docking in the Gulf of Mexico before you know it.
Hey Henry, Don’t you just love the people that blow their nasty smoke from vaping in a restaurant when they aren’t supposed to be doing that in there in the first place? They love putting that poison in their system I guess.
Hey Henry, when are the new residents coming to occupy the hundreds, if not thousands, of new homes sitting empty in Henry County? Talk about speculation! Who is in charge of this disaster?
Hey Henry, You learn nothing from life if you think you’re right all the time.
Hey Henry, Get your checkbooks ready. Melania is auctioning off a hat signed by her, a painting, and OH WAIT! a personalized letter written by Melania herself. The starting bid is $250,000.00. “Some” of the proceeds will be going to children in the foster care community. Translation, Trump needs help raising money for 2024. I can’t wait to see what they are selling next. Maybe her infamous “I don’t care, do you?” jacket. I don’t imagine the children in the foster care system will see much of this money. Anyone who takes money from a Veterans charity to buy a $10,000 portrait of himself does not seem very charitable.
Hey Henry, This is in response to the comment about men wearing their hat backwards. Why should this bother you? Just don’t look. You sound like my sister who says there are two ways for everything, “The wrong way and my way!”
Vintage comment from July 4, 2007 – “Hey Henry, with all the construction, trucks, and traffic on Hwy. 155, why don’t they widen the road?
Hey Henry, On Christmas eve morning I ran to Dollar General in Ola for a few things. The gentleman in front of me asked if I was picking up a few last minute things. I said yep, I’m doing laundry, getting batteries for my cat’s toys for Christmas, and getting some nuts for snacking. When he stepped up to the counter pay for his things he waved me over to put my items with his so he could buy them for me. His act of kindness brought tears to my eyes. If you are reading this I want to Thank You for restoring my faith in others. God Bless you!
Hey Henry, Stop building so many houses! This county cannot handle it. It is overcrowded as it is.
Hey Henry, You can’t have faith in a commissioner that gloats.
Hey Henry, Jeff Reeves did it AGAIN with his column about “Christmas at Conkles” For those of you who weren’t in Henry County during that time, you sure missed out! What a great store and fond memories. Thanks Jeff, keep ‘em coming!
Hey Henry, According to the AJC, McDonough is now part of Clayton County. Sounds about right.
Hey Henry, Guys: turn your hat around the right way, you look like a fool wearing it backwards. You’re not cool whatsoever!
Hey Henry, Dumbing down education is the key to dismantling America. It is happening right under our noses.
Hey Henry, Why anyone would want to move to Henry County or the south period, is beyond me. If you like traffic, wacky weather, tornados, no winter, and crime, then it’s for you.
Hey Henry, I think there probably already is a line of people who want to adopt babies. It is just difficult to do that when they are murdered before they draw a breath.
Hey Henry, Ladies: be careful when taking your masks off. I’ve seen several earrings on the ground in parking lots lately. I’m thinking they’re being pulled off when you take the mask off.
Hey Henry, It is so sad that on Christmas eve, a man decided to make a horrid decision of passing on a double yellow line on a blind hill after flying through a four-way stop at Turner Church and Airline Road. This driver lost his life after he passed a car and went head on into another car.
Hey Henry, the term career politician needs to be abolished by voting them out of office. They have gotten rich off your careless vote and will continue to do so.
Hey Henry, Henry County Commissioners need to show up for meetings or be removed. Their ridiculous games and self-serving agendas are not what they were elected for and do not serve the people of Henry County. Voters who re-elect them are fools.
Hey Henry, “Ole boy” probably moved to another town to get away from the headache Henry County has become. It has nothing to do with instigating division. The tax base is moving OUT of Henry County. Every home for sale becomes a rental. No one should be happy about what is happening in Henry County.
Vintage comment from April 4, 2007 – Hey Henry, and how does anyone “know” that dogs do not have souls? The Buddhists believe that animals have souls and so do I. I’d like to see anyone prove me wrong. You expect everyone to “have faith” in the unknown, and yet people are anxious to say they “know” what entities have souls and what don’t. Let’s all treat every living thing as though they were ourselves and maybe, just maybe we can have some empathy for all living beings.
Hey Henry, A very thankful shout-out to all of the Good Samaritans who helped my husband when his scooter tipped over in the Kroger parking lot. For me it went much deeper than the physical act, knowing so many people care!
Hey Henry, I haven’t heard much about “Mayberry” lately. I wonder if ole boy moved to another town to instigate division.
Hey Henry, the comment about wearing hair nets is most likely up to the health department. Years ago I stopped in a small town in South Georgia for a sandwich. Asked the young lady why she wasn’t wearing gloves while preparing my meal and she said, the health department here doesn’t require them. I threw the sandwich out the window when I got back in the truck.
Hey Henry, we couldn’t help but notice there are Christmas parades all over Georgia tonight but not in McDonough. … A wonderful McDonough tradition that apparently doesn’t matter to the newbies.
Hey Henry, I threw a ball for my dog … It’s a bit extravagant, I know, but it was his birthday and he looks great in a dinner jacket.
Hey Henry, Regarding the comment about the disappearing traffic marking paint, there are two kinds of road striping paint: regular and thermoplastic. When you drive down the road at night and see the nice, bright, reflective road markings, that’s usually thermoplastic road striping. Regular traffic marking paint looks fresh for a short while, then fades. Thermoplastic lasts much longer. Tell your elected officials your safety is worth a little more for better road striping.
Hey Henry, maybe there is a glimmer of hope for Atlanta; the new mayor is a Georgia Tech grad!
Hey Henry, “No publicity is bad publicity.” Just ask the felon Smollett. He went from barely known to a household name. The tail keeps wagging the dog.
Hey Henry, best comment I’ve seen, “you don’t speak for all people of color.”
Hey Henry, it’s disturbing that masks are becoming an “accessory.” Retailers are even promoting masks as Christmas gifts. No, just no.
Hey Henry, This may or may not be published. I am so tired of these anti-abortion people who are so concerned about life begins at conception. My 1st thought is they have no business telling a woman what she can and cannot do with her body . . . so many of us know what happens to unwanted children, and if you don’t, just watch the news because it is happening at unprecedented rates. As I have mentioned in the past, feel free to start a foundation to adopt all of these unwanted babies. I’m sure your list of people that want a baby will be long.
Hey Henry, you women need to get up earlier and put on make-up instead of doing it while driving. Y’all should get a ticket just like having a cell phone in your hand, y’all aren’t paying attention to driving!
Hey Henry, it’s ridiculous that employers allow their employees to constantly be on their phones. Not only is it extremely unprofessional, but it is annoying to be subjected to their stupid one-sided conversations.
Vintage comment from January 17, 2007- Hey Henry, this is Jason, the guy who drove the Supergeek van. I’ve joined the Air Force. Just wanted to let everyone know that. I’ll miss Henry and my friends and family here, but it’s time I move on to serve my country and to help the world.
Hey Henry, I want to send a special thank you to Mayor Copeland for all his years of service to the city. Mr. Mayor, you will forever be the face of McDonough.
Hey Henry, There should be a mandatory maximum entry and retirement age for the US president and Speaker of the House and all of congress. Their judgement leaves a lot to be questioned regardless of whether they are Democrat or Republican!
Hey Henry, When is this county or state going to wake up and realize they need to put a traffic light at Bethlehem and 42 Hwy. How many wrecks and fatalities does it take? It’s one of the worst places to pull out of in the county. Yet, the state or county puts one right up the road for those stupid warehouses we don’t need! Thanks Locust Grove for allowing the warehouses to be built as well. No more small town.
Hey Henry, So now Heritage park falls into such disrepair they want to junk the main attractions? Not repair? Similar to Cochran Park. Fund maintenance! Identify all major maintenance and fix before new construction. Years of neglect.
Hey Henry, overheard in the funeral home. What did one casket say to the other casket? “Is that you coughing?”
Hey Henry, HOA’s – like or dislike? Because ours is a disaster!
Hey Henry, now that the shoe is on the other foot, what happened to inclusion?
Hey Henry, which is the bigger joke? Biden, who says he will fix what he didn’t for 47 years or his supporters, who thinks he will?
Hey Henry, Isn’t it curious that when people need a hearing aid, they want the tiniest one available so it will not be detectable. However, nobody seems to mind having a big bluetooth thing hanging out of their ear so they can talk on their phone.
Hey Henry, the government keeps taking more and more of my hard earned money and giving it away through socialist programs. I’m sick and tired of supporting people living off the government!
Hey Henry, the list of problems Henry County has is long (and growing) and voters re-elected the same politicians responsible for the issues. Don’t expect anything to get better, it’ll just get worse. If you voted for them, you have no right to complain. Stupid is as stupid does.
Hey Henry, Does anybody remembers hair nets? Why don’t food preparers have to wear them anymore? With all this long hair and all, go figure.
Hey Henry, How much money does a company pay to Georgia government officials to sell the state traffic marking paint that disappears in the dark or when it rains?
Hey Henry, Why is it that when the media, in general, reports on former Presidents of the US, they are almost always referred to as “former President Carter, etc., with the exception of former President Trump. He is mostly referred to as just Trump or Mr. Trump. While you may or may not respect the man and what he did, you should at least respect the Office. And media outlets, who should “report” the news in an unbiased format, should lead the way in that equality of the Office held. Otherwise they are guilty of political favoritism.
Vintage comment from November 29, 2006 – “Hey Henry, Parents, when you’re talking on your cell phones all the time you’re ignoring your kids. And maybe setting a bad example.”
Hey Henry, The person saying “we are a third world country” apparently has never been to one or looked at news or
documentaries on one. Millions living in slums of scrap wood and metal shacks; people literally starving to death or dying from weak immune systems because of lack of nourishment, and common laborers making $15 a week, not $15 an hour.
Hey Henry, I can be just as loud as Mr. Atlanta South, I’ll not be stifled. We all have a voice.
Hey Henry, the election is over. Go pick up your eyesore signs. And can we not put signs out for 2022 until next November? If a sign is all that it takes to get your vote and you don’t know the candidates, stay home.
Hey Henry, all my wife’s friends are armed. In their purse they carry a firearm. It’s not safe living in Henry County.
Hey Henry, I feel sorry for any residents living close to the Stockbridge Amphitheater. What a terrible idea and waste of money. Money that could have been spent on something, like the cost of a police force, that benefits ALL residents of the county.
Hey Henry, you’ve got to love your neighbor even if you don’t agree with them. Red touches Yellow kills a fellow, not Blue and Red.
Hey Henry, the changes at Heritage Park are some more of that Good Trouble. Henry County should preserve everyone’s heritage.
Hey Henry, want an inside look at your county? Take a look at the hundreds of mug shots in Henry County. A real eye opener.
Hey Henry, When will the commissioner gets involved and help fix the traffic issue at Jonesboro Road and Willow Lane? Accidents are really an issue here.
Hey Henry, Nickelodeon, the kid network, has made lgbtq history. They have hired their first openly trans 13-year-old actor. This is very big for them and they made not only lgbtq but trans history.
Hey Henry, “The Biden administration is reportedly considering making payments of nearly $450,000 to each person separated from their family at the southern border when they crossed into the country illegally, the Wall Street Journal reports.” SERIOUSLY? Taxpayers need to be outraged!
Hey Henry, Remember, you’re unique, just like everybody else.
Hey Henry, If airline pilots have a mandatory retirement age of 65 then why shouldn’t we have one for the US president and speaker of the house? Their judgement leaves a lot to be questioned.
Hey Henry, the elections this past Tuesday confirm Henry County is officially Clayton County Phase 2. Darker days are ahead. Red turns to blue. Very sad.
Vintage comment from September 20, 2006 – Hey Henry, what is it about the cool, crisp nights that remind you of the one you let go and how much you still love them?
Hey Henry, Our county is full of stuff that makes you go hmmm.
Hey Henry, I’d like to give a big hug and Thank You to the lady who helped me at the Walmart self checkout. After seeing my struggles to pick-up two items that had fallen on the floor, she offered to scan my items for me. When she finished scanning my last item, I look over and saw her inserting HER credit card – my bill was $240. This act of kindness resulted in tears. She even gave me a hug. I hope I can pay it forward!
Hey Henry, Please save the Christmas Parade, the Grinch stole it!
Hey Henry, I love the Fortson library in Hampton. However, I refuse to go there when it’s dark. No lights in the parking lot and it’s creepy. Who’s in charge of getting lights? County? City? Plus, the workers leave on dark nights to an empty dark parking lot. Safety matters.
Hey Henry, The county is being overrun with warehouses? How about the rows upon rows of houses 8 feet apart. When we are stacked together like sardines and the money is no longer being made, the building will stop.
Hey Henry, Generations of people cannot do anything without Googling it. Not only is that pathetic, it shows exactly how uneducated and unskilled the world (especially the US) has become.
Hey Henry, If the United States Postal Service was a private company, and not run by the Government, it would have been out of business a long time ago!
Hey Henry, More than 100 countries pledged to end deforestation in the coming decade. Is McDonough on that list?
Hey Henry, I squashed a Stink bug and I’m not telling the results. Find out for yourself!
Hey Henry, Thank you for posting and allowing me to vent. The right person will read these one day and do something about all the frustration we live with daily.
Hey Henry, It’s a shame you have to turn down a job that you always wanted just because they want you to have the vaccine. I’m talking about Delta Airlines. They will lose a lot of great candidates because of this stupid mandate. This should be illegal!
Hey Henry, Do you know why Trump speaks so disrespectfully of military heroes, such as John McCain (could we ever begin to imagine what that man and other P.O.W.’s went through?) I think not. Trump is so filled with jealousy, and envy at the respect, and gratitude we have for these men, and ALL of our military men, and women. He is a bone spur COWARD, and will always be.
Hey Henry, Make no mistake about it, we are a third world country. Yes, we are and becoming more third world by the week with the help of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Democrat voters happy about this? I doubt it.
Vintage comment from August 23, 2006 – Hey Henry, President Bush, bless his heart, says the economy is doing good. Recently I bought three-dollar-a-gallon gas, drove to the supermarket and saw $9.99 a piece watermelons. Can President Bush, bless his heart, spell inflation?
Hey Henry, The county is being overrun with distribution warehouses – especially between McDonough and Locust Grove. The result is that Interstate 75 is constantly choked with semi trucks. Sometimes I can walk along I-75 faster than the traffic is moving.
Hey Henry, I told you not to vote for Biden and the Democrats. Now they’ll be monitoring all of your bank transactions. They’re hiring an army of IRS agents, not to go after big business, but to regularly audit you and me to get every nickel and dime they can take. They must think they own us and our money.
Hey Henry, regarding the post urging people to “stop following the zombies who watch and listen to CNN,” you forgot to urge them to stop following the violent insurrectionists who watch and listen to Fox, One America News, NewsMax, Infowars, Breitbart, etc. Both sides pick and choose content to support their favorite positions, but only one side has actually attempted to violently force its agenda on America.
Hey Henry, The truly educated never graduate.
Hey Henry, Commissioner Thomas thinks county employees should ride the Henry County Transit buses. Wouldn’t that take rides away from the citizens?
Hey Henry, I really enjoyed the article on Lorene Lindsey’s 99th birthday in the October 6 edition of the Times. These are the people that I enjoy reading about – who share their wisdom and knowledge. I hope to meet someone like that someday, who will share their knowledge and stories about their life.
Hey Henry, Headline – ‘Waffle House customer pulls gun on waitress over cheese eggs’ – um, what?
Hey Henry, It’s funny how the principals at area schools scoffed at the idea of gardens at schools, but now they’re running with it.
Hey Henry, Why can we not be unique? We already have Atlanta, so what’s the purpose of being named Atlanta South?
Hey Henry, When will the commissioners get involved with fixing the traffic problems in the county and City of McDonough? 45 minutes to get around town is certainly ridiculous!
Hey Henry, rainbow hair woman here. I love it too. It’s my favorite style so far. I hate to inform you but I am a college graduate, working in IT. I make a comfortable income and own my own home. My employer realizes my hair doesn’t contribute to my job performance. Is now a good time to tell you I have tattoos?
Hey Henry, it’s sad you have to drive above Atlanta and go through the worst traffic in the United States to get a job that pays halfway decent. The south side has no good-paying jobs.
Hey Henry, I live on New Hope Road and the people throwing trash in the roads, speeding, and riding 4-wheelers at all hours is getting out of control. Police can’t be everywhere, but we want to have a quiet, safe place to call home.
Vintage comment from August 2, 2006 – Hey Henry, we should lighten up a bit. We take too much to heart when it comes to trivial things like money, social status and influence. A good person in his or herself has no walls, no boundaries. This place is not as constricted as we feel. Really, lighten up!
Hey Henry, if drivers are required to maintain their vehicles in road-worthy status, why is the county not required to maintain its roads in safe-driving status? We have far too many roads with invisible lines!
Hey Henry, I had polio as a child in early 1950’s. There were four of us kids, but I was the only that was stricken by polio. Our house was quarantined.
Hey Henry, why do so many people wait until their last breath to encourage people to get the vaccine?
Hey Henry, wondering why liberals and conservatives can’t see eye-to-eye on anything? Both sides have their heads in the sand (that’s the nicest way to say it).
Hey Henry, to the person responding to me about the pink hair, rainbow huh? Maybe, you would be a great candidate getting a job at Walmart or better yet, they’re hiring in some stores at Little Five Points most likely.
Hey Henry, what happened to Rob DeMarco’s column? We look forward to it each issue.
Hey Henry, the comment “how bad Henry County is in 2021” is spot on. When, if ever, will the building stop? The infrastructure of Henry County is taxed to the limit, it can’t sustain this. I loved it here, but it’s time to leave, to where, I will figure that out in due time.
Hey Henry, Commissioner, the proof is in the pudding.
Hey Henry, maybe I blinked last week when Kemp, his wife, and Monica Kaufman did the public service announcement. The only one I remember urging citizens to get the vaccine was Monica. Am I mistaken?
Hey Henry, I sympathize with the person who posted that all politicians are liars. Lately, it is hard to trust many of them. We have to be careful, however, and avoid stereotypes and generalities. Your vote does make a difference so be careful how you cast it. Do your own research and stop following the zombies who watch and listen to CNN and believe what they are told by this marxist run network intent on dividing and destroying America.
Hey Henry, we used to believe that the world is flat, now we believe that a worldwide conspiracy of scientists is faking the climate crisis.
Hey Henry, to the person who commented “the craziest situation I can imagine in the US is the number of people who vote Republican despite their lies and corruption.” You must be deaf, dumb and blind to NOT see that is EXACTLY what Democrats are doing right NOW! Were you paying over $ 3.00 a gallon for gas when Republicans were in office, or 4 times the price for a piece of lumber? I may not agree with everything Trump did, but things certainly were MUCH better than they are now!!
Hey Henry, “Happy Belated Birthday” doesn’t make any sense. The birthday wasn’t belated – it happened right on time. It’s the birthday wishes that are late. Therefore, it should be “Belated Happy Birthday” wishes.
Vintage comment from July 26, 2006 – Hey Henry, somehow, I was given the impression that economic development was in favor of economic prosperity for All of McDonough, not merely the ‘chosen.’
Hey Henry, the vintage 2006 comment about “how it used to be” is funny considering how bad Henry County is in 2021. I doubt the writer feels the same way now given the changing demographics, horrid traffic, nonstop warehouses with tractor trailer chaos, nasty litter, increased crime, and terrible political leadership. It wouldn’t surprise me that they’ve already left Henry County.
Hey Henry, when in the world is Henry County going to widen and pave Hampton Locust Grove Road going from 155 all the way past Luella Middle? This has been a rough and dangerous road for years.
Hey Henry, are we stupid or something? The Coronavirus is on the rampage again and hospitals are running out of beds. Did we not learn something last year? Why in the world didn’t every healthcare facility in the nation purchase more ventilators, acquire more space, etc. etc. We sat back and now we’re in the same mess we were last year.
Hey Henry, after almost fifty years in Washington and everything he did was a disaster, President Biden has risen to the level of his incompetence. The Peter Principle for sure.
Hey Henry, a young friend received a wonderful job opportunity, salary $45,000 to start, great benefits. Interviewing manager, “you have to get vaccinated to be hired.” “Keep your job, I’m not taking that vaccine.”
Hey Henry, with all the construction in the county, the wildlife has very few places to go. Planning and Zoning and the county commissioners are not concerned about keeping green space. Remember this when it is time for elections. Planning and Zoning board members are appointed. Go figure.
Hey Henry, I would like to praise God for keeping my family and me safe during the pandemic. I thank God for my adult son and daughter who check on me and my husband throughout the day. The Bible states for parents to train a child in the way he should go: Meaning to teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right. I love my family. I am a mom of two and grandma of seven.
Hey Henry, to the person who said polio was not contagious, please do some research and you will learn that Poliovirus is very contagious and spreads through person-to-person contact. It lives in an infected person’s throat and intestines. In fact, we did practice social distancing and our parents lived in fear that we would contract polio. When the oral vaccine was introduced, school children lined up in school to receive their dose on a sugar cube. I know, because I was one of those children.
Hey Henry, for the person who dislikes my pink hair, I had second thoughts. You might be right. So, I’ve changed my hair. It’s rainbow colored now. Hope that makes your day a little brighter!
Hey Henry, let’s set the record straight on politicians and lying. They all lie, they can’t stay elected if they don’t lie, they can’t convince anyone without lying. We should honor anyone who won’t enter politics for the very reason they don’t want to lie.
Hey Henry, Afghanistan is what happens when you enter a war with no intention of winning it. Throw Vietnam into the mix also.
Vintage comment from June 28, 2006 – Hey Henry, excuse me Henry County but to all those people who complain about how Henry “used to be.” Next time you’re sitting down with your child in McDonald’s or going to the gas station up the street from your house, think about how nice … and quick it was to get gas in the expensive SUV you’re driving these days … and how happy your son or daughter was to get that cheeseburger and toy. And next time you’re in the grocery store, think about how nice and quick it was to stop on your way home from work and get those eggs and bacon you need for breakfast in the morning. I’m tired of all the complaining of “How Henry County Used To Be.” Instead, let’s try and compliment Henry County. Like, thanks Henry County for … that park up the street so little Molly can go play with her friends next week. We all need to grow up and face the facts that this is the year 2006, not 1945 anymore. Things change … face it.
Hey Henry, You stayed inside during the polio outbreak? Polio is NOT contagious. We never lost a day of school, we didn’t stay inside, nor did we wear masks.
Hey Henry, I would like to personally thank all the Democrats on behalf of the Republican party. You guys will never and I mean never occupy the White House again. What Joe Biden and Kamala have accomplished so far, will go down in history as the biggest blunder ever, bordering on treason.
Hey Henry, Locust Grove and McDonough used to be like “Mayberry” too. I loved living there until 10 years ago – the traffic is horrible, warehouses on both side of ST42, and dozens of trucks passing by day and night. I moved to another small town that hasn’t changed a bit since I moved here. We are not hiding. We have a great social life, friends, and a local movie theater. We also have peace and quiet 24/7. And most of the stores are actually closed on Sunday, the LORD’S day.
Hey Henry, when in the world is Henry County going to widen and the pave Hampton Locust Grove Road going from 155 all the way past Luella Middle? This has been a rough and dangerous road for years.
Hey Henry, the craziest situation that I can imagine in the United States is the number of people who vote Republican despite their lies and corruption.
Hey Henry, the government wants to create utopia for all in America. Trouble is, you have to take from others to create it.
Hey Henry, after all the hype and giddy behavior over having Joe Biden as our President I can’t help but think of Toby Keith’s popular song of 2000, “How Do You Like Me Now.” Well, voters, how do you like me now. Now, that I’ve abandoned American citizens in a war zone. Second thoughts?
Hey Henry, to the person who said she doesn’t care about what people say about her pink hair, good, I’ll say it again, it’s ugly!!
Hey Henry, so, a Republican state government takes over a Democratic voting stronghold’s election process. Now there’s a conspiracy that’s actually true!
Hey Henry, yes Sen. Paul, hatred for Trump is the exact reason unproven methods are not being researched to treat COVID. It has nothing to do with the fact that they don’t work.
Hey Henry, to the person that found my cell phone on Monday evening and made sure it was returned to the proper owner – Thank you and God Bless You!
Vintage comment from March 8, 2006 – Hey Henry, I want to give a special thank you to the lady at Helping in His Name Food Pantry in Stockbridge. Just when I gave up all hope and thought no one cared, these sweet people gave it back. Thank you so much; I will never forget you. And thanks for all your prayers.
Hey Henry, isn’t there a law against loud music in your vehicle after certain late hours in the evening? We live near a major traffic light and we have to put up with the loud music that shakes our windows 24/7. We can overlook the problem during the day, but between the hours of 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. please have some respect for others.
Hey Henry, to the person who thinks my hair is horrible because it’s pink – know that we are obviously very different. I don’t care what random strangers think about me. I love my hair. I feel bad for anyone who walks around in life concerned with what others look like. Do what makes you happy. Love yourself and stop concerning yourself with what others think of you. Rock that colored hair!
Hey Henry, I did some research and it turns out Navy women have lower pregnancy rates than civilian similar-aged women. Good to see the old misogynistic sailors are fading away to more respectful real men. Don’t think women can serve? Please read about Chief Shannon Kent, then ask God for forgiveness.
Hey Henry, let’s just remove all stop signs, speed zone signs, and traffic signals. People do not obey them anyway.
Hey Henry, men charged with inappropriate behavior with women are as dumb as they come. Every man knows, you never touch a woman, period, nor do you speak to them inappropriately and you certainly don’t extend your hand to shake unless they extend theirs first. Wise up men or spend your life in exile.
Hey Henry, impeachment proceedings should be initiated against President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for putting the American public at risk, ignoring our Constitution, flooding the U.S. with coronavirus infected illegals and criminals, ignoring our immigration laws, the list goes on. Is this the craziest situation you could imagine happening to us, the citizens of The United States of America?
Hey Henry, we all want this Covid crap to be over so please just take one for the team and go get vaccinated! We can still argue over dumb stuff, but this way our neighbors will stop dying.
Hey Henry, to the parents complaining about the buses being late, you’ve got to realize that a lot of the drivers are out quarantined with Covid and they are doing the best they can.
Hey Henry, I love my soft-close cabinet doors and drawers until I get angry about something and need to slam one.
Hey Henry, teachers will receive a $1000 bonus if they get vaccinated, did I hear this correctly? Make it ten thousand and I still won’t take your vaccine!
Hey Henry, after the school board meeting my heart was broken by all the parents that don’t want their kids to be safe and wear a mask. I know it’s your choice, but would you rather not have your child? I’m a retired teacher and I promise your child will be fine wearing a mask once they get around all the other kids. I didn’t like staying in all day because of the Polio scare but we did!
Vintage comment from March 1, 2006 – Hey Henry, what ever happened to that guy who drove around in the white van with “Super Geek” written on it? Come back, Super Geek, come back!
Hey Henry, when the Chinese rule America in 15 years or so, which is their stated goal, just watch what they do with the woke, rioters, drug addicts, flag burners, criminals et al. Has anyone heard of the Weagers [Uyghurs]? Wake up people.
Hey Henry, another old-school, mid-sixties sailor here. A dollar to a donut says 20 year retired Navy had a sweetheart aboard ship more than once when he was deployed. U.S. Navy has and always has had a major pregnancy problem for deployed women. Check the facts.
Hey Henry, if you’re a Democratic voter, our Republican politicians expect you to be too lazy to bother to vote now that they’ve passed their Georgia voting bill. This bill passed because Republicans are in mortal fear of losing their political clout. They figure a little inconvenience is too much of a challenge for a liberal. If you want more politicians like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene, go ahead and prove them right, don’t bother to vote.
Hey Henry, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” Now, that’s scary.
Hey Henry, any man that doesn’t see the obvious with thousands of men, many 18, 19 and 20 on a U.S. Navy ship in the middle of the ocean with hundreds of women on board, definitely should have listened to Mom and Dad reciting the birds and the bees.
Hey Henry, Henry County DOT, do you plan on doing anything about all the mud on L G Griffin and Wilson Road where they are clearing the land in Locust Grove? Besides all the pot holes we have to maneuver around, now the mud. Someone is supposed to be following up on this. Let me guess, tax payers fault. I don’t think so.
Hey Henry, I’ve seen people sometimes posting pictures of Biden riding in the short bus, “special needs bus.” These are so-called adults, but I’m not surprised that they are idiots and stoop that low to make fun of the special needs. If you do that, you’re a coward and a moron!
Hey Henry, you people going around with this color hair such as red, blue, pink, it looks horrible! You look like you’re trying out for the circus. It doesn’t look good at all!
Hey Henry, how embarrassing to hear police officers of the Capitol Police whine, boo hoo and describe how traumatized and scared they were during the assault on the Capitol. For crying out loud, you’re a policeman. You’re trained to expect violence, it’s in your job description. We hear the favorite gimme money phrase, PTSD. I guess the entire force will be on disability and sitting home getting the greenback poultice soon.
Hey Henry, So happy to see the Confederate Memorial Fountain relocated to a place of prominence in front of the Polk Museum on the Square, before the County Commission had the chance to steal it too.
Hey Henry, folks that think the Covid vaccine is actually the result of a government conspiracy sure do have a high opinion of the government’s ability to run a program with staggering efficiency and a remarkable degree of cooperation between thousands of people who have nothing to gain in the process.
Hey Henry, the not-so-recent collision of a U.S. Navy ship was caused by two women refusing to speak to each other. FACT.
Vintage comment from February 8, 2006 – Hey Henry, vote for Mother Earth!
Hey Henry, the problem is that crazy people don’t know they are crazy.
Hey Henry, to the old school Navy guy who said that women don’t belong on ships – you didn’t say why. You said it was a big mistake, but you didn’t give any examples or cite any facts to base your statement. Then you turn around and say the reason is obvious. Do you know what obvious means?
Hey Henry, “keep Kelleytown rural?” I live in Kelleytown and I think it’s a little late in the game. The traffic is horrendous and it’s getting worse by the week. It was Mayberry 26 years ago.
Hey Henry, so if politicians are creating the problems, why did Ben Carson want to be one?
Hey Henry, raise your children to respect law enforcement and the flag, otherwise you’re playing into the hands of the crazies hell bent on destroying everything about America. Keep up the desecration and we will be a lawless wasteland in fifty years.
Hey Henry, I saw a sign on I-75 at Christmas that said keep the season bright. Use your turn signal. Gosh, I thought it was illegal to use your turn signals in Georgia. Just saying.
Hey Henry, I saw a young boy walking down the road swinging a fishing rod and reel. I had to think, this young man has his head on straight.
Hey Henry, it’s not that I don’t trust the government, it’s that I don’t trust the government.
Hey Henry, marriage is made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning.
Hey Henry, to the person who responded to my Henry County growth comment, I like your comment as well. All these people leaving Henry County to escape growth make me laugh. Where are they going where there’s no growth? They can run, but they can’t hide.
Hey Henry, for the Old School Navy vet lamenting women on combat ships and submarines. As a 20 -year retired U.S. Navy Sailor, I appreciate the great job women do in service of our country and many have given their lives doing so. Go put your old school self in a Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility with the rest of the out-of-date Navy ships.
Hey Henry, go ahead and make fun of people who talk about seeing UFOs. The government was blind like you until they released the declassified documents. The two military aircraft that tracked the UFOs need to do your research. Sounds to me like you know what exists and doesn’t exist. You’re not God, so you have no clue!
Hey Henry, I thought the gravy train had stopped, but I guess not. My garbage pickup driver told me the reason my trash didn’t get picked up is because they are short of drivers. My daughter just received a huge payment for having three children. My 70+ family hasn’t gotten two dimes, don’t we count?
Hey Henry, every citizen in the United States should be scared out of their pants. Our military is woke and has been going steadily downhill since Vietnam. Don’t believe it. Talk to any veteran or active military member.
Vintage comment from Jan. 25, 2006 – Hey Henry, this is for everyone who moved to the small town of Locust Grove to get out of the city. Now we have to find a place to live in a small town to get out of the city. L.G. used to be a great place to live.
Hey Henry, since President Biden was responsible for rising gas prices, is he now also responsible for them coming down?
Hey Henry, the earth’s rotation makes my day.
Hey Henry, thanks to the Board of Education for holding graduations at Atlanta Motor Speedway so more family members could attend. I just wish people had been more considerate and I could have heard my daughter’s name announced when she received her diploma.
Hey Henry, the wonderful fifties and the dreaded sound of Mama, “go get me a switch.”
Hey Henry, to the person who posted “… let’s hope the aliens flying around the U.S. lately favor us over our enemies …” Thank you for the laugh – I needed it so badly.
Hey Henry, you jerks that get in a turning lane, then jump back over into the fast lane, need to get a ticket. You know what you’re doing! Your just too impatient to wait. JERKS!
Hey Henry, can anyone guess why Hunter Biden’s so-called works of art are selling for $500,000+? Hunter is no Picasso, Warhol or Rockwell, but rather a profiteer selling access to the Biden regime.
Hey Henry, keep Kelleytown Rural.
Hey Henry, great comment, “I just have to laugh at all the people who move to Henry County and then complain about the growth.” I just have to laugh at all the people who complain about the growth and move out of Henry County.
Hey Henry, can Henry County government follow the science and drop the mask mandates in its buildings? Infection rates are way below target rates given.
Hey Henry, a half dozen or so of my senior friends are obsessed with moving away from Henry County. Very disturbing that anyone wants to leave this paradise. I’m staying.
Hey Henry, Old school Navy here. Women do not belong on Navy ships, period. Shore based installations, but not combat ships or submarines. Biggest mistake the government ever made. It doesn’t work and the proof is obvious.
Hey Henry, “We’ve been conditioned to think that only politicians can solve our problems. But at some point, MAYBE we will wake up and recognize that it was politicians who created our problems.” (Ben Carson).
Hey Henry, I wonder if those living well in the U. S. who choose to protest the American Flag will be celebrating the 4th of July. If you don’t like America, why are you here? I sure do miss when everyone took pride in the USA, achieving the American Dream through hard work, not living off the government was something to be proud of; personal responsibility, ethics, and character mattered, and neighbors knew each other and worked together.
Hey Henry, Henry County streets have become lawless race tracks. In all my driving experiences I’ve never seen anything like this. Who are these people?
Vintage comment from January 4, 2006 – Hey Henry, my husband’s doc must be a mime, because when I ask him what the M.D. said, the answer is always “Nothing.”
Hey Henry, I just have to laugh at all the people who move to Henry County and then complain about the growth!
Hey Henry, the aliens are about to invade or show themselves to the world. I doubt they want to harm us because if they did have the technology they would have have wiped us off the globe decades ago. This should be interesting, much better than the news berating Trump constantly.
Hey Henry, congratulations to the Class of 2021! We’re proud of you, and we look forward to seeing what you accomplish next!
Hey Henry, wake up folks, we are in the midst of communism. Free speech is no longer free speech. You are exposed to a multitude of consequences if you voice any opinion or thought not acceptable by the crazies.
Hey Henry, GREAT article on Aerosmith! What a wonderful piece of previously unknown trivia.
Hey Henry, if President Biden will crack down on the Social Security fraud and the VA disability fraud, we can save a trillion instead spending it.
Hey Henry, keep the crowds coming Henry, my house is climbing in value like a rocket. I’ll buy a big diesel RV with the equity and live the road life.
Hey Henry, the U.S. uses 111 billion plastic shopping bags a year; ONLY 16 billion are recycled! It’s so easy! When you unpack your items, just put all the bags into one bag, save them up and return to any store that uses them! So simple.
Hey Henry, the most stupid, idiotic, moronic, lamebrained, foolish, goofy, silly, dangerous suggestion ever conceived is to defund the police.
Hey Henry, can we get a vote on a transit system in Henry County. A bus would fit the bill.
Hey Henry, you’re right! Trump’s heart is where his wallet is, and his mind is gone! Yet he’s no longer President.
Hey Henry, what’s with the ugly black fence recently put up behind the Courthouse?
Hey Henry, masks are about as effective at stopping viruses as a chain link fence is at stopping mosquitos.
Hey Henry, great submission last week– “America is becoming what we all dislike about every other country on the planet. Where will we go,” what will we do, will we be able to escape and to where?” The same applies to Henry County
Hey Henry, my daughter was a tiny girl when we smelled this awful scent in her bedroom for days. We had recently had a similar odor in our foyer and it was a dead bird stuck behind the drywall. I assumed we had the same predicament in her room. I literally destroyed all four walls looking for deceased mister bird. What a mess I created. After finding nothing I happened to look in her closet and there in a Easter Basket were four or five terribly rotten Easter eggs, odor mystery solved. Now, to put the walls back together.
Vintage comment from December 28, 2005 – Hey Henry, Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits. Chuck Norris sleeps with a nightlight. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris counted to infinity – twice. Chuck Norris CAN divide by zero. When the boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris. And the last random fact about Chuck Norris is … Chuck Norris tells time by staring directly into the sun.
Hey Henry, I have 40 rolls of toilet paper I will gladly trade for a tankful of gas.
Hey Henry, the President’s heart is where his wallet is, and his mind is gone!
Hey Henry, if you knew anything about economics, you’d know about the law of supply and demand. Better economy under President Biden, more demand, higher gas prices.
Hey Henry, mandate the virus vaccine and we are in for a rude awakening. Millions upon millions refuse to be vaccinated. Will they be tied down and vaccinated? A friend told me she won’t take the shot and that no way on earth are her children going to be vaccinated.
Hey Henry, I tell you the Trumpsters stick out like orange thumbs with their comments. Especially the people talking down about the immigrants. Just be thankful you were not born in one of the countries they were born in. I’m sure you would be trying to get to a better place also.
Hey Henry, President Obama told the interpreter, “tell Putin I’ll have more flexibility after the election.” President Biden told the interpreter, “tell XI Jinping I’ll expect more money for my son Hunter and myself since I’m the President now.”
Hey Henry, to the so-called patriots who have refused to wear masks during the pandemic: You’re not a patriot if you don’t care about the well-being of your country’s most vulnerable citizens. You’re just selfish and ill-informed.
Hey Henry, let’s hope the aliens flying around the U.S. lately favor us over our enemies. We need all the support we can get with Joe Biden not leading the nation. Any help is warranted, even if it is out of this world.
Hey Henry, America is becoming what we all dislike about every other country on the planet. Where will we go, what will we do, will we be able to escape and to where?
Hey Henry, the Geranium Festival has been rescheduled for the end of July? I can’t imagine anyone thinking this is a good time to have any sort of outdoor festival. Besides the oppressive heat and humidity, a lot of people will be getting kids ready to return to school. Fall would be a lot better.
Hey Henry, in the Buckhead restaurant “incident” the person who should be apologizing is Dominique Wilkins. The incident was based on a long-established dress code of the restaurant (which many have) and had absolutely nothing to do with his race. There should be serious consequences for individuals falsely screaming racism and continuing race baiting. Dominique, you should be ashamed. Be a man; admit you made a mistake, apologize, and do better!
Hey, Henry, I believe it’s time that the seniors can graduate at their own schools now. Henry County Schools are spending thousands of taxpayers dollars holding graduation at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. Someone is getting a kickback off of this.
Vintage comment from December 7, 2005 – Hey Henry, to the person who said Jesus hates people who speed: Check your bible, Jesus does not hate people. He does not like the sin, but loves the sinner.
Hey Henry, I am deeply concerned about my Party, (The Party of Lincoln), but even more worried about my Country. Democracy is a delicate system and can easily be lost. Once you remove truth to power, you don’t have a real party, rather simply a collection of lies and conspiracy theories . We all witnessed an attempt to overthrow our government—we cannot call it anything other than Treason and an insurrection. Stand up for the Constitution and what is morally and legally right.
Hey Henry, if you would like an antidote for being exposed to all of the mean, ridiculous, neverending political comments in our society, why not visit one of our local libraries that we are so fortunate to have in our county. “With a library you are free, not confined by temporary political climates. It is the most democratic of institutions because no one – but no one at all – can tell you what to read and when and how.” ~ Doris Lessing
Hey Henry, with everything in America just follow the money. Many are getting wealthy building houses on every inch of Henry County. Homes don’t just pop up out of the ground, someone has to approve the permit. When Henry is overgrown, over populated, over crime-ridden, overtaxed, then as now, citizens will move out.
Hey Henry, who do we thank for the increase in fuel prices? $1.85 a gallon this time last year and now over $3.00. Can we blame Trump? He gets blamed for everything, but since he’s gone, can we still lay the blame on him?
Hey Henry, my goodness, talk about a monster pay day. Women harassed and propositioned at work by Bill Gates. Why wait 20 years, I would have immediately been appalled.
Hey Henry, in case you haven’t been listening, there have been 300 confirmed deaths in Henry County from this virus. It is serious.
Hey Henry, when are we going to stop paying for emissions. I work in Griffin and it’s not even required there. Just to get three tags, roughly $75 up before the tag. How about paving the potholes before my attorney pays you a visit. I was reading where one county decided to take the asphalt and pave someone’s driveway, I hope that’s not going on in Henry County. Before long, someone is buying me tires and getting my alignment done. It will not be coming out of my account.
Hey Henry, Henry County citizens should be aware of a scam being circulated on Facebook Messenger involving the Corporation for National Community Service (CNCS, or AmeriCorps), an independent agency of the federal government.
Hey Henry, the panic buying at the gas pumps is making the gas/pipeline situation so much worse. It reminds me of the toilet paper “shortage” of last year. How many people have rolls and rolls of 1-ply toilet paper they never needed?
Hey Henry, I’ll take the North Georgia roads over the potholes and ridiculous traffic nightmare in Henry County any day of the week and twice on Sunday! Drivers from other states even complain that Henry County traffic and roads are a nightmare.
Vintage comment from November 30, 2005 – Hey Henry, maybe this “Early Childhood Literacy Program” that the Board of Education has come up with is a good idea. But what about all of the students at my high school that can’t read?
Hey Henry, illegal immigrants have never stopped coming here since the forties and they never will. The easy way to stop something, is to stop paying for it. Provide no money, no jobs, no housing, no nothing, immigration problem solved.
Hey Henry, at least the President’s heart is in the right place, Trump was zero for two.
Hey Henry, I too have fond memories when thinking or speaking of Miss Willie Varner! She has been a life-long friend to my family and I played in the High School Band with her son, Henley. I can remember when she worked at the drug store and seeing her many times around town. If you’re a long time Henry Countian, you’ve met Miss Willie at one time or another, either by You speaking to her, or Her speaking to you if you didn’t. Love you Miss Willie!
Hey, Henry, to the person commenting about the shortage of trash cans and mowers … welcome to Clayton County phase 2. It’s going to get worse, just you wait and see.
Hey Henry, today’s modern work ethic motto, “If you pay me not to work, I won’t work, even if it’s less than I could make working.” America Proud.
Hey Henry, face it, illegal workers put us to shame in the work ethic mode. Either grant them citizenship or send them packing. It’s only fair.
Hey Henry since the Democrats got control gas prices went up from day one. So don’t complain if you voted Democrat.
Hey Henry, have you heard of the group Hidin’ from Biden?
Hey Henry, “can’t we enjoy the Times, especially Hey Henry, and read the different viewpoints without making everything political? “Answer: No. Judging from the content, the Henry County Times usually bleeds blue.
Hey Henry, it is sad when administrators do not recognize their paraeducators as teachers. They seem to see them as just bodies to watch students and do work that most others would not do. If they are not needed then why employ them?
Hey Henry, I know the Shriners do great things and I love to donate! But they are on Mill Road and Mt. Carmel Road every Friday and Saturday and it holds up the traffic so bad it is backed up nearly to Highway 81.
Hey Henry, it would be great if y’all would quit building all these houses out in Ola and the Lake Dow area. We moved out here cause it was country and not city and now there is a house or clear cutting everywhere. Here’s an idea, quit building these houses we don’t want and fix the roads that can’t handle the amount of traffic in Henry County.
Hey Henry, I keep living in the past because I see nothing but turmoil, dissent and hatred now and in the future. We are destroying the America everyone loves.
Hey Henry, if it’s raining, then turn your lights on. It’s not an option. Quit being stupid.
Vintage comment from November 9, 2005 – Hey Henry, would it be a crime to stop and let somebody turn or get out at an intersection? Let’s show a little Southern hospitality and give other drivers a break.
Hey Henry, so President Eisenhower deported fewer than 1.3 million illegals, sounds wonderful, sad our President can’t seem to deport half a dozen. What do you say to that?
Hey Henry, I know how we can reach herd immunity. Make being vaccinated a requirement in order to vote.
Hey Henry, can’t we enjoy the Times, especially Hey Henry, and read the different viewpoints without making everything political?
Hey Henry, I’m going to quit loaning my reading glasses to everyone who is too vain to wear them out in public … and stop asking me to read the menu to you.
Hey Henry, a well-known home improvement store with a sign on the door: We Will Interview You Right Now On the Spot. This is sad. Jobs opening up and a company can’t fill them. Government, STOP doling out money to not work!
Hey Henry, have you heard about the new support group – Q’Anon Anonymous?
Hey Henry, I don’t need Joe Biden to tell me I don’t have to wear a mask inside or outside. “Come On, Man.”
Hey Henry, regarding the comment “the only thing Biden has done is scare the H— out of half the population with his stupidity.” Really now? Your comment shows your Republican partiality and level of intelligence.
Hey Henry, Red Skelton once said, “Atlanta will be a pretty city if they ever get finished with it.” Ever driven up north on those roads? Stop complaining.
Hey Henry, here are some handy summer fashion tips: Don’t like flip flops? Don’t wear them. Don’t like short shorts? Don’t wear them. Don’t like yoga pants? Don’t wear them! Think showing less than perfect body parts is repulsive? Don’t look. And don’t expect anybody to dress to suit you in the 100+ degree heat. Hope this PSA saves you some stress! Easy-peasy solutions to all your fashion conundrums!
Hey Henry, kudos on Henry County awarding a bid to pave 96 roads. I just have one question: why did they let it go that long? Reminds me of the question, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, unless you’re Henry County, in which case you swallow it all at once!
Hey Henry, to the person whose car was damaged from debris thrown by a mower. Sounds like you were driving too close to the edge of the road to begin with. Why don’t you do what 99% of other drivers would do. Go around the mower when it’s safe to do so. Sounds like you were driving too close to to the mower. Just move over and stop whining!
Hey Henry, there seems to be a major shortage in trash cans and lawn mowers in our county. Litter and unkempt yards everywhere. Time to open the Snapper plant back up.
Vintage comment from November 2, 2005 – Hey Henry, there are not enough homes for all of them! Spay or neuter your pets!
Hey Henry, so President Biden has done more for ordinary Americans than Trump did in four years. Really now? The only thing Biden has done is scare the H— out of half the population with his stupidity.
Hey Henry, the police are quitting in droves and our country continues this anti-police nonsense. I’m afraid we are going to get what the insane want very soon and it’s not going to be good. When you call 911 and the dispatcher says, “Sorry, we are really shorthanded, we can’t send anyone, do the best you can and good luck.”
Hey Henry, the truth really hurts at times, but Democrats don’t hurt, they love spreading a lie, living a lie and condoning a lie. Republicans lie too, but when is America going to stop believing all the lies?
Hey Henry, boycotting Home Depot? Wow really? Have you been to any of the warehouses in Henry? They are mostly black workers! You’re not going to hurt the big guys in management; you’re going to hurt all of the black families that rely on that paycheck. Think this through!
Hey Henry, I think Georgia should give at least two free alignments a year and free tire repairs because of all the terrible roads we have. So many pot holes, the interstate is ALWAYS under construction. When will it end?
Hey Henry, we’d be worse than Venezuela if Trump and the Republicans had their way. We’d be RUSSIA!
Hey Henry, sanity will surely prevail in 2022.
Hey Henry, I am an American of German descent not a German American. What are you?
Hey Henry, don’t believe what you hear or read, believe what you SEE.
Hey Henry, a big thanks to all of the County Commissioners for ruining another Saturday by renting out Nash Farm for another Mariachi concert. My house vibrates all day long and I live a half mile away!
Hey Henry, the masses ignore the fact the politicians they follow and admire all got rich being public servants. Does anyone see serving the public as serving themselves?
Hey Henry, to the person who was cutting grass on Hwy. 81 E. on April 23 – my car was hit by flying debris due to the fact that you were cutting grass and blowing it on to the road. Now my car is damaged. You’re not supposed to cut grass blowing it into the road. This is why you cause damage to other people’s property.
Hey Henry, anyone 45+ is not surprised about what is happening in Portland. I heard decades ago how crazy and nutty Portland was.
Hey Henry, since when is it okay to use the center lanes on Westridge Parkway as a passing lane? Henry Co. PD needs to monitor it more. It is an accident waiting to happen. By the way, the speed limit is 35 folks.
Vintage comment from October 26, 2005 – Hey Henry, you know what I think is really stupid? The traffic around the Square. I don’t have a solution, but someone somewhere does. And they should speak up.
Hey Henry, there sure are a lot of COVIDIOTS out there.
Hey Henry, I clean my neighborhood weekly, in McDonough, of neighborhood trash. I collect around 200 beer bottles, beer cans, etc. I’d like a little relief from this. I don’t understand how people can throw their trash everywhere. Where is their pride in their community?
Hey Henry, a young man in his twenties asked me about living in the sixties, he had heard it was wonderful. He asked me because he could tell I had been there. The sixties were different for everyone, but compared to America right now, no comparison. We are so close to becoming exactly like Venezuela. Hard to believe the Democrat voters were duped by their own party.
Hey Henry, if your business is destroyed, it’s a riot. If it’s just a little bit destroyed, it’s a riot. If it’s unscathed, it’s a protest.
Hey Henry, let’s once and for all put this issue to rest. Defunding and/or disbanding the police would result in total anarchy and collapse of the country and any reasonable person will agree it should never happen.
Hey Henry, President Eisenhower removed fewer than 1.3 million illegal immigrants during his time in office. Get your facts straight before commenting, please!
Hey Henry, “who is the only man to serve as vice president and president without being elected to either office?” I got it! That’d be #38, Mr. Gerald Ford!
Hey Henry, when will we get some decent roads to ride on out here in Fairview instead of these bandaids you’re putting on roads? You think you’re saving money but you are not … Y’all need to work for us, instead of us working for y’all.
Hey Henry, why is it that every time an elected politician breaks the law they are “protecting their constituents’ civil rights?” Being elected doesn’t give you any right to break the law to voice your opinion. As a representative of the American people you should NEVER break the law or act like a fool. Doing so should guarantee you won’t be re-elected.
Hey Henry, wondering when the bus loads of migrants are going to show up in Henry County. “Come on Man.”
Hey Henry, I wonder which county commissioners would like to step up and volunteer to let me come blare loud music in front of their home every Saturday and Sunday until 11 p.m., because that’s what we’re having to endure from Nash Farm. Thanks for ruining any chance of tranquility on the weekends. Our house vibrates all day long and you couldn’t carry on a normal conversation outside with your child if you tried. Thanks for nothing, commissioners! … Waiting on volunteers.
Hey Henry, it won’t be long before thousands, maybe millions of Democrat voters regret putting Joe and Kamala in the White House.
Hey Henry, I watch my 8-year-old grandson play ball in another county and no masks, none, not one. Feels so refreshing.
Vintage comment from October 19, 2005 – Hey Henry, don’t assume the political candidates with the most signs have the most support … last time I checked vacant land, empty houses and public property can’t vote!
Hey Henry, I have to say hands down that Henry County has the worst roads in the state. I have never ridden over so many potholes in my life. Locust Road needs paving bad, but all the county does is apply band aids. Where is our tax money going?
Hey Henry, overheard in a store, a former Henry County police officer saying he quit the force after many, many years, “I couldn’t take any more of the crazies.” They said that crime was off the charts.
Hey Henry, who is the only man to serve as vice president and president without being elected to either office?
Hey Henry, I don’t understand all the fuss about voter I.D. Every time I vote in Henry County I jokingly ask the pollster, “what if I don’t show you my driver’s license,” well then, you don’t get to vote, simple as that. Why no uproar in Henry County about having to show a driver’s license?
Hey Henry, President Biden’s heart is in the right place, but his mind isn’t.
Hey Henry, hey Krystal, how about going back to the old French Fries? The new crispy ones are not good!
Hey Henry, President Eisenhower saw the danger and took quick action by sending over 3 million illegals packing. I wonder if Ike would faint or laugh hysterically at President Biden and his ridiculous plan of opening the U.S. border. Does anyone understand how crazy this is?
Hey Henry, President Biden has done more for ordinary Americans in his short time in office than Trump did in four years. President Biden could do more except he’s busy cleaning up Trump messes everywhere. Trump incompetence is incomprehensible!
Hey Henry, while voting at the Hampton Library during the last election I noticed vegetation growing in the gutters at the library. It can be seen from across the street at the Bear Creek Senior Center. This is a poor reflection on our elected officials and those who we trust with our tax dollars and assets.
Hey Henry, come on Henry police – why are you not giving tickets for loud music and what about the cars with the dark windows?
Hey Henry, if you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to receive what you’ve always gotten.
Hey Henry, when I served in the Navy we often docked in the Philippines and I remember vividly how young women wanted nothing more than to marry a U.S. Sailor and live in the United States. Well, here’s your chance, you don’t have to marry anyone. You’re welcome here and bring your friends and family.
Hey Henry, regarding the recent letter to the editor – Whoopi Goldberg is a NYC dropout of Washington Irving High School. She’s not highly educated, She’s uneducated.
Hey Henry, why do people want to drive the wrong way in parking lots and park facing the wrong way? I would like to hear from someone who does this. Is it simply to create chaos?
Vintage comment from October 12, 2005 – Hey Henry, local restaurants and fast food places; we’re checking those health department scores and won’t be dining there if you’re under 90. Clean it up!
Hey Henry, to the guy who loves to burn, pollute and bother his neighbors: it’s time to change that policy. Let’s Vote on it. You’ll LOSE!!
Hey Henry, ah, the good ole days when your automatic transmission car with a dead battery could be pushed 35 MPH and it would start in gear.
Hey Henry, does anyone in the Fairview area know what all of that loud noise (possibly music) is in the evenings near Fairview and Panola? Trying to watch TV and much less go to sleep with that booming bass sound going outside is near impossible. Our county needs to remember that there are families and senior citizens living in that area.
Hey Henry, to the person who said teachers are catered to … can you please expound on that? How are teachers catered to exactly?
Hey Henry, I cringe to think the Captain of the aircraft carrier I served on during Vietnam could be relieved of command for talking hateful and rude to me. With today’s poor me atmosphere in the military I doubt we could sustain an assault from some rogue nation.
Hey Henry, mousetraps work because mice don’t know why the cheese is free until it’s too late. Socialism is no different.
Hey Henry, warehouse upon warehouse in Henry County seems so odd and out of place. Unattractive and Fulton Industrial clone of decades ago.
Hey Henry, the difference between children playing decades ago and today – you couldn’t drag them inside then and now you can’t drag them outside.
Hey Henry, the people complaining about the burning in Henry County probably don’t do any yardwork or get outside. I support allowing burning in Henry County and residents that take pride in their yards and property. If everyone here cleaned up their neighborhoods instead of throwing trash everywhere, Henry County would be a lot nicer to live in … I agree, if you don’t like it, move to a county that doesn’t allow it!
Hey Henry, to the person from South Carolina, why in the world would you want to move here in this overcrowded, warehouse building, traffic place?
Hey Henry, I wouldn’t be surprised that in five to ten years an ad on TV, “Did you or a loved one take the COVID-19 vaccination?” You could be eligible for a huge cash settlement.
Hey Henry, what this country needs is more unemployed politicians.
Hey Henry, Trump was bad, but Biden is as bad or worse. We voted for one and the same.
Hey Henry, “Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress, but I repeat myself.” ~ Mark Twain.
Vintage comment from September 21, 2005 – Hey Henry, I am so sick and tired of being told as a county employee that “We don’t have any money.” You commissioners are going to have to think of a better one than that, this county is entirely too lucrative to think that the smarter people here are going to believe that. This should be called the “pocket lining capital of the South;” why do you think they call it “the jewel of the Southern Crescent?”
Hey Henry, I am a widow and moved to Henry County a few years ago from North Carolina. My smoke detector started going off and with me being inside more than usual, it was not a pleasant sound. Someone told me that I could call the fire department for help. Lt. Gene White and Daniel Ward came out, took the smoke detector apart, bought a new battery and installed it. Their help was such a blessing and I want to give them a big thank you!
Hey Henry, as a county, state and federal taxpayer, I would like to see our tax money stay in America and help our people, not the people who hate us.
Hey Henry, regarding the comment about the Sheriff’s Department patrolling the McDonough Square – don’t you think it’s kind of late, since they already stole the statue?
Hey Henry, instead of paying for all this patchwork and putting band aids out towards Fairview Road – why don’t you just take the money and bust up the road and repave from Hwy. 155 out to Anvil Block Road? You’d save the taxpayers money. I think we should vote no on the SPLOST.
Hey Henry, now that those always catered to teachers can get the Covid-19 shots (when the elderly/high risk cannot even get their shots), there is absolutely no reason that ALL students cannot return to the classroom immediately and teachers can get back to work! Administration and school board open the doors! Parents send them to school!
Hey Henry, why is it that builders come in and tear up roads with their construction and only have to “repair” the portion in front of their development? Flippen road is pot hole city due to construction trucks and the subdivision near the golf place, except for new resurfacing in front of the subdivision. Construction companies should be required to have the entire road resurfaced when they are done tearing it up!
Hey Henry, I may not have to “by law” show my receipt at the most popular department store, but when you have nothing to hide, what’s the problem with doing so? Considering the amount of merchandise stolen, I’m all for measures the keep the cost to PAYING consumers down.
Hey Henry, other than signing a bunch of executive orders (that Democrats screamed about Trump doing), Biden has accomplished nothing. No surprise there.
Hey Henry, to the person complaining about burning permits: you chose to live in a county that issues burn permits. If you have a problem with it, move to one of the other places that don’t allow burning. The rest of us adjust for a few smoky days, and burn as needed.
Hey Henry, bravo to the citizens that apprehended the robbery suspect at Chick-fil-A. Job well done.
Hey Henry, a president has little to no control over gas prices. The current situation – OPEC extending production cuts (limiting supply) and more people on the road (increasing demand) – is “driving” costs up.
Vintage comment from September 14, 2005 – Hey Henry, Hey red Vibe driver, some of us were considering calling the police or breaking in before your two dogs died. You try sitting in there a while, it doesn’t matter if the windows are down an inch.
Hey Henry, I do not support racism. I do not support censorship. I do not support burning books. I do not support re-writing or erasing history. I do support freedom of speech.
Hey Henry, another Henry County public works truck in Locust Grove coming out of the Post office turning left onto 42 – no blinker being used. When the speed goes from 35 to 45 they go 30, they didn’t like me blowing my horn. Would you use the blinker in your personal vehicle? Henry County, do something about the stupidity of your employees.
Hey Henry, it’s a real stretch to find “racist imagery” in Dr. Seuss books. Seriously? When is enough ridiculousness enough?
Hey Henry, kudos to the person commenting about college degrees. My son did attend about a year, but told me later, “Dad that is your dream, I don’t want to go to college.” He’s in a skilled mechanical trade now, owns his own company and has been in six figure income for many many years. The comment was spot on, the trades keep the wheels rolling in America, not a degree in basket weaving.
Hey Henry, does anyone know why you can’t pick up Henry County Fire on the scanner app anymore?
Hey Henry, we have been told the stimulus checks are not taxable, but you’ll notice if you got a stimulus your refund is lowered. Our Government’s nose keeps growing.
Hey Henry, ask your Republican representatives where your stimulus check is. They are the ones holding things up, as usual.
Hey Henry, as long as we continue to wear the masks while in stores, we will never have our freedoms back. It is a means of control. The longer you blindly wear them, this pandemic nonsense will never end. Refuse to wear a mask – for those who are afraid, they should wear them, but those of us who have played the game for a year have had enough. If Biden can let these illegals in our country with no masks or social distancing, then evidentially it’s not too important for the rest of us to wear them.
Hey Henry, if you think that gas prices increased because Trump is no longer president, you’d be right. People are optimistic again about our country and it shows.
Hey Henry, I agree with the March 3 comment about burning. There are so many lawn care and tree removal businesses on my street, that we can’t enjoy being outside. A neighbor burns their trash every Saturday which contains plastic. Ugh! Probably none of them should be running a business from their homes. Yes, please BOC, ban the residential burning!
Hey Henry, isn’t Bill Cosby in prison? Why is his show still on TV?
Hey Henry, I grew up in the fifties and sixties, served in Vietnam and in all this time I have never been more fearful and concerned about the state of the country. These are dangerous times for America and are becoming more dangerous as weeks go by.
Hey Henry, to the comment about moving out of Henry County years ago. Give us a break. Where did you move and how is it? The citizens of Henry County want to know, was the grass greener or did you make a big mistake?
Vintage comment from September 7, 2005 – Hey Henry, are we really so worried about how high the grass is cut in McDonough? Get real. We need elderly housing. We need real jobs – not at Wal-Mart. We need healthcare coverage for all children. Can you people be any more self-centered. I mean, really, how high the grass is cut? You need to volunteer your time. You have way too much time on your hands!
Hey Henry, nobody wants to hear my opinions, but they certainly want me to hear theirs.
Hey Henry, what does it say about your community if you need “Do Not Litter” signs posted everywhere to try to keep people from littering? And people still litter.
Hey Henry, Hey Joe, where’s my stimulus check you promised right before you were elected?
Hey Henry, the Democrats get in control and gas shoots up in price. Thanks to everyone who voted for them.
Hey Henry, college is nothing more than a big scam! They rip you off with book prices, classes etc. and when you graduate, nobody wants to pay you anything. Then you have student debt. Get into a trade, you make more money.
Hey Henry, I moved out of Henry County a few years ago. Best decision I have made in a long time. I still read Hey Henry and have submitted several comments but none have been published. Your little “rag” of a paper is pathetic and you refuse to print anything but trash about Trump and the Republicans, so I’m sure this will not be printed. People write nice things – be nice, be kind, be tolerant, but you only print one side of the political story. When Henry County becomes overcrowded with illegals, let’s see who moves away. It will be the Democrats because all of the Republicans have already moved away.
Hey Henry, thank you for the two wonderful Letters to the Editor in the February 3 issue by Hannah Evans and Smitty Phillips.
Hey Henry, my ten-year-old grandson and I were walking past the women’s lingerie on our left in a well-known store and as I look over at him, he has his left hand covering his eyes. I asked him, hey what’s up with that? He replied, “Mama told me not to look at that.”
Hey Henry, Board of Education, get the administrators out of our meetings! They do NOT know what we teach, how we teach, are at a loss for our actual working schedule, and are just adding to the already huge frustration we’re going through. Veteran teachers who have been through almost everything are almost quitting because you are blind leading the sighted. The deterioration of our county’s educational leadership is saddening for our children.
Hey Henry, Obituary: The Henry County Times. Editor’s Note – The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
~ Samuel Clemens.
Hey Henry, you DO NOT have to show your receipt when leaving the most popular department store on earth. Let them know it, even the employees don’t know the laws we have in America.
Hey Henry, the greatest threat to our freedoms is the mask and the closing of any business.
Hey Henry, Commissioners WAKE UP. The Neanderthal Age is long over, STOP the burning permits. We can’t even open a window on a gorgeous spring day. Other states banned this in the 1970’s.
Vintage comment from August 24, 2005 – Hey Henry, when it rains…slow down, slow WAY down. I’ve lost two cars to speeders hydroplaning, saw four more headed for the junk yard after a spectacular chain-reaction on Hwy. 42 in Locust Grove. Rain and speed don’t mix.
Hey Henry, I am in total agreement about putting red lights up in Henry County, but if I am not mistaken, I think it is up to the state of Georgia to authorize installing red lights.
Hey Henry, to the person who put pepper up their nose when they were young: In the 60’s, when I was quite young, I decided to see how small a bee could still sting you. I found out quickly that small bees can still sting you. But to make it worse, as an adult I saw a bumblebee struggling to stay alive in a water dish. I thought I would be kind and save it from drowning. I put my finger under said bee and that bee stung me! To my surprise! I was being nice! Jerk bee. I let him go on his/her merry way. To live another day. Another lesson learned the hard way.
Hey Henry, so the governor and Royston want to give the federal government employees a $1,000 bonus if you make under $80,000 a year. There is around $51 million dollars waiting to be distributed to different agencies according to WSB News. So, if you don’t fulfill your critical job duties, and serve the people that need the governments help, why should it be that critical to just hand that money out? That’s right, the so-called Government knows best.
Hey Henry, thank you Henry County Sheriff’s Department for making rounds on the McDonough Square.
Hey Henry, the panic surrounding COVID-19 and the vaccine shows us who are assured of their reservation in Heaven, and who are uncertain.
Hey Henry, no one is more deplorable and despicable than Benedict Donald.
Hey Henry, since Georgia and Henry County are so proud of becoming predominately Democratic, I think the humanitarian thing to do is petition Washington to send a couple of thousand of our new immigrant citizens to live here in Henry. It’s only fair, you know Republicans won’t do it.
Hey Henry, the reader commenting about the Space Force has no clue what they are talking about. Perhaps they need to do some research before commenting. Instead, they have bought into the Trump lie.
Hey Henry, our roadsides are covered with litter, the roads are full of potholes, our green spaces are covered by warehouses full of Chinese goods, but one thing we can be proud of, we don’t have that hurtful old statue in the Square any more!
Hey Henry, it saddens me to see so many houses and subdivisions going up in an already over-built county. Henry County is becoming just another ho hum busy, crowded metro Atlanta area community.
Hey Henry, I am glad you published the Casual Observer article about the lies that the American people are subject to and do not deserve. I actually expect to be lied to these days. What is the problem with dealing with the truth?
Vintage comment from August 10, 2005- Hey Henry, I really would like to see our Crossing Guards use neon flags while directing traffic. This would help drivers to better see them, instead of using their hands.
Hey Henry, I found out a way to get rich. Sell most of the drivers in Henry County a gallon of blinker fluid.
Hey Henry, I cringed when President Biden’s press secretary made the snarky mocking reference to “Space Force” recently. She and others will wipe that sarcastic grin off their faces when in less than 20 years China has a missile base on the moon and will dominate us and the rest of the world.
Hey Henry, to the person who commented about people not wearing masks and added, “too many Democrats around here.” The majority of people who don’t wear masks are Republicans. If you don’t believe it, observe who goes without a mask and ask them if they are Democrat or Republican. It is very obvious to me that most are Republicans. Why is everything that Republicans do blamed on the Democrats?
Hey Henry, what happened to the “Do not litter” signs? What happened to the convicts picking up trash along the roads? What happened to respect for others? What happened to pride in our communities?
Hey Henry, I am really sick and tired of disrespectful drivers. Henry County has some of the worst. Police departments, are y’all giving up? You’re not seen anymore and these people think there are no more laws when driving.
Hey Henry, I have a hard time deciding where there is more trash … on our roads or on TV?
Hey Henry, why are our administrators running and re-processing our planning meetings? They haven’t taught, don’t know the curriculum, tools, nor gone through our process in a long time. The process you’ve forced us into is creating a non-productive planning period, confusion, and we’re not able to get planned properly for our students with the hindrance/interruption.
Hey Henry, attaboy to the person commenting President Biden and VP Harris won the election fair and square. Maybe they won fair and square and maybe they didn’t because our judicial system refuses to look carefully into obvious voting irregularities. I will never believe the election was fair.
Hey Henry, the Republicans are so far to the right that conservatives look liberal.
Hey Henry, how stupid can you be? For many years, Bethlehem Road at Hwy. 42 has needed a traffic light and y’all still haven’t put one there. Someone was killed there recently. Isn’t this a wake up call? Of course a light went up for the warehouses right up the road that we didn’t need built in Locust Grove.
Hey Henry, as a sixteen-year-old in 1963 I worked at a well known fast food restaurant still in operation today and was paid 55 cents an hour. With today’s mention of $15 dollars an hour – to cook French Fries in 1963 I could have purchased a new corvette, bought my parents a new house and lived the high life.
Vintage comment from July 26, 2005 – Hey Henry, to the mom in the white van at Food Depot, you taught your pre-teen son a bad lesson Saturday morning when you had him leave the grocery cart in the parking lot. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed.
Hey Henry, vote no on E-SPLOST. Look at your tax bill and see what you already pay in school tax for a failing system. Vote no! Enrollment has leveled off so no new buildings are needed.
Hey Henry, Commissioners, how about your “Urbanization?” Did you see the shootout on Jonesboro road?
Hey Henry, what’s up with stores suddenly charging an additional 5% to use credit cards? Why the sudden change? It seems in these days of having to have less interaction with people, that a single card would be a preferred method of payment.
Hey Henry, kids have been competing at the Steve Lundquist Aquatic Center in Clayton for years, right next to the jail. It’s not that big of a deal.
Hey Henry, the person talking about Hillary Clinton was right about her saying the deplorables took over the capital. They were Democrats. They are deplorables! It was set up by them to get at Trump.
Hey Henry, the election is over and President Biden and VP Kamala Harris won fair and square. It’s time to give it up and take your yard signs down. They are becoming a public nuisance. Isn’t there a law against campaign signs staying up so long after the election?
Hey Henry, when the chat among teachers is all about feeling unappreciated, disrespected, put down, etc. for too long, the talk becomes, where do I go next year? The “where do I go” is about other counties that are treating their teachers better, offering higher pay, pulling things off plates instead of adding more, and supporting them with parents.
Hey Henry, hats off to the nice person who paid for my breakfast and my mother’s at the Huddle House on Hwy 81 in McDonough. Then they paid for the couple sitting behind us. Thank you very much. We will be paying forward. By the way, it also happened to me and three friends on Wednesday night at the Corner Café in Griffin. It’s great to live in a country where people still care about others.
Hey Henry, attention slobs: STOP littering our roads. Attention fast food restaurants: Put up anti-littering signs. It’s your garbage that’s going out of their windows. Enough.
Hey Henry let’s have more of Rob DeMarco. This guy is a modern day Mark Twain.
Hey Henry, I want to thank Officer Jason Valentine for the amazing professionalism he exhibited in helping me with an issue at New Hope Methodist Church Voting precinct on January 5. Thank you for your protection and kind words. Sandy Ridge #27.
Hey Henry, I was ten or eleven in the fifties and was curious if pepper would make you sneeze. I stuffed pepper up both of my nostrils to solve the mystery. I found out very quickly it did not make me sneeze, but it did put a firestorm in my nose that water and nothing else could quench. I never did that again.
Vintage comment from June 15, 2005 – Hey Henry, you people have been giving me a headache.
Hey Henry, if they sold common sense at Wal-Mart, maybe more people would have some.
Hey Henry, people aren’t wearing masks and the people working in the stores aren’t enforcing these rules. That is why they will never control this virus. Too many Democrats around here.
Hey Henry, Hillary Clinton was right after all. The whole ‘basket of deplorables’ showed up at the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021.
Hey Henry, we are over 65 and just got our COVID-19 vaccination at Atlanta Motor Speedway. I want to give a big thumbs up to the District 4 Health Department. They have done a fantastic job. The process was smooth, the staff was friendly and it was well organized. We’re looking forward to getting our second vaccination there.
Hey Henry, can anybody do anything about the wait times at the McDonough Post Office?
Hey Henry, in these days of hungry people trying to get fed, I think it’s a sin for the school system to just throw away their leftovers at the end of the day. Why can they not go to a shelter or some organization to feed our community hungry with the food? It’s just wrong and the school board should consider more compassion for our families.
Hey Henry, headline from the AJC – Henry proposes warehouse moratorium as growth overwhelms roads. Ya think?
Hey Henry, flip flop time is coming!
Hey Henry, my baby was American made, born and raised in the USA.
Hey Henry, why did it take the deaths of a teacher and parapro to make you wake up and care about our teachers’ safety? We’ve been saying it all along. We were set-up well for remote learning already due to our foresight in 1-to-1 devices, but our county leadership is losing valuable people due to their lack of foresight.
Hey Henry, our county commissioners want to spend millions on land for the Aquatic Center when they were given a beautiful piece of property! What is their excuse? People would have to drive past the jail to get to the Aquatic Center! What about the ball fields across the road from the jail? I guess people drive a different way to get to those fields with their children!
Hey Henry, if the government would hand the vaccine over to the public sector, we could have everyone in the U.S. vaccinated in short order. Typical fashion for the government, dragging their feet and making up lame excuses why everyone can’t get vaccinated. I see influence and position in life gets to the head of the line.
Hey Henry, would someone please explain to me why Georgia is number one in having given the LEAST vaccinations in the US? This state seems to make a habit of taking first place in things that we should not be proud of.
Hey Henry, the Casual Observer is right on the mark in his article on analog still having a place in our fast-paced digital world, especially when it comes to reading. I prefer printed books and newspapers to electronic media. Thanks!
Vintage comment from April 27, 2005 – Hey Henry, I have finally figured out the solution to McDonough’s traffic problem: Make all roads one-way leading out of town.
Hey Henry, I love the Fortson library in Hampton. The staff is friendly and very helpful. However, I will not go after dark. There are no lights in the parking lot and it’s scary. I feel bad for the staff having to leave and walk to their cars in the dark. The county needs to make it safer for patrons. I noticed the senior center across the street is well lit.
Hey Henry, in regards to the comment about turning the covered complex at Heritage Park into an ice skating rink during the holidays – I LOVE THAT! Right now it’s a waste of space.
Hey Henry, to the person who was tired of the hillbilly, good ole boy culture – at least back then we didn’t have the crime that we do now.
Hey Henry, B.I.D.E.N. Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated 47+ year career politician who has accomplished nothing. How do voters expect him to get anything done in 4 years?
Hey Henry, “what will our kids think?” Hopefully they will stand up for what is right and strongly disapprove of cheating to win.
Hey Henry, do you think all of the affidavits of voter fraud are wrong? How could they be? How can the counting stop basically at the same time in the battle ground states? Asking for a friend.
Hey Henry, please detail who exactly is the “left wing media” and the important stories they ignored. Most media has been very fair to Trump, using euphemisms to describe his lies because they’re unsure if he’s really lying or just insane.
Hey Henry, Joe Biden and the Democratic party condemned President Trump’s use of sanctions. Now Biden states he’ll use those same sanctions while he’s in office. The hypocrisy never ends.
Hey Henry, let’s follow the lies: There’s election fraud. There’s election fraud and the folks running the elections are part of the conspiracy. There’s election fraud and the judges are involved, too. There was no election fraud. Trump is the fraud.
Hey Henry, I wish dogs lived longer, life wasn’t so expensive, people did their own research instead of believing everything on the Internet and printed by biased news organizations, and society still believed in good character, integrity, and doing the right thing even when no one is watching. I sure do miss the America I grew up in.
Hey Henry, are y’all ready for round two of ‘he’s not my president?’
Hey Henry, first things first, outlaw these cars with bright blues lights, especially these new ones and the idiots that put these light beams on their trucks. Second, outlaw these cars with the loud exhaust! They must love to hear their own vehicles make ridiculous noise.
Hey Henry, it was surprising to read the “longtime resident” praise the diverse, multicultural county while dismissing a large population of “backward redneck hillbillies.” Talk about divisiveness! I hope this person learns to be more “inclusive.” Can’t we all just get along? From another longtime resident, not going anywhere else.
Vintage comment from April 20, 2005 – Hey Henry, dear commissioners, old Chinese proverb: He who rides the tiger cannot get off.
Hey Henry, the Henry County Zoning Advisory Board keeps approving more and more multi use developments, apartments, townhomes and cluster housing despite the obvious fact that Henry County is overcrowded and traffic is a nightmare. No accountability. People can’t leave here fast enough.
Hey Henry, Georgia, if you love Hollywood’s money, you better learn to eat its politics. Pretty soon you won’t enjoy the taste. Just take a look at California.
Hey Henry, our doctors and nurses are at the breaking point. They have dealt with so many deaths and Covid cases and unfortunately there are a lot more to come. Those who do not wear masks are selfish and uncaring. They are the same type of people who do not evacuate during a hurricane then sit on their roofs waiting to be rescued. Grow up and do your part.
Hey Henry, if anyone stole or influenced the election it was the left wing media ignoring important news stories to not upset the candidates’ chances of winning. I watch and listen to all news regardless of content. It gives me a perspective of what these knuckleheads are thinking and up to.
Hey Henry, our schools are filled with Covid cases. Scores of teachers out in many buildings. You’ve had to send in central office staff, tons of subs, make class sizes more unsafe than ever. Isn’t it time to follow some common sense and finish the year like we started, all remote?
Hey Henry, since when did the I-75 20/81 exit become a huge haven for drug addicted bums? They are getting quite aggressive lately. This sets a poor image, for a county already “in the decline.” I wish this could be addressed soon.
Hey Henry, as a long time resident of Henry County, I would like to welcome all the new families who have chosen to move to Henry County. Finally this is a diverse, multicultural county! I am tired of all the backward redneck hillbilly, good ole boy idiots that lived here and ran this county. To all that have moved out of this county or plan to move – good riddance! This county is better off without you.
Hey Henry, sports teams should follow the method set by other sore losers. If they don’t win the game, go to the court to have the opposing team’s scoring plays thrown out until they do win. Litigate those touchdowns. It may be the only hope for the Falcons and Cowboys.
Hey Henry, we should not be surprised when overnight the government passes a bill to keep running. People are going hungry, yet you don’t have any concerns. Stay behind your walls at home, you have no remorse whatsoever to help Americans out.
Hey Henry, why do women insist on wearing stretch pants so tight when their rear looks like two hippos trapped in a bag fighting to get out?
Hey Henry, I think Henry county should turn the covered complex at Heritage Park into an ice skating rink during the holidays, complete with hot cocoa and projector movies and music!
Vintage comment from April 6, 2005 – Hey Henry, why can’t SPLOST money actually go to roads in need of repair?
Hey Henry, to the people that leave a nice warm house and go to a nice warm office to work, remember the ones outside freezing their cans off. You should have no complaints!
Hey Henry, what’s up with all the dump trucks, from Hwy. 42 to Jonesboro road to McDonough Parkway? Where is code enforcement? These dump trucks are fully loaded with no tarp covering like the law says. Not responsible for falling debris – you wanna bet?
Hey Henry, the most important election of the century and no cameras, no security, no cameras in the parking lot, and nobody monitoring the cameras. This was a setup from the get go. Our grandchildren will hear the truth in 50 or 60 years. Someone will spill the beans.
Hey Henry, when will Trump go somewhere and quit trying to make a fool out the people of Georgia? Kelly Loeffler needs to hop on her horses and continue farming. David Perdue needs to go check on his chickens, that’s where he is needed. It’s disgusting for the three of them to be down right ignorant. What will our kids think? If you lose a game, or fail a test – that it’s okay to fight or pout? You lose some, you win some.
Hey Henry, Trump avoiding the draft during Vietnam comes up occasionally, but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find Bush, Clinton and a host of other Republicans and Democrats who pulled shady deals to avoid the service. Washington has been the home of draft dodgers for decades.
Hey Henry, in response to the ER visits and not being able to use a primary health provider because someone doesn’t have insurance. What happened to the hyped up Obama care? It’s free if you can’t afford it, or is it? By the way, a nurse whispered in my ear at the ER one night, “you’re better off coming in here without any insurance because the hospital eats the cost and it’s written off.”
Hey Henry, Donald Trump is the only person who can save America from total destruction. Don’t believe it? Watch the chaos and stumbling. Biden will do damage from day one.
Hey Henry, I see a lot of people having the attitude “I would survive the Coronavirus. I’m taking my chances.” The way I see it, yeah, I’d survive it, but I might carry it to someone who wouldn’t. And that, people, is the problem.
Hey Henry, Biden is going to jump start the economy? You mean the way Obama jump started it.
Hey Henry, after the elections are over, your neighbors will still be your neighbors. Trump or Biden won’t be there to ring up your groceries, fix your car, help you with your yardwork; your neighbors will. We the people are what makes a country great. We are the ones who choose to be decent, loving, caring and compassionate human beings. Stop allowing politicians (including local ones) with their own agendas divide us and encourage hate. Be responsible for your own behavior and character. #AlwaysChooseKindness
Hey Henry, Henry County voted almost 60% for Biden. To those 60%, enjoy the socialism coming our way. No griping, please. You wanted it, you got it.
Hey Henry, politicians are like fleas. They are parasites that live off our tax money and they are impossible to get rid of.
Hey Henry, I guess $2.8 million is not worth saving for the HCWA. Our Commissioners are losing sight as to whose money they’re losing.
Vintage comment from March 2, 2005 – Hey Henry, somebody called in to the vent saying their spouse can speak 200 words per minute; with gusts, 250. I didn’t know they knew my husband.
Hey Henry, you can’t even go to the veterinarian on the weekdays or holidays unless you wait several hours because this county is so overcrowded.
Hey Henry, to the person taking the pictures of people’s tags while on their phones in their cars – aren’t you using your phone to take those pictures? The law is “Hands Free Georgia.” Look it up and PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN!
Hey Henry, ever wonder why McDonough is the only city in the County that has a city tax and is also the only city in the county that charges for parking?
Hey Henry, ok, so if you are stupid enough NOT to wear a mask and you die from COVID-19 then that leaves us with less stupid people.
Hey Henry, isn’t the news supposed to be unbiased? Your blue is showing.
Hey Henry, if you do not have insurance the last place you should be going for minor medical issues is the Emergency Room. A primary care doctor is far cheaper and quicker.
Hey Henry, I know I said it was nice to not have Alexa, Echo, and Siri yapping at me, but the truth is, I’m kind of lonely. So I decided to say hello to my refrigerator (yes, it talks and its name is Bixby). I said “hey Bixby,” and, I kid you not, the screen showed this message: “Bixby is no longer in the country!”
Hey Henry, only when you’re older and wiser do you realize how much control the government has over our lives. Trump had the right idea, step out of the way and let us handle it. When Biden steps up, look for more regulations and laws you can’t imagine.
Hey Henry, Trump has done more for everyone and everything than anyone who has ever lived … and if you believe that load of garbage, I have a bridge to sell you.
Hey Henry, have a good day!
Hey Henry, Public Safety, please monitor King Mill Road from 42 to 155. Drivers speed and pass in the middle lane, which is a turning lane. I so want to buy a big truck with steel bars around it and ram the crap out of these idiots.
Hey Henry, I don’t see how anyone could be surprised at the actions of the Ola Elementary School principal. Schools no longer educate, they indoctrinate, that’s their job.
Hey Henry, you sure showed your true colors when you objected to a school Principal educating about, and celebrating the diversity of our top elected officials.
Hey Henry, Stacy Abrams’ nonprofit groups are giving millions to help defeat Loeffler and Perdue.
Hey Henry, Biden. Come on man, you want more security clearances, you’re not the President, since you have not been sworn in yet. You are not my President. Get over it.
Vintage comment from February 16, 2005 – Hey Henry, the definition of an optimist: a driver with his/her blinker light on anywhere along Highway 81 East.
Hey Henry, I wish someone would go shake the paw of the giant dog sitting on the pedestal on Jonesboro Road. He looks so sad and in need of some love.
Hey Henry, do you have confidence in the voting system in place for the senate races?
Hey Henry, someone needs to come up with a distribution plan in the paper so I can have a place for all my pictures of all the tags and photos of people on their phones texting or talking on them, also of drivers being disrespectful of others. They know who they are.
Hey Henry, President Trump has done more for African Americans than any other President (including Obama) and he wasn’t re-elected. No more complaining when Biden doesn’t do, or accomplish anything.
Hey Henry, Trump lost the popular vote both in 2016 and 2020 so half the country did not vote for a man incapable of anything, much less being Commander in Chief.
Hey Henry, the real winners in this election are the businesses that sold all the signs.
Hey Henry, I agree with the fellow “anti masker.” This nonsense has gone on long enough. If people are afraid of this virus, you need to wear a mask and do what ever else you need to do to feel safe. However, don’t criticize me because I am over this and choose to move ahead, mask free.
Hey Henry, the only legal thing Trump did was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – and boy, did most Americans get jobbed on that one!
Hey Henry, has Jon Ossoff held a real job? How can a 33-year- old with little experience hold down a senator’s position?
Hey Henry, I came close to being nailed broadside by an Amazon van at “the most dangerous intersection in Henry County – Hwy. 155 and East Lake.” He ran the red light. How long before something is really done about this intersection?
Hey Henry, politicians don’t worry about taxes, guess who writes the tax laws.
Hey Henry, I am sure that the people that you were complaining about using the ER for minor complaints would much rather go to a Primary Care provider. My guess is that they do not have insurance, or cannot afford some of the outrageous copays that are charged by those that have insurance. Complain to Gov. Kemp who refuses to expand Medicaid, not to the people who have no other choice but to go to the ER.
Hey Henry, follow the money on Henry’s expansion and subdivision building en masse.
Hey Henry, Board of Education, please ask presenters for Professional Development days not to read slide shows to us. We teach reading, and know how to read. It’s almost insulting.
Hey Henry, I get it when businesses require me to wear face coverings, but when I visit area Wal-Mart stores, more times than not, I see employees in the deli with masks below their noses or totally off. These folks are handling food. What is going on here?
Vintage comment from February 5, 2005 – Hey Henry, everyone should treat people the way you want to be treated. It only takes a second to smile and say hello. Hello everyone. God loves you!
Hey Henry, could it be over half of the country is willing to vote for a man not capable of being the Commander in Chief?
Hey Henry, make America intelligent again.
Hey Henry, there is no national, state, or local laws for wearing those masks. If you want to wear one, that’s ok with me. Don’t try to shame me because I don’t.
Hey Henry, you’re already going to get a tax hike compliments of Trump and the Republicans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act tax cuts were temporary. I see that Trump and the Republicans forgot to mention that fact this election.
Hey Henry, it has become quite evident how ignorant the American voter is and has become.
Hey Henry, President Trump did exactly what he said he would do before becoming President. Listen carefully at what Biden and Harris have said now and in the past and list their accomplishments. For Biden list any in 47 years. You see where our country is headed. We get the government we deserve.
Hey Henry, even President Carter has said Trump was put in office by the Russian interference. Hillary Clinton has said Trump is not a legitimate President. The list goes on forever, but now, when Trump questions interference in the vote, everyone is shocked.
Hey Henry, to the person who complained about the traffic around Tanger Outlet. You must not be a Henry County native. If you were, you would know that Henry County builds, builds and builds some more. Reason and logic says that you widen and improve the roads first. You can’t build all those warehouses, but choose to ignore the road system.
Hey Henry, whose bright idea was it to close the railroad crossing on Bowden Street in Locust Grove? All they had to do was put two poles on either side of the tracks, with a sign overhead that only cars can go under, saying ‘low crossing’ to keep the trucks from turning there. Now the intersection at Peeksville Road is a traffic jam.
Hey Henry, I sure hope the political signs will be gone real soon so I can have an unobstructed view of the garage sale signs again. I’m serious!
Hey Henry, to all of the rude, reckless, drag racing maniacs on our once-safe roadways – if you brought your driving “skills” here from whatever state you moved here from, you should have left them there. We are tired of it.
Hey Henry, thank you for repairing the pot holes on Hosannah Road. It doesn’t feel like an obstacle course any more!
Hey Henry, Henry County Times, who on our school board owns you? I ask because you’ve put nothing about our school board in your column for months, yet I know many of us district employees are writing in. Shame on you!
Hey Henry, in these difficult, tumultuous times … I like bacon, I like beer, but not bacon beer.
Vintage comment from January 19, 2005 – Hey Henry, I just love it when customers in the express lane, with too many items, wait until the cashier gives a total before they start digging for a credit card.
Hey Henry, move to Australia and live in the bush the rest of your life and forget the day to day bickering and nonsense over the President and the government. You’ll live longer and happier, nothing is going to change for anyone in America whomever sits in the White House.
Hey Henry, people talk about the economy not being good, heck, you could have fooled me. People shopping like crazy, eating out, taking two or three vacations a year, and buying new vehicles. Sorry, I don’t believe it.
Hey Henry, we are always concerned about texting and driving, which is a pandemic in itself. People who drive, eat, read, or put makeup on should also be ticketed.
Hey Henry, I feel compelled to comment about the car dealerships selling expensive parts. I have been a mechanic over 40 years and I can tell you it is a fine line between buying expensive factory parts and Chinese junk. If the part goes inside the engine, I buy the best part available regardless the cost, otherwise I take a gamble of buy what’s best for the repair. Not all cheap parts are bad, just some of them.
Hey Henry, we sure could use some resurfacing and new lineage on Plantation Road from New Hope to Laney at the stop sign. It has many potholes and has narrowed over the years. With no lights on that road (to speak of) it is becoming a real hazard, especially after dark.
Hey Henry, well, things are looking a little better for me. Alexa and Echo want to stay at the warehouse forever. Siri never has an answer for any of my questions, so I’ve quit talking to her. Without all of them yapping at me, I’ve begun to notice things I’ve never noticed before – like the beautiful Pink Muhly Grass on the medians on Jonesboro Road.
Hey Henry, we live in a 55 and older community. It is very quiet, but all the stop signs in our neighborhood mean nothing to the homeowners or their guests. I walk in the neighborhood, and these people are so disrespectful. Running stop signs and even speeding. 25 miles per hour is max.
Hey Henry, I go in the grocery store and maybe 2 or 3 individuals are not wearing a mask. I’m not fond of wearing one either, but being over 70, I feel compelled to. I wear it out of respect for my fellow citizens as every citizen should. Shame on anyone not wearing a mask, regardless of who you are.
Hey Henry, please stop using our wonderful Piedmont Henry hospital as your primary healthcare. The emergency room is over crowded from minor ailments a primary doctor could have taken care of. Anyone in the ER lately can understand.
Hey Henry, I see that some people fail to read what’s written. Republicans have been stacking the courts since Nixon. Trump has had multiple bankruptcies and stiffed so many banks that no one will lend to him. That’s a business failure, not a success. No one is a bigger failure than Trump.
Hey Henry, if Biden wins, get ready for tax hikes, national mask mandates, and more socialism.
Vintage comment from December 15, 2004 – Hey Henry, the most powerful weapon ever made … grandchildren.
Hey Henry, my sister has sewn and given away over 1,800 masks to the Veterans Administration, The Red Cross, churches and some schools. I think that is very good.
Hey Henry, why are male cats and male turkeys both called a tom?
Hey Henry, kudos to the caste system in high school. The same folks at the top of the caste are still floundering on classmates, reciting their resumes and posting pics of their trips to far off places. Decades ago and they are still reliving their teen years. No one cared then, and no one cares now.
Hey Henry, I see no one else cares about the awful pot holes on Hosannah Road. Again, they have been marked with white paint. I guess that’s the new fix it method for the pot hole problem.
Hey Henry, my father used to tell me it’s no different today than yesteryear. The only difference is today you can borrow all the money you want to buy whatever, but back in the hard times you couldn’t borrow two dimes. For once I will agree with my dad.
Hey Henry, when is Locust Grove going to make the left turn at the corner of Tanger Blvd. and the KFC an illegal turn? If not, why don’t they put a turn lane there. Locust Grove is a mess as it is, and it backs up traffic when driver’s want to turn left at that light. There is going to be a major accident there one of these days.
Hey Henry, finally the media is asking Joe Biden the tough questions similar to the ones asked of President Trump. “Hey Joe, what flavor ice cream did you get.” I got vanilla and a chocolate.”
Hey Henry, darn right that it is a travesty that Trump ended up president. He’s unable to complete a sentence even if his life depended on it.
Hey, Henry, to the person who says Republicans have been stacking the SCOTUS since Nixon, you are so wrong. The SC has consisted of eight justices and one Chief Justice for many, many years. The Republicans have no desire to add additional justices, unlike the Democrats who want to stack the SC so they can gain leverage by doing so.
Hey Henry, it takes a special sort of idiot to bankrupt a casino but it’s only your money if you want Trump to run your business. It’s our lives that Trump has been playing with for four years.
Hey Henry, Donald Trump is a successful business owner. Whether you like his personality or not, he gets results. Kind of like Teddy Roosevelt.
Hey Henry, attaboy to our wonderful Henry Piedmont Hospital and all the nurses and doctors. I spent three days there and felt safe and comfortable with the concern and care I received. That goes for the EMT’s that picked me up by ambulance.
Hey Henry, having seven yard signs and a five foot billboard in your yard will not convince me to vote for your favorite candidate. It just looks tacky.
Vintage comment fro November 24, 2004 – Hey Henry, to the fast food customers who dine as you drive; did your Mama REALLY say it was okay to throw your empty containers and cups in the road? I don’t think so!
Hey Henry, thank you HC Transit Department for the free shuttle service from the courthouse parking lot to the Elections Main Office for early voting. And thank you to all the workers at the Elections office for such an easy early voting process. I’m proud of the professionalism displayed by all.
Hey Henry, the traffic and congestion continues to get unbearable and the building of subdivisions keeps welcoming more and more people. It will never stop.
Hey Henry, we can’t get “Enough” of the Casual Observer. Lol.
Hey Henry, I believe car dealerships that sell parts for ridiculous sums, should investigated.
Hey Henry, a stop sign at Sloan street and 42 – really? What are you thinking? Traffic is really backing up there since the stop sign has been put up. What is going to happen when there is a wreck on 75 and all that traffic is coming through here? Get real! This is not going to work!
Hey Henry, China, Iran, North Korea and every other two bit dictator country is watching with keen interest awaiting Biden as President. We will be in a position they want to see us in. This is a travesty, electing a man who can’t complete a sentence.
Hey Henry, who really believes Trump can spell prognostication, much less has a clue what it means? Obviously, someone assists him in writing his tweets. How dare he insult Dr. Fauci. I guess he wants us to listen to Dr. Atlas, Radiologist, not an Epidemiologist.
Hey Henry, if you watched the townhall on Thursday night, you could see how the media favors Biden. No hard questions, nothing about the emails. What has Biden done for the country in his 47 years?
Hey Henry, the Republicans have been stacking the courts since Nixon.
Who would you want to run your business, Biden or Trump? I say Trump.
Hey Henry, the poll numbers are real. What do you think that they do, make stuff up like Trump?
Hey Henry, all you people waving because you want the public to vote for your candidate, please quit waving! Just because your waving, does not mean we are going to vote for your candidate.
Hey Henry, I appreciate the fact that Chris Christie is man enough to admit when he makes a mistake.
Hey Henry, fist bumping is still a physical touch. It does nothing to prevent the spread of germs.
Vintage comment from November 10, 2004 – Hey Henry, thank you, Bethany Baptist departing worshippers, for coming to the aid of a stranded Methodist. As the song goes, we’ll “pass it on.”
Hey Henry, Washington works well for the rich, but not for the common people. It has always been this way and will continue to be that way. It’s the American way.
Hey Henry, cigarette smokers – quit throwing your cigarettes on the ground. People don’t want that crap in their yards or businesses.
Hey Henry, after reading the Times’s article about in-person commissioners meetings, I have to say you hit the nail on the head. Some don’t ever want a public meeting where they will face the public. Henry citizens are quickly getting fed up with racist politics and personal desires. I just hope the people in these districts wake up before it’s too late.
Hey Henry, only in your adulthood do you realize high school is a caste system and has been forever.
Hey Henry, look up the definition of politician in the dictionary. Politician: usually someone drunk on power and control who thinks they know what is better for you than you do.
Hey Henry, this county ain’t gonna be happy until every tree is cut down to build something.
Hey Henry, while I am grateful for the job that both law enforcement and fire/emergency services do, I have noticed something odd recently. I saw a Henry County fire engine with a blue flashing light on back. I thought State of GA code was that blue lights were reserved for law enforcement and red lights were reserved for emergency services. This seems to blur the line a little. This is not something that is needed during these unsettled times.
Hey Henry, tomorrow’s forecast: mostly sad with intermittent rays of hope.
Hey Henry, a big shout out to the sales force at Harbor Freight on Jonesboro Road. They are friendly, knowledgeable and personable; give it a try.
Hey Henry, to those who wear jeans with rips in the front: how do you put them on without getting your toes stuck in the holes?
Hey Henry, if Joe Biden wins, get ready for the Supreme Court to be stacked. Get ready for Elizabeth Warren to be treasury secretary. Get ready for the completion of the change to communism.
Hey Henry, why are the Republicans intent on pushing through a Supreme Court nomination prior to an election? We have already had many demonstrations of their hypocrisy, so there’s no need for another. Maybe they should be trying to help ordinary Americans. Remember us? The ones who’ll be voting November 3.
Hey Henry, if you are naive enough to believe in polls Vice President Biden is on track to win 49 states in a landslide. I have never in my entire life been polled by phone or in person. Where do they get all these fictitious poll numbers?
Hey Henry, it will be chaos if President Trump wins the election and every voter knows it. Rioting, looting, burning and destroying property will be on the grandest scale and it will take national guard troops to stop it. Don’t believe it, wait and see.
Vintage comment from September 1, 2004 – Hey Henry, in the time it takes me to go from my house to the airport, check my bags, and fly to Guatemala, I got from Jodeco Road to Hudson Bridge on I-75. This county’s out of control.
Hey Henry, the debate was a total joke and we should be ashamed. What on earth was that? The world is watching and it’s not good.
Hey Henry, election signs by code should be on private, not public property. If the candidates cannot follow the law why would we want to elect them? Observe and see which candidates are so blatantly breaking the rules. They are desperately trying to win. My fear is what rules will they be willing to break if they win.
Hey Henry, I watched Kennedy and Nixon debate in 1960. No comparison in what took place then and the spectacle we endured last night. My gosh, this country is in serious trouble.
Hey Henry, you know things are rough when Democrats actually admit there is a budget. By the way, there is such thing as Federalism (high school civics class) and Trump can’t restore order when Governors and/or mayors don’t ask for federal assistance.
Hey Henry, a cop killed a black woman and was only charged for the shots missed. Arrest the killers of Breonna Taylor.
Hey Henry, I would like to know how many of the people that belong to the white supremacy groups have actually been in the military, and spent time in a war zone. They dress up like soldiers, with their weapons, uniforms, and chants, all the time playing soldiers.
Hey Henry, Simon and Garfunkel said it in 1968. It’s still true: Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon. Going to the candidates’ debate. Laugh about it, shout about it, when you’ve got to choose. Every way you look at this you lose.
Hey Henry, they put a crosswalk in front of the shops in Locust Grove with blinking lights and half the people don’t even mash the button to turn on the caution lights when they cross the street. How dumb can you get?
Hey Henry, for those who read the opinion column in the September 30 issue, please do your research about ACA. It is not as wonderful as some think. So many do not qualify. There are very high premiums and costly regulations. It really is not working. Thousands are without insurance, as we speak. So, Medicare for All will fix the problem? Just asking.
Hey Henry, if Trump remains president, we will be like Russia. Those who think otherwise are delusional just like Trump.
Hey Henry, why won’t Biden answer if he will stack the Supreme Court or bring Puerto Rico and DC in as states?
Hey Henry, Georgia’s governor, Brian Kemp, was featured prominently in Doonesbury last Sunday in the AJC. I’m sure it will be remembered when he tires of Georgia and tries for the Big Leagues. Be sure to look for it.
Hey Henry, my sister is a hoarder. To gain some insight into her problem, I started watching a TV show called “Hoarders.” It completely backfired on me. I found her a hoarding buddy, and now I want to start hoarding.
Vintage comment from August 25, 2004 – Hey Henry, why does every ladies magazine that advertises a new diet on the front cover always have an incredible dessert that you can’t have on the diet?
Hey Henry, this county should be in the record books, because it surely holds the record for red light running for the entire state. I have been driving over 55 years and on a regular basis I see someone running a red light. It has become common place to see it weekly. A footnote, a knucklehead almost killed me running a red light in 2017!
Hey Henry, certain commissioners use meetings to promote themselves for reelection. They are campaigning on our time and the chair allows it every meeting. Yet it must not seem important to some so I guess we will just become more divided.
Hey Henry, a shout out to Taco Bell at Price Quarters Road on the best drive thru ordering system. What do they know that everyone else is missing.
Hey Henry, the person who commented that Trump is a dictator must have received a failing grade in civics. Dissent and elections are not permitted in dictatorships. Furthermore, Obama gets first place for presidential pardons which totaled 1,927. Of these 504 were life sentences and 330 were on his last day in office.
Hey Henry, when is “Make America Great Again” going to start?
Hey Henry, since Trump became president everything is better. The economy is higher, social security, health care. You people who don’t think so need to stop drinking the kool aid. Think about the future with the Democrats. No police, no social security, no health care. We will be living in a Communist nation. Read your history on Germany and Hitler. God Bless this great country.
Hey Henry, Trump is the President now. So why doesn’t he restore order now? Will he be a different person if he is re-elected? I don’t think so.
Hey Henry, amazing in this decade the police are the criminals. Police being charged with crimes, indicted, fired, relieved, laid off, belittled, attacked, injured, shot at, the list goes on and on. Did you ever think in a million years the police would be the bad guys, not the criminals.
Hey Henry, the Democrats are blasting Trump for not paying enough in taxes. If it’s legal, it doesn’t matter if you never pay a dime in taxes. I’ve never heard of anyone writing a check to the IRS for taxes they didn’t have to pay.
Hey Henry, Trump’s only major legislative accomplishment in four years is lining his pockets along with the rest of the rich with his Tax Cuts Act. Of course, it has ballooned the deficit by $8.3 trillion, but who’s counting? Not his followers.
Hey Henry, McDonough council member Vincent needs to stop “rocking the boat” at council meetings. Evidently, she does not understand how city courts operate as police officers only appear in court after the defendants plea “not guilty” to try cases.
Hey Henry, has anyone seen the middle class? Where did they go?
Hey Henry, the grass on the right of way at Loop road between Westridge and Nail road is so high we can’t see the stop signs and other cars approaching. Our school buses are using these roads and it is becoming very dangerous. If you can’t mow these roadsides I will be glad to, just bring me a tractor and a mower.
Vintage comment from August 18, 2004 – Hey Henry, to the kid (and his mom) who wish to ignore the no-body-piercing rule at Henry County Schools … remember the Barney Fife way of life? Rule # 1, obey all rules, Rule # 2 … see Rule # 1.
Hey Henry, too many tailgaters in this county; we need some social distancing between cars!
Hey Henry, here’s my opinion. Mind your own business.
Hey, Henry, due to pain was forced to go to Piedmont Henry late Friday night. I want to give a shout out to ALL the people working in ER! I was treated with efficiency, respect, by registrars, nurses, and doctors! In and out in less than two hours with all the care needed to put me on the road to recovery! Thanks again for all the great care I received!
Hey Henry, I second the motion, please no more apartments. And as a footnote, please no more cracker box houses, row upon row, 8 feet apart with no end in sight.
Hey Henry, why don’t cows get hay fever or allergies to ragweed?
Hey Henry, who is in charge of keeping emissions at a not-so-standard rate? They are charging us $13 up to $25. Can’t there be a standard rate?
Hey Henry, can the BOC please start meeting in person in their meeting room? The same room employees had to have blood drawn for biometrics testing. There is a lot of plexiglass already installed.
Hey Henry, I will make a prediction and stand on it. Kelleytown Road at the intersection of Airline will be a four lane highway before you know it.
Hey Henry, on my property tax bill I am charged for Fire Dept. protection, yet we do not have a hydrant near our home. The Water Dept. says it is the responsibility of the Fire Dept. and the Fire Dept. says it is the Water Dept. HELP!
Hey Henry, does anyone miss that comfy home town feel of Henry County?
Hey Henry, ladies – take it easy with those false eyelashes. Some of you are beginning to look like cartoon characters.
Hey Henry, just watch NFL Red Zone; it shows the scoring plays. Then, if you’d rather watch entire games, hit the mute – so refreshing. Or read a book or spend time with family. Me? I’m a huge Hockey fan and have yet to watch a playoff game.
Hey Henry, I’m so sick of all this political bickering in the Henry Times. Let’s do away with parties and that will take care of Democratic and Republican chatter. Good lord people, y’all talk about something else!
Hey Henry, Trump kept his promises and did more in a year than Obama and Uncle Joe did in eight years. I guarantee the people complaining about Trump not doing anything are enjoying their 401k, the raise they received, the bonus and their friends companies in the red.
Hey Henry, every time I listen/see what Trump has said or done I simply make another donation to Joe Biden’s campaign. It makes me feel GREAT!
Vintage comment from August 4, 2004 – Hey Henry, does anyone know how many family Mom-and-Pop businesses Wal-Mart has happily run out of business? I don’t, but I bet the numbers are astounding.
Hey Henry, a local radio station interrupts its 15 minutes of uninterrupted news four times to say the 15 minutes of news is uninterrupted.
Hey Henry, y’all enjoy the Scarecrows this year. Charles T. Zachary won’t be there, so neither will I or my money.
Hey Henry, my brother would say quite often, “we are running out of time.” I would tell him repeatedly, that’s not funny. He turned 75 last month and although I am 18 months behind him, I winced when he told me his doctor said to him the other day, “you’re out of time.”
Hey Henry, brilliant article on opinions by the Casual Observer. Sadly we can’t even discuss issues anymore.
Hey Henry, the 25 mph speed limit on Phillips Road is ridiculous.
Hey Henry, we have become lawless and reckless like the wild west. Police chiefs are resigning in numbers. There is violence and anarchy in the streets, looting, burning, injuring police officers and to top it off, not one sentence from the Democrats about it. Not a word.
Hey Henry, I am one of the three million Americans who stutter as Joe Biden does. And for Trump to mimic him is a direct insult to me and I don’t like it.
Hey Henry, professional football coming back means more kneeling when the National Anthem plays and the same old tired round table analysis of who did what and why. Pro ball will never ever be the same in America. Some fans will leave and never come back.
Hey Henry, please, don’t take the vaccine if you don’t want to. There will be that much more for those who do want to take it. Thanks for your sacrifice!
Hey Henry, I don’t give my opinion anymore. It’s my business and you can’t change people’s minds anyway.
Hey Henry, stop printing the political submissions! It’s boring. Plus, y’all’s political stance is showing.
Hey Henry, as soon as President Trump wins the election in a massive landslide, order will be restored overnight. The violence, looting, burning and destroying cities will stop immediately. Bank on it.
Hey Henry, you asked, “how are we in a dictatorship?” Trump breaks the law and no one holds him accountable. The Justice Department acts like his personal lawyer instead of representing the interests of the American people. Let’s not forget Trump’s pardons/clemencies for guilty cronies and medals for supporters. Every day there’s a new example.
Hey Henry, you’re always good for a laugh. The individual who requested a list of President Trump’s accomplishments, which wouldn’t fit on this page, must be getting their news from CNN.
Hey Henry, I’m at the tag office today in Stockbridge and it was crowded. I’d like to know why people cannot put their phones down and pay attention? How inconsiderate of some people.
Vintage comment from July 28, 2004 – Hey Henry, I think after reading the Letter to the Editor by Herman Talmadge in the July 21, 2004 edition of The Times that that is compelling evidence that every individual who aspires to be elected to public office should be required to file a psychiatric evaluation for public inspection at the time they pay their qualifying fees.
Hey Henry, some people actually listen and others are just waiting to talk.
Hey Henry, there is a shortage of Superior Court Judges in Henry County. There are non-contested divorces that were filed back in June that still have not been signed off on, and no idea as to when they will have a judge to do so. Please subcontract a retired judge to sign decrees. There are many out here that have to live in fear of the spouse we are divorcing.
Hey Henry, everything people told me about getting old was true.
Hey Henry, thank you for listing the comment about some of our elected officials personal finances. This should be known! When leaders manage our tax money, but have numerous bankruptcies under different aliases – this is a problem.
Hey Henry, I never knew we had any mountains in McDonough until I saw the foothills cropping up in Bridges Road.
Hey Henry, wouldn’t it make more sense for the new aquatic center to be in the city of the county seat? It would be more accessible to many more people in the middle of the county.
Hey Henry, to all the progressives, leftists, Democrats etc. – go march yourself down to the voting booth like the simple minded (can’t think for yourself) sheep and cast your vote for a white candidate who stated if you don’t vote for him then you are not black. Is that who you really want representing you? A do-nothing racist politician who has hurt America more than he has helped?
Hey Henry, if you’re so sure that Trump has kept his promises and accomplished so much, please list said promises kept and his accomplishments. Otherwise, it’s just more Trump lies.
Hey Henry, New York mayor DeBlasio said he wants redistribution of wealth. Restaurants to open for 25% for inside dining in New York for now. They are behind. Businesses closing. People leaving in droves. This is what the socialist Democrats will give you.
Hey Henry, have you heard about Kemp setting up his own task force to meet the CDC’s deadline for having Covid-19 vaccine doses ready to distribute for the Nov. election? I don’t know about you, but I will not be taking any vaccine that has been rushed to make Trump look good for his election. It is too late for him to try to correct his mistakes. Ask the families of the over 186,000 (that’s just today’s number) people who have died.
Hey Henry, how are we in a dictatorship? Use examples rather than parroting what others say. And don’t say he uses executive orders, because that was the trademark of that last disastrous administration.
Hey Henry, Republicans used to be the anti-slavery party back in the Civil War days. Trump Republicans now stand for white supremacy and wage slavery.
Vintage comment from July 21, 2004 – Hey Henry, Hubba-Bubba bubblegum is back! Hallelujah!Now if only Bubble-Yum would bring back the lemon lime flavor they used to have.
Hey Henry, after looking into public records, it is very disturbing to see just how poorly some of the leaders and elected officials handle their personal finances. We need to do criminal and financial investigations BEFORE someone is put in charge of our hard earned money.
Hey Henry, Locust Grove desperately needs several nice restaurants. I don’t like driving to McDonough to eat a nice meal.
Hey Henry, after watching the Democrat and Republican conventions, whom do you think will do a better job for Americans? Trump or Biden?
Hey Henry, please, please, no more apartments.
Hey Henry, where is the Confederate monument? Where is it’s “place of similar prominence” where by law, it will be re-erected?
Hey Henry, Alexa and I will be sharing custody of Echo, so I will be driving to the warehouse for visitation. I really miss Alexa; but on a positive note, at least I don’t have to buy her custom-made face masks anymore.
Hey Henry, the person commenting about Trump not keeping promises must be in the twilight zone. President Trump kept dozens of promises. He did exactly what he promised he would do if elected. Facts are facts.
Hey Henry, you must be rich if you feel that Trump is sharing wealth and prosperity with all Americans.
Hey Henry, about the Trump accomplishment that a reader said he is repeating because he never accomplished. Before you post something so idiotic, did you look at what he HAS done? Obviously not, as your hatred overrides all common sense.
Hey Henry, we should give Trump, his administration, and Republicans their own private island: Alcatraz!
Hey Henry, in the 90’s our equivalent of the comments on “social” media was graffiti on a bathroom wall.
Hey Henry, have all of your tractors and mowers died? The weeds are covering the stop sign at Plaza Parkway and also on Nail Road. Help please!
Hey Henry, keep in mind that FAKE NEWS also includes media that has an agenda and chooses not to run stories that hurt their cause. If it is a story they cannot ignore, they may edit it and/or use a part of it out of context to suit their purpose. Beware. Just because it’s reported, doesn’t means it reported truthfully.
Hey Henry, before long, Crumbley Road will need four lanes. Progress and growth prompts citizens to leave and go elsewhere.
Hey Henry, why is it that the fire department cannot accompany police officers to spray the demonstrators? I’ll bet they won’t burn and loot businesses with a hard splash of H2O. If you peacefully demonstrate with a permit, that’s fine. When you destroy my hard earned tax dollars, I have a problem with that. A big problem with that.
Vintage comment from July 7, 2004 – Hey Henry, rumor has it that developers can just ignore building regulations in Henry County.
Hey Henry, I’m glad to have the new pizza place, but someone needs to tell them about social distancing. The place was packed shoulder to shoulder.
Hey Henry, the biggest challenge to any business today is hiring someone that wants to work and will work. Young people don’t know how to work, want big salaries right out of the gate and think sweeping the shop floor is beneath them. God helps us.
Hey Henry, the following is above politicization from either side: an asymptomatic patient infected Dr. Frank Lockwood (52) and he lost a 7 week battle with COVID-19. The disease robbed this county of a wonderful treasure.
Hey Henry, a lot of people who are voting for Biden are doing so because they hate Trump so badly. Perhaps they need to look at what Biden and the Democrat party stands for. After all, the Democrats were the ones who led the old Confederacy.
Hey Henry, anyone who votes for a man that believes in QAnon, maybe could benefit from a mental evaluation. I imagine these are the same people that are waiting on Trump to wave his magic wand so the virus will just disappear.
Hey Henry, ask yourself – why am I here on earth? The answer isn’t puzzling at all.
Hey Henry, I agree with the comment last week. I am 70 years old. I had nothing to do with the Civil War era.
Hey Henry, the residents who live on Hosannah Road appreciate whoever marked the pot holes with white paint. However, we would be happier if they could be filled. Come on Henry County, help us out.
Hey Henry, ah, the really good old days, vacuum wipers and a generator instead of an alternator. You could drive all week on a dead battery with a generator and don’t speed up suddenly in a rain storm, your wipers will stop in their tracks. Ask anyone at least age 65.
Hey Henry, I’m torn between voting for Biden and getting some free stuff for myself or voting for Trump and sharing the wealth and prosperity with all Americans.
Hey Henry, remember the Trump campaign promises from 2016? Have you noticed he is making the same promises in 2020, because he didn’t keep the ones from 2016. Seems his sister is correct (not that she told us anything we didn’t already know).
Hey Henry, do you really want a president that has dictators for best friends? I am tired of feeling like I live in a country run by a dictator.
Hey Henry, I understand the fear and health concerns, but all the parents who want online schooling for their kids fail to realize the negative impact it has on their learning. COVID-19 is accelerating the dumbing down of America.
Vintage comment from June 9, 2004 – Hey Henry, how can you notice there is light if not for the shadows to point it out? Thank you.
Hey Henry, to the people who complain about masks: I am about to give birth alone and have to labor in a face mask for HOURS. So think of the mothers wearing masks next time you complain about wearing one.
Hey Henry, the Democrats are embarrassing themselves with Joe Biden as their candidate. Are the people behind this charade out of their minds, or are the people who would vote for Joe?
Hey Henry one of the biggest lies ever told in Henry County is “we are not raising taxes.” Yet almost everyone has higher taxes each year. They don’t raise the millage rate, they just raise the value of our property.
Hey Henry, if you’re easily offended, you’re easily manipulated.
Hey Henry, I have been watching America in a downward spiral. I have long felt that America is fast becoming a fascist state, but with the nomination of Kamala Harris teamed with the good and moral man, Joe Biden, things are looking up again. Lets restore America’s rightful place in the world as a shining beacon for justice and freedom.
Hey Henry, to the comment “what happened to Historic McDonough?” Let me answer that. The same thing that happened to our Nash Farm Civil War Battlefield.
Hey Henry, masks are effective yet nothing is 100%. Why put visitors, patients, and healthcare professionals at unnecessary additional risk?
Hey Henry, there are several things taking place in McDonough that are puzzling at best, but one that continues to baffle me – what’s up with the completion of 200 feet of pavement connecting Sims Road across John Frank Ward Blvd. to Keys Ferry Street? Its been three years in the making.
Hey Henry, my ancestors didn’t get to America until 1925. They struggled to find jobs and make a life by working hard at menial jobs. I was born in the 1950’s and we were poor. Stop blaming me for all the problems I had nothing to do with. Stop making me out to be a bad person. I’m sick of it.
Hey Henry, to the Henry Board of Education – thank you for making the right decision in terms of safety for our children, teachers, and staffers. For a while there, we didn’t think you had it in you.
Hey Henry, in Pike County, not too far from here, school is in session, no masks are being worn by students or teachers and they aren’t social distancing. Do they know something we don’t?
Hey Henry, whoever made the comment “anyone who supports the statue in McDonough supports slavery” is not originally from Henry County. Otherwise, they would not have made such a comment!
Hey Henry, Georgia has once again made the news. We are now the state with the highest transmission rate of coronavirus. What’s up with Kemp and Toomey? In my opinion they do not make a great team based on our statistics.
Vintage comment from June 2, 2004 – Hey Henry, I see we had EMT Awards Week. I just want to say we appreciate all the EMT’s firefighters and police officers for all the work they do. We love ‘em.
Hey Henry, the Earth is traveling at a little over 17,000 miles an hour in its orbit around the sun. If it were to suddenly stop, what would happen?
Hey Henry, I don’t have any problem giving President Trump a gold sticker. The question is, what do you give Biden for his cognitive abilities? A participation trophy?
Hey Henry, regarding the photo of the crowded hallway in the Paulding County School – did anyone really think this wasn’t going to be the case?
Hey Henry, no more statues. We should install a pothole with a plaque honoring the four commissioners who made the space available and the potholes available.
Hey Henry, anyone that supports that statue in McDonough supports slavery. Get out of town.
Hey Henry, if I don’t have to wash my feet before I go to the dentist then it stands to reason that I don’t have to brush my teeth before I go to the podiatrist.
Hey Henry, the night McDonough died – Tuesday, July 28, 2020.
Hey Henry, to the woman who drove the light blue Fiat who parked in the handicapped space in front of Ross in McDonough: I owe you an apology. I was rude and not kind at all. After I drove off, I felt convicted as I drove home. It has continued to bother me. I hope you read this. I am sincerely sorry. I was wrong and out of line.
Hey Henry, I sure would like to know how much it cost the tax payers to have the monument removed. The money would have been better spent on ROAD repairs in Henry County. We the people would like to know.
Hey Henry, we are all being drugged by fake news. We’re starting to look like a nation of Stepford Wives.
Hey Henry, why is it people think they can use church dumpsters for their trash? I see this most days. It is not like one small bag, they put in a lot of trash. Do they not know that the church has to pay to empty these?
Hey Henry, if McDonough and other surrounding cities keep clear cutting trees, they will look like the Sahara Desert with a bunch of ugly houses everywhere! How environmentally friendly is that? Where does the wildlife go if all the forests are gone? I guess it doesn’t matter.
Hey Henry, if the masks are so effective, why not let family members visit in hospitals and long term care facilities? You can’t have it both ways.
Hey Henry, looking for a truly effective weight-loss solution? Watch the TV show “Hoarders.” You will not want to eat.
Hey Henry, new county ISO 2 rating – YAY! Lower homeowners insurance premiums – YAY! Higher Millage Rates – wait a minute, what?
Vintage comment from May 19, 2004 – Hey Henry, without the French there would be no U.S. of A. Thank you for the French. Look at your history.
Hey Henry, we would like to thank two amazing people, Mrs. Beverly and Ms. Amanda for their great service at Blessings Thrift Store. They will be missed tremendously. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Hey Henry, it seems odd to spend $377 million to renovate the White House during an economic crisis.
Hey Henry, what happened to historic McDonough?
Hey Henry, the purpose of a debate is to win. The skill used to win debates is rhetoric (the area of effective or persuasive speaking or writing). Socrates, the great philosopher, renowned for his keen intellect and upstanding moral character, believed in dialect. Dialect uses logic and reasoning to find the truth. Politicians and political parties engage in rhetoric, propaganda, fake news, and noise to win. Be like the wise Socrates and use logic, reasoning, and research to find the truth.
Hey Henry, where is our confederate monument? We have the right to know. The BOC moved it. The people whose ancestors fought for it deserve to know. We matter too!
Hey Henry, don’t believe in the virus? Go visit Piedmont Henry.
Hey Henry, well, it’s over for me and Alexa; she wants to go back to the warehouse. She’s asking for half of the counter space and most of the electrical outlets.
Hey Henry, the center of the McDonough Square is a little empty now. How about a county wide invitation for suggestions of a replacement statue, symbol, or artwork? Narrow it down, then let Henry residents decide.
Hey Henry, I can’t wait for Kamala Harris to be President …I mean Vice-President. Given the insane hatred and political rhetoric Trump has had to deal with, can you imagine what is in store for the next President?
Hey Henry, with any luck, and by the grace of God, we may still be around this November and able to cast our vote in this America defining election. If one party wins, this America will continue to fester and rot. If the other party wins, he will be faced with the most problems any past American President has had to address in his first term. I’m just hoping to still be here and see how it plays out.
Hey Henry, I sure do hope the vacationer to Jekyll Island is quarantining for 14 days and not spreading the virus in Georgia.
Hey Henry, I don’t get it. Why can’t people mow their yards, pick up their trash and be courteous and friendly? Seriously – they have to be told to wash their hands!
Hey Henry, enough is enough. Make it simple and just plant a magnolia tree where the statue was on the McDonough Square.
Hey Henry, rest in peace, Herman Cain. Thank you for all the things you accomplished in you lifetime. You will be missed!
Hey Henry, fun fact: it was more difficult hanging two pictures in the dining room for my wife than building the Golden Gate Bridge.
Vintage comment from May 12, 2004 – Hey Henry, to the people of Henry County: You have a Home Depot and you have a Lowes. However, neither of these establishments can hold a candle to Planter’s Warehouse. They have been in business in McDonough for 98 years. How long has Home Depot or Lowes been here?
Hey Henry, congratulations to my granddaughter, Misty McClelland, who has received a degree in Master of Science in Nursing/Nurse Practitioner. She has worked long and hard to achieve this goal while working full time as a Registered Nurse. Our family is very proud of Misty and wish her good luck in the future. From Her Nana.
Hey Henry, Georgia mayors mandating mask wearing and fighting with the Governor is just another waste of taxpayer money. Seriously? Politicians are never held accountable; they are like misbehaving children with no parental supervision.
Hey Henry, politicians who claim to have a close relationship with the Lord are the biggest example of hypocrisy.
Hey Henry, how can Democrats not be totally embarrassed that Biden is their nominee for President? By November, he won’t even know his own name!
Hey Henry, the pandemic is still here but our hazard pay is not.
Hey Henry, what are we going to do about the increased littering in our community? Particularly on Davidson Parkway and Tye Street.
Hey Henry, so are we going to close down the schools, churches, businesses because the virus is still out there? Are we going to shut everything down when someone gets it? When will this overreaction stop?
Hey Henry, a lot of people only support the freedom of speech when they agree with the “speech.”
Hey Henry, McDonough City residents – Is it just me or is it normal for the power to go out inside the city limits, a lot!
Hey Henry, the people saying that online school means no need for teachers should think again. The teachers will still be teaching. They are setting the course work, making out the tests, grading the papers, averaging the grades, and communicating with the students face-to-face through Zoom. The only difference is that they and their students are doing it separately and safely instead of all crammed into one classroom.
Hey Henry, some of our County Commissioners say they are ‘leading us’ but how can they ‘lead’ looking back?
Hey Henry, would someone please give Trump a gold star sticker so he will stop talking about passing a cognitive test ? You would think he actually passed his SAT’s.
Hey Henry, my family just returned from a short trip to Jekyll Island. We wore our masks out and about and to my amazement it was as if the virus didn’t exist. You could count the number of masks worn in the area on two hands. How selfish and arrogant. It was somewhat scary. I looked up the statistics and Glynn County had over 2000 cases. If you visit, be forewarned.
Hey Henry, attention squeaky wheels: there are 350 million people in America. There is still a Silent Majority and we all vote.
Vintage comment from April 28, 2004 – Hey Henry, with the burn ban and the watering ban about to take effect, what are we supposed to do if a fire gets out of control? Tell it there’s a ban on it?
Hey Henry, an admission by a county commissioner that he/she is only working for “their people” and not all people, clearly shows their racism. They should be removed by all people immediately if racism is to be eradicated. After all, racism works both ways.
Hey Henry, how convenient that online classes for the school year were announced after the school set the milage rate for county taxes. Of course it’s at 20 mills, which is as high as it can be. Given the online forum; teachers and excess staff should be furloughed.
Hey Henry, I personally don’t know of anyone with the coronavirus. I don’t know anyone that knows anyone who has or has had the virus. I, nor my friends and relatives believe one word of the statistics and spread of the virus. It’s not a hoax, but it sure is being manipulated.
Hey Henry, those of you who are hell bent on voting for Trump -do you really want to live under a dictatorship where Trump and whomever he wants are above the law?
Hey Henry, the statue may need to be taken down on the Square, but isn’t it democratically fair to let the citizens, all 225,000+ decide by vote?
Hey Henry, someone needs to tell Keisha that she’s not the Governor. You cannot force people to wear masks. Georgia already has a long list of “laws” they cannot enforce. Governor Kemp is advised by a large group of professionals and he knows what he’s talking about.
Hey Henry, to the person speaking about being “Southern born and Southern raised,” you obviously never truly looked into what the truth of the matter is, and it shows.
Hey Henry, since Henry County Schools is going to online learning, the school budget, resources, and staffing need to be cut. Taxpayers should not be on the hook for funds that aren’t needed because teachers and students aren’t utilizing classrooms, cafeterias, media centers, buses, etc.
Hey Henry, a friend of my nephew had a appointment to be tested for coronavirus. She cancelled the appointment, but a few days later the office calls her informing her she tested positive and she needs to come in right away. She could not convince them that she was never tested.
Hey Henry, it was a good decision by the Board of Education to delay school and go to virtual learning. Let’s hope all churches and private schools in Henry do the same.
Hey Henry, let the knuckleheads who want the police defunded and the insane notion of not having a police force spend some time in a country where lawlessness is the norm. I have spoken to people from such countries and guess what? They are here now. You see where I’m going with this.
Hey Henry, we have a big problem that is getting worse. The amount of people on the street begging is a nuisance. I feel sorry for some of them, but you can’t help every day! McDonough needs a shelter where these people can get a hot bath, as well as a meal. I know that some are scheming, but they will never get far in life. If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough!
Vintage comment from April 21, 2004 – Hey Henry, I would like to commend all of the emergency personnel who made it so quickly to the explosion in the science lab at HCHS on Friday [4/16]. It took them only three minutes to get from the station into the classroom, and they did one heck of a job. Way to go HCFD!
Hey Henry, thank you to Henry County Police Officer M. Robertson and Officer Dixon for helping us through a 3-car accident at Hwy. 81 West and Nail Road on June 30. Thank you also to the off-duty police officer, whose name I did not get, for helping direct traffic around the accident to keep us safe until the police arrived. You are all appreciated.
Hey Henry, it is disturbing, and at the same time enlightening, to hear our commissioners admit that they are only working for their people and not everyone.
Hey Henry, it seems like school could start after Labor Day or at least delay until later in August. There is no safe way to begin. It is going to spread as soon as students begin to meet.
Hey Henry, I am Southern born and Southern raised and I am glad they are taking down the statue on the McDonough Square. It’s about time.
Hey Henry, I think it is time for the citizens of this county to have their voices heard on the removal of the statue on the Square. Four commissioners are deciding for the whole county. Put a referendum on the next ballot and let everyone have a say!
Hey Henry, it took: “Click it or Ticket” to get people to wear a seatbelt, I wonder if: “Mask it or Casket” would work.
Hey Henry, I get most of my exercise these days from shaking my head in disbelief.
Hey Henry, I wonder if sales of mouth wash have increased due to all the mask wearing.
Hey Henry, I don’t mind you pulling out in front of me like a bat out of Hades. But I do mind you slowing down or, worse, putting the brakes on after you pull out. Maintain your speed for the sake of the drivers behind you.
Hey Henry, those of you hell bent on voting for Biden, might want to take a look at his proposals. Is that honestly what you want?
Hey Henry, wearing a mask is a proven preventative measure and there are very few medical conditions that prevent one from wearing a mask. Listen to knowledgeable doctors, not Donald Trump and his Republicans.
Hey Henry, I am so glad I grew up in the fifties and sixties. The memories keep me grounded. Young people today are about to have bad memories if the path we are seeking comes true.
Hey Henry, so now Trump is saying Dr. Fauci made a lot of mistakes? It is just like Trump to appoint someone to a task force, and then throw them under the bus to deflect his failures. We desperately need leadership in this country.
Hey Henry, two things you can always count on: there are at least two sides to every story, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Hey Henry, maybe if the media showed photos of people on respirators sick with coronavirus, folks might take the situation more seriously.
Vintage comment from April 14, 2004 – Hey Henry, shame on you lazy %&*&%$%$ who don’t put shopping carts in the area that plainly says, RETURN SHOPPING CARTS HERE. Where are your manners?
Hey Henry, why are commissioners allowed to use the meetings to campaign for the elections? It’s shameful. Patting themselves on the back and talking about how much they have done. All they are doing is campaigning.
Hey Henry, how much did that lawsuit cost the taxpayers that was filed against the school system? Just another example of the county’s incompetence by our so-called elected officials.
Hey Henry, don’t blame the government for the virus outbreaks, blame arrogant self centered citizens for not taking the pandemic seriously and ignoring the warnings.
Hey Henry, it is time to stop worshipping a movement, a cause, a candidate and a party. Only one person is worthy of worship.
Hey Henry, we all hate people pulling out in front of us. But I’m always amazed at the people who almost cause an accident because they won’t hit their brakes. You may hurt yourself or others trying to prove a point that will have no effect anyway. People drive the way they drive, you can’t and won’t change it.
Hey Henry, racism works both ways. Until ALL races acknowledge that and change their behavior, it will never change.
Hey Henry, I take it that cannabis oil is one of your pet peeves; that is fair enough. The so-called hate crime bill has been in the works for years. Get over yourself.
Hey Henry, so, couples counseling for me and Alexa did not go well. Ends up she knows I’ve been talking to Siri. This is not looking good for me.
Hey Henry, Confederates were traitors. Those statues should have never gone up in the first place. When was the last time you saw a Benedict Arnold statue?
Hey Henry, when you complain about that person not wearing a mask, consider they have a medical reason not to. Sometimes it’s not worth endangering one’s health for unproven measures.
Hey Henry, find the word that doesn’t belong in this sentence. Peaceful protesters damage a public safety building in Atlanta. How much longer is the law going to be ignored?
Hey Henry, Flakes Mill Road in North Henry County has turned into a race track and it’s all night long. Yes, they go over the Dekalb line, but it’s beginning to get scary. They know that no-one is watching or listening.
Hey Henry, I predict many members of the military dissenting, protesting and going AWOL in numbers. It has happened in the past and the country is ripe for it.
Hey Henry, the T-Splost rumored to be on the ballot in November is just another form of taxation with false promises from politicians. Stop voting yes to more and more taxation (that YOU are paying.) The money is never spent on what it is collected for!
Hey Henry, the county that you live in when you purchase a vehicle receives the TAVT money from your purchase. Clearly, Henry County doesn’t spend it on roads.
Vintage comment from April 7, 2004 – Hey Henry, we got our dog from the Humane Society, and I’ve got to tell you, I will never get another animal anywhere else. I like all animals, but there’s nothing like a mutt. If you’re going to get a dog or cat anyway, why not save one’s life?
Hey Henry, every night there is another murder. Eastpoint, Lithonia, College Park, SE Atlanta, NE Atlanta. Where is the outrage?
Hey Henry, what this country needs is more unemployed politicians!
Hey Henry, what we are witnessing today is a perfect example of a poor education, or lack thereof.
Hey Henry, it took two days to pass the hate crime bill. It took three years (if I’m correct) to pass the bill allowing cannabis oil for kids with seizures. Parents were moving to other states, even driving to other states and driving back to Georgia hoping they didn’t get caught. I can’t wait for election time. Hopefully y’all will be looking for another job.
Hey Henry, I learned the SPLOST lesson when I first moved here in the early 90’s. I voted for SPLOST because of a particular project’s funding. Once passed, the Commission immediately cut that project by half. I’ve never voted for another. Fool me once…
Hey Henry, much more dangerous than the era of “not being offended,” is the era of the thought-criminal.
Hey Henry, how many dollars are collected each year from the vehicle Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT) and where is it spent? Is the money dedicated to roads and related infrastructure? Is a portion of the TAVT proceeds shared with Henry County?
Hey Henry, dear police officers, you can’t hear us now because of all the noise, but there are millions of Americans who love and appreciate you!
Hey Henry, oh the hypocrisy – the same people advocating for acceptance and respect fail to accept or respect the differing political views of others. When did we get to the point in this country that when you support the President, you are considered a racist?
Hey Henry, I believe the reason Trump is so against mail-in voting is because it would make it more difficult for his pals Putin and Xing to help him get elected. There is no proof of fraud with mail-in voting, and with a pandemic as well as flu season in November, it is outrageous that he would require our citizens to stand in lines to vote. His disinterest in this pandemic, and the lives of the U.S. citizens, should be enough to put him on the street.
Hey Henry, the 4-way-stop at Hampton/Locust Grove Road and Lester Mill is a joke. The traffic was backed up to the pond on Bill Gardner the other day to allow a couple of cars to go by on Lester Mill. A roundabout would have made sense. Maybe whoever made the decision needs to go down that road so they can be proud of the waste of taxpayers money on this project.
Hey Henry, here’s the answer to the question about why it’s not acceptable to tear statues down. It’s for the same reason we don’t burn books we don’t like, destroy paintings that are displeasing to the eye, or assault people with different opinions. We don’t live in communist China.
Vintage comment from March 24, 2004 – Hey Henry, quick primer – If an ambulance is behind you with its lights on, PULL OFF TO THE SIDE! Sick people are inside and they need transportin’.
Hey Henry, Bertha Combs was a God-loving woman. Even as an adult I would go by her house to hear her pray in tongues. If she were alive today, she would pull so many kids in, give them a good tongue lashing and just put the fear of God in them. She was a great woman. There will never be another one like her.
Hey Henry, shame on the members of congress, on both aisles, who took small business loans for businesses owned by their families or those that have a CEO who is their spouse.
Hey Henry, everyone who is a Bible believing Christian needs to pray for the next president, if you enjoy your religious freedom.
Hey Henry, littering is usually the first crime of a career criminal. Stop the litter, stop the other crimes. Get tough on small crimes and the big ones won’t happen as often.
Hey Henry, welcome to the era of the right to not be offended.
Hey Henry, I’m somewhat educated (two degrees) and voted for Trump last time. He wasn’t my favorite, but he was the only choice and I’ll have to do it again for the same reason. Biden can’t complete sentences. By the way, instead of parroting what CNN, says (I watched that segment), how about listing the “blatant mistruths.”
Hey Henry, please provide support for your assertions that Father Robert Hendrickson is leftist and that his comments are disparaging, misleading and inaccurate. It’s easy to throw mud and hope that something sticks.
Hey Henry, remember, you are not voting for Joe Biden as the next president, you are voting for his Vice President nominee.
Hey Henry, it’s interesting that anyone who disagrees with President Trump is labeled as a disgruntled sensationalist. And there have been quite a few of them.
Hey Henry, why does the U.S rank 17th in the world for high school graduation rate yet rank second in the world for spending on education? Is it time we started holding some parents accountable?
Hey Henry, when are we going to get a stop light at Hwy. 42 and Walmart in Locust Grove? It would also help the conjestion at Bill Gardner and Hwy 42.
Hey Henry, before anything is done with the excess SPLOST funds, voters need to vote on what it is used for (Isn’t that they way SPLOST money is regulated?). Commissioners don’t just get to pony up the funds the way they want to. I vote the nearly $20 million in SPLOST funds should be put towards road repair and the removal of the disastrous I-75 Express lane.
Hey Henry, Decatur took their statue down the right way. Why is it not a crime for protesters to tear a statue down?
Hey Henry, politicians do not represent us. They think we hand them the keys to our country. STOP their entitlements. No life pensions and health insurance. Limit them to one term. End career corruption.
Hey Henry, speaking for four generations of NASCAR fans, you just lost my family’s business. Freedom of speech goes both ways. Defund NASCAR!
Vintage comment from March 17, 2004 – Hey Henry, hey workaholics, Sunday is a day of rest, not a workday. Even GOD took one day off.
Hey Henry, thank you to the Kroger pickup employees on East Lake Parkway. They do a great job! Especially Katrina and Nick who make returns very easy. Inside employees have always been helpful too, but at this time I am not venturing inside to shop.
Hey Henry, I feel so out of touch when I read or hear a celebrity name, a singer or an actor and I haven’t a clue who they are.
Hey Henry, if SPLOST has extra money to distribute, how about portioning some to the Library system and for more police protection in the North end of the county? The airport is a drain on Henry County and Clayton County is still laughing at us.
Hey Henry, the quote from the leftist priest Robert Hendrickson you printed last week screams for a response. The disparaging, misleading and inaccurate comments about President Trump, whom he knows little if anything about, are repulsive coming from a so-called man of God.
Hey Henry, you mean poorly educated voters love Trump. Educated voters realize what a trainwreck he is.
Hey Henry, I am in total agreement, Trump has to go, but if you think we are in turmoil now, elect Biden and his handlers and you are in for one big disappointing surprise. I’m beside myself that in these United States, not one politician wants to step up and lead this country out of chaos.
Hey Henry, social media has conditioned people to believe their words don’t have any consequences. We are currently seeing the result of this action.
Hey Henry, the new norm from the pandemic crisis is discarded face masks in the parking lots along with the other garbage. You would think people would learn something about the spread of germs.
Hey Henry, given the very strict guidelines under which SPLOST money can be used, why is it proposed that the excess funds of 19+ million be split up among the county and district commissioners to use as “they” see fit? That seems like a direct violation of the regulations for SPLOST funds.
Hey Henry, protestors should have looted the book stores instead of leaving them unscathed for weeks. A little reading and many would have realized what statues shouldn’t be torn down.
Hey Henry, the June 3 edition of The Times is just more “proof” that Henry County is not what is used to be! I’ve never heard of any “police brutality” occurring with any of our local police or sheriff departments! I’m not saying they haven’t HAD to “manhandle” a few people, but after 25 years in the line of work, I understand why!
Hey Henry, liberal fanatics are barking mad hypocrites. Judge not lest thou be judged. They have to stop trying to convert the world to their agendas. Everybody gets one vote so shut up.
Hey Henry, what is the point in Trump giving the commencement speech at West Point when most, if not all, he says are blatant mistruths? His statements are easily disproved. As a woman that voted for Trump in 2016 said, this time I want a President that is sane, kind, and decent. Wouldn’t that be a nice change?
Vintage comment from March 3, 2004 – Hey Henry, if getting on your wife’s nerves is funny, in another day or two my husband will have his own sitcom.
Hey Henry, “I accept chaos, I’m not sure whether it accepts me.” – Bob Dylan
Hey Henry, why is it that county workers are expected to open up facilities and serve the public passing documents and money back and forth, but our commissioners will not even assemble in a room for a public meeting? Is their life more valuable than ours? I want to do my part, but they are getting a paycheck also. If I have to report to work, they should as well.
Hey Henry, happy birthday Ginny Lou!
Hey Henry, I really enjoyed the column on Lazy Maze. Got a good chuckle out of it. Thanks.
Hey Henry, one race cannot end racism. Think about it.
Hey Henry, “old marine,” you don’t speak for a lot of people. Given the divisive character, rhetoric, and behavior of the Democratic Party; many Democrats are realizing how damaging their agenda is and how good President Trump has been for the US economy. Educated voters support Trump.
Hey Henry, Trump never has to suffer for the consequences of his actions. He’s always the victim to some people. Hey folks, want to buy a bridge?
Hey Henry, at my age I really don’t concern myself with who the President will be or is. I voted for President Trump, but this time around if he doesn’t get re-elected then so be it. I have to admit I will be disappointed to see the Democrats destroy everything good Trump accomplished in his short tenure.
Hey Henry, this is an awful man, waving a book he hasn’t read, in front of a church he doesn’t attend, invoking laws he doesn’t understand, against fellow Americans he sees as enemies, wielding a military he dodged serving, to protect power he gained via accepting foreign interference, exploiting fear and anger he loves to stoke, after failing to address a pandemic he was warned about, and building it all on a bed of constant lies and childish inanity. – Statement from Father Robert Hendrickson, Rector at Saint Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church in Tucson, AZ.
Hey Henry, I hope the next elected Sheriff is a crime fighter. We could use one!
Hey Henry, the only trouble America has is critical thinking being ignored.
Hey Henry, the county should use the surplus SPLOST money to resurface some of these awful roads!
Hey Henry, have the misguided souls disparaging the entire police force and clamoring for their disbandment, because of the reprehensible actions of a few, forgotten that the police are willing to give their lives to save lives when necessary? Has everyone forgotten the many police and firemen who rushed into the burning Twin Towers to save lives on 9/11?
Hey Henry, just because the Governor says we are all safe, doesn’t make it so. Wear a mask! Think about others (and your family and friends)!
Vintage comment from February 25, 2004 – Hey Henry, why do they let big trucks and heavy machinery come through that little-bitty, narrow Racetrack Road? They just leave holes all in it, then they leave town.
Hey Henry, a big thank you to the county roadway crew for cutting the grass on Old Kelleytown and the surrounding streets. It looks great!
Hey Henry, does it make any sense to not allow every state to do mail in voting in light of a pandemic?
Hey Henry, I no longer vote for Democrats. The old saying is true, “the only time a Democratic candidate is concerned about black voters is in the first week of November every four years.”
Hey Henry, Trump wasted two precious months where we could have been preparing for a pandemic. He has plenty to do with the number of deaths and cases. Trump is not the victim of his own incompetence. We are!
Hey Henry, to the people who don’t think teachers deserve a bonus – I do and I’m a taxpayer. You try to teach some of those ungrateful, disrespectful, little brats, and see if you change your mind!
Hey Henry, some people are incapable of staying home. You know who you are.
Hey Henry, politicians are not problem solvers. Politicians are problem makers. ALL of them!
Hey Henry, to the Department of Transportation – on Hwy. 42 where the warehouses are being built, code enforcement needs to let them know they are responsible for cleaning all the dirt and mud off of the highway.
Hey Henry, with regard to the rioting and demonstrations, I’m reminded of a comment made by Harold Robbins in one of his books 30+ years ago, “There is no one as dangerous as someone who has nothing left to lose.”
Hey Henry, well, it looks like Alexa and I will be going to couples counseling next week. She thinks I’m not speaking to her; actually, she just can’t hear me from 6 feet away wearing a mask.
Hey Henry, I heard Megan Fox is single. Here’s my chance!
Hey Henry, we “the people” are idiots for allowing an 80-year-old grandma to wield so much power in our government. How did this happen. She should have been retired 20 years ago.
Hey Henry, Donald, this old Marine thinks both Democrats and Republicans alike can agree – you have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world of fantasy that you live in could you ever imagine that we the people would ever allow you four more years of mass destruction of our country. I ask people everywhere to please vote, whether you mail it in or walk in. Our lives and the life of our country depends on us!
Hey Henry, Trump isn’t worried about being re-elected; he’s forced to handle a pandemic that he had nothing to do with and keep Americans safe. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is using the pandemic to destroy America and push their own agenda. Democrats need to give some serious thought to the character and clear agenda of their Party.
Vintage comment from February 4, 2004 – Hey Henry, the ostrich’s eye is larger than its brain. I wonder if politicians are the same.
Hey Henry, Henry Police, the straight away at the top of the hill on Flippen Road has turned into a racetrack. How about putting one of those fancy flashing speed detectors there to possibly slow people down? Thanks.
Hey Henry, does anyone remember Bertha Coombs, the red hot lips of God?
Hey Henry, traffic is crazy, stores are busy, Georgia has essentially returned to normal. Nobody seems to be staying home; it’s time to allow all businesses to open, end the Federal supplement to unemployment and people to get back to work.
Hey Henry, most thriving downtown areas have a Starbucks. McDonough needs one in the old Wells Fargo building! Stat!
Hey Henry, thank you Henry Gant, Lamar Wesley, Wayne Stokes and Charles Bogart for your ultimate sacrifice.
Hey Henry, can we stop with the overuse of the words “icon” and “iconic”?
Hey Henry, I just want to say thank you for giving us all an opportunity to speak freely. Let’s all remember that this right has been provided to us by our constitution and by the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans over the past 200 years who gave their lives to preserve it.
Hey Henry, keep the children reading by visiting a Little Free Library, like the one in front of Pleasant Grove Elementary School!
Hey Henry, have you noticed, especially up north, the Constitution being trampled upon? We can all be civil and respectful during the pandemic, but is the Constitution being ignored? Funny thing about power. Give politicians power over the citizens and they tend to abuse it.
Hey Henry, I saw 2 EMS workers at Kroger not wearing masks yesterday. Polite young men, but just wow.
Hey Henry, the locals near Airline Road and Crumbley Road are about sick of the hot rodding, loud noise from motorcycles and wanna be drag racers raising cane nightly on each of these roads. It happens so often it shouldn’t be hard to catch them. The police really need to hide in the bushes for nights on end and catch these clowns. They are going to kill or injure someone if this isn’t stopped.
Hey Henry, too many stupid people get promoted here when they are not worthy of promotion. That’s Georgia’s problem.
Hey Henry, I find this hard to believe, but an acquaintance thinks the coronavirus is a hoax, no virus exists, all made up by the government. A relative up in the hills of North Georgia thinks its all hyped up to control the public. I think the left has us where they want us, dependent on the government money and handouts as long as they can keep it going. Why work when you can sit at home playing video games and getting a nice paycheck each week.
Hey Henry, why do we change student’s grades? We’re fostering and enabling a dishonest society where students are learning to “play the system.” This is not in their best interest and also ends-up with us losing dedicated, quality teachers due to feelings of being dishonest.
Vintage comment from January 21, 2004 – Hey Henry, you can no longer tell someone to turn at Zack’s, because there is no more Zack’s.
Hey Henry, if your pet were suddenly given the power of speech, what would be their first sentence? My cat Ruffles would say, “Can I get some service over here?”
Hey Henry, neighbors please stop burning leaves and yard waste. We can’t even open our windows because I have asthma. Please take it to the recycling center.
Hey Henry, while we shelter in place, it’s business as usual for mother nature – greenery, flowers, birds. The earth doesn’t need us, but we need the earth. Something to think about.
Hey Henry, am I the only one who has noticed that the fancy robotic lawnmower at the new courthouse in McDonough stays stuck in the ditch most of the time?
Hey Henry, I don’t believe there has ever been a double edged sword quite like the internet. It both connects us and tears us apart.
Hey Henry, I’ve worked in healthcare for many years. I have to admit that the first few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic were some of the most challenging shifts I’ve ever encountered. I cannot begin to express how much all the community support meant to me personally during that time. The letters of encouragement, food and snacks, kind notes left on my car windshield, and even strangers clapping and cheering for me as I walked to my car after a long shift. The encouragement received was like the second wind needed during a long race.
Hey Henry, thank you to whomever left $100 to cover meals at Culver’s in McDonough on May 6. It made my day! I paid it forward too. Thanks again for thinking of others.
Hey Henry, to the person criticizing teacher bonuses: you must have never taught or stepped foot in a classroom. Teachers work extremely hard (I know I do), and you should come teach sometime. Otherwise, if you do not have nice things to say…
Hey Henry I think it’s time for Henry County to put an ambulance in Fire Station No. 4 on Keys Ferry Road. This situation threatens lives everyday. I think this serious issue should be addressed immediately.
Hey Henry, Trump isn’t worried about being re-elected; he’s forced to handle a pandemic that he had nothing to do with and keep Americans safe. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is using the pandemic to destroy America and push their own agenda.
Hey Henry, this old Marine has heard enough of this ‘my way, or the highway.’ Oh I think the virus will just disappear, if not, this drug I was told will be a game changer. I could go on and on about this side show administration we are under. But the truth is, we the people can be the cure! Let us never forget what has happened to this country and its people. For the sake of our children, and their children, let the change start now!
Hey Henry, there have been many silent and unsung heroes during this pandemic. There is a group within the Henry County that are true silent heroes. The Facilities Maintenance group have worked tirelessly to install protective barriers for both the employees and the public. These men and women have continued to labor through even when they were at point of complete exhaustion. We all owe them a huge thank you for all they have done.
Hey Henry, why do some of our administrators feel the need to meet every single day of the week now that we’ve been sheltering in place? It’s just taking up valuable planning, grading, communications time, and seriously slowing us teachers down more than you could possibly understand.
Hey Henry, I saw speculation Hillary might run with Obama as her VP pick. I admit Trump is a terrible disgrace to the office of the Presidency, but I can’t imagine Democrats running this country ever again. I think half of them are seriously mental along with half the news reporters.
Hey Henry, has anyone noticed the raw sewage smell in the Kings Mill Road area on Hwy. 42?
Hey Henry, you can tell Henry County isn’t as serious as it should be. Instead of stabilizing or remaining stable the virus cases continue to keep climbing fast.
Hey Henry, the world is fighting a COVID-19 pandemic, people are losing their lives, jobs, homes, and livelihoods … and teachers think they should get a “well deserved” bonus due to school shutdown savings?
Hey Henry, it is a sad state of affairs when the coronavirus crisis brings out the hoodlums and scam artists ten fold. I’m sick to my stomach of criminals in general. I believe every criminal act deserves a jail sentence. I don’t care if you steal a Kit Kat at the store, you need some jail time.
Hey Henry, coronavirus deaths were preventable, too, if not for the incompetent Trump who’s more concerned about his reelection than Americans.
Hey Henry, the best scenario is four more years of Trump and Republican control.
Hey Henry, politics and ALL politicians of all stripe continue to ruin OUR great country! We work hard to employ these polticians and they use OUR hard earned tax dollars against us and for evil. We need to require/demand more from the ones we elect. Why do we accept what these politicians are doing?
Hey Henry, surely parents won’t release new 16-year-old drivers on the streets and highways who just received a drivers license without a driving test. (It is irresponsible and an absolute insanity to do so.) Give it a few months of supervised parental driving first.
Hey Henry, it is the second week into the reopening and I have yet to step over a corpse!
Hey Henry, COVID-19 does not give you a license to be rude. My sons were at Walmart, both wearing masks, and some random guy yells, “hey, shouldn’t you two be six feet apart?” No, they shouldn’t, they live in the same house. If someone isn’t doing something to you personally, please mind your own business.
Hey Henry, during this difficult time, remember everything the government touches has consequences. The consequence is us.
Hey Henry, I want to give a big thank you to the businesses that have kept us going. This includes Zaxbys, McDonalds and Kroger on Fairview Road near Ellenwood Village. Oh my goodness, they are wonderful! We have had some of the nicest people bring our orders to us. And thank you to all of the people who are keeping us safe. God is in control!
Hey Henry, I want to wish Miss Willie Varner a belated happy birthday! She and my mother shared the same birthday month, and her son, Henley, and I grew up and played in school band together!
Hey Henry, all I continue to see is the constant bickering between Democrats and Republicans over who’s right and who’s wrong. Bottom line Henry County? If you continue to serve a Party and their ideology as your “Master,” and not reach out to each other as humans for interaction that matters, we’re all doomed. We cannot pretend to be diverse and continue to be at each other’s throats.
Hey Henry, teachers are employed by local BOEs, but if you look at the salary schedule, there is a state line and local supplement line. The majority of the salary comes from state government, with the rest (and benefits) coming from local government. By definition, that’s a government employee.
Hey Henry, Colorado’s governor opened his state under virtually the same standards as did Governor Kemp. I’ve not heard one complaint from the news or the Democratic sheep in Henry. Is there some reason that he isn’t irresponsible and Kemp is?
Hey Henry, the scariest scenario is four more years of Trump and Republican control.
Hey Henry, stop blaming Trump for the virus, blame China. Blame the greedy Americans who sent manufacturing to China and who lined their pockets while we suffered with inferior products at inflated prices.
Hey Henry, a prime example of how the virus can sneak up on you. A relative was tested today. He was exposed at work. It’s difficult and disheartening to stay away from family and friends, but my wife and I have done so since mid March. Do not let your guard down for one second if you value your health.
Hey Henry, the media likes to compare coronavirus deaths to Vietnam deaths. They should mention Vietnam deaths were preventable.
Hey Henry, laughing my head off at the hickory daiquiri Doc story!
Hey Henry, my employer wrote me up for attendance when I was out of work for a couple weeks due to a presumed case of Covid-19. How is that legal?
Hey Henry, Governor Kemp is doing a great job! Unfortunately, he has an expectation that all Georgians have common sense and personal responsibility. Some among us have neither quality and are easy to spot. Quarantine or not, it’s always a good idea to avoid those people.
Hey Henry, does anyone notice that Henry does not care how trashy our county looks as far as trash and grass and the medians? Let’s get Henry cleaned up. Use your probation workers and trustees. Or get these people that sit behind a desk and do nothing.
Hey Henry, I have had the same six dollars in my wallet over a month now.
Hey Henry, a huge thank you to Senior Services for your continued support for and care of our seniors during this pandemic when their families can’t get to them. You’re the best!
Hey Henry, when quarantine ends, lets not tell some people!
Hey Henry, ladies, now that we’re home all the time what’s happening with our hair? And when is the last time we even wore makeup?
Hey Henry, why do people wear face masks in their car when they are the only person in there?
Hey Henry, the scariest scenario I have ever heard. Biden picks Michele as his running mate, the election is won by them, Biden bails out over health issues, Michele becomes the President and Michele picks husband Barack as her Vice President and presto, we have 8 more years of Michele and Barack Obama. Now does that put a scare in you or what?
Hey Henry, Governor Kemp has shown no leadership capabilities and his decisions are very irresponsible in regard to re-opening businesses. Why is Georgia so backwards compared to other states?
Hey Henry, last time I checked, teachers are not government workers. They do follow government guidelines on indoctrinating children, but are not paid by the government.
Hey Henry, with all of the saved money from most of our county’s operations due to schools being closed, why not give teachers a well-deserved bonus to show your appreciation?
Hey Henry, why waste all the money to build the Campground Rd. Extension to provide a corridor for commuters and then make everyone stop at Wynbrook Dr. and wait while there is no traffic coming out or crossing Campground? It doesn’t matter the time or day, everyone on Campground stops and when the light does turn green, only two or three cars get through before it’s red again. The stopping of all those cars creates a lot more pollution.
Hey Henry, until Donald Trump signs his name to a check, he hasn’t given anyone a check.
Hey Henry, Trump needs a new ball cap. “Make America Safe Again.”
Hey Henry, why would a hair salon employee go back to work and risk getting the virus when they can sit home and draw $900 a week in unemployment?
Hey Henry, the most nervous doctor in the world this week is Kim Jong-un’s cardiac surgeon.
Hey Henry, it would have been so nice if Governor Brian Kemp and his family would have been the first ones to go back to the restaurants and SIT DOWN INSIDE and enjoy a meal. If he thinks it’s safe, show by example!
Hey Henry, it is time to bring back everything we have made for us in China. I will gladly pay four times the price if I can buy something that will last 25 or 30 years without falling apart. I have a pair of loafers in my closet made of all leather over 30 years old. My shoes now are rolled over and the seams are coming apart in 6 months. I am sick of us sucking up to China. Look where it has gotten us.
Hey Henry, how can any society become so trivial, shallow and vicious in such a short time as the United States has become. News is only gossip, hearsay and attacks. Walter Cronkite told us the news of the nation and the world in less than thirty minutes. Now, 24 hours of constant babble, chatter and recap of nothing important.
Hey Henry, kudos to Ashley Wright for wanting to make a difference in her community! It’s way past time for change and everyone should help her to make it happen. Go Ashley!
Hey Henry, we are in serious trouble. Trump has lost it and Biden, oh my gosh, can’t happen. Surely someone will step up and rescue the nation.
Hey Henry, to the person complaining about “not wanting Trump to be their doctor because he is not knowledgeable.” You do realize he did not go to school to be a doctor.
Hey Henry, what we need to do next: 1. the Federal Government must mandate prescriptions and medical supplies to be made only in the USA. 2. U.S. manufacturers stop outsourcing labor to China. 3. Americans stop buying cheap junk from China.
Hey Henry, why is no one filling all the pot holes on the roads while there is less traffic?
Hey Henry, as serious as the coronavirus is, I still see young adults carefree and frolicking about. My grandchildren are on lockdown and they go nowhere. To play Russian roulette and chance bringing it home to parents or, worse yet, grandparents is dangerously foolish.
Hey Henry, my guess is that whoever made the comments about COVID-19 and a 2% mortality rate failed to do the math. If every American caught COVID-19, a 2% mortality rate translates into 6.6 million deaths. Put a price on that!
Hey Henry, Trump removed the government’s pandemic response team in 2018. He delayed action on COVID-19 for over two months because all he’s worried about is his re-election. He’s done a horrible job and people have paid for his incompetence with their lives. He needs to pay the price in November.
Hey Henry, Trump isn’t trying to be your physician. Use common sense, intelligence, and a medical doctor to make your own decisions instead of counting on anyone else to do so. President Trump is doing a great job and has far too many other things to worry about than peoples’ failure to practice common sense.
Hey Henry, not all government workers are sitting at home doing nothing and collecting a check. Teachers are busting their tails, as are many other government workers.
Hey Henry, do you hear all those “Not My President” shouters cashing their Trump checks? Seems to me if you are going to take his money, he is your President and you owe him a vote in 2020! If he’s truly not your President, then don’t be cashing his check.
Hey Henry, let’s face it, our President is a liar. Testing isn’t near what it should be and testing is the only way to open the economy. Without testing the open economy will only result in an explosion of virus infections.
Hey Henry, I don’t have a problem with cable companies providing internet service for school children who don’t have access, but why are paying customers still paying full price for reduced service?
Hey Henry, I enjoyed the Dog and Cat Survey but is appears that my dog acts more like a cat and my cat is more like a dog. I can’t figure out why.
Hey Henry, while the county libraries are closed, visit a Little Free Library around the county. The locations are available online.