“Your kingdom come, your Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)
God’s Will. In my opinion this is one of the most difficult parts of theology to fully understand and grasp. It is hard to comprehend and harder to explain to someone else. For me, just when I think I have caught on to the full meaning, then something happens that brings me back to not understanding.
Is it God’s Will that thousands of people are dying from some virus that just appeared and took over the world? Forcing all of us into our homes and out of stores, restaurants, and visiting our friends and neighbors? Is it God’s Will that our elderly, most precious, most respected people are the most susceptible?
People may ask, “How can a loving God permit this?”
I have lost four friends to cancer in the last six months. And several more are dealing with it as I write this. How is it God’s Will that people contract these horrid diseases, for no apparent reason or behavior? Once again, we ask,
“How can a loving God permit this?”
Fires and earthquakes have ravaged part of our country and the world. Homes and business destroyed, people injured or killed, and yet the earth still revolves. There’s sunrise and sunset. The birds still sing, and the butterflies still fly around our yards. After the life traumas of recent months, sitting on the front walk or the back deck and seeing the birds and little woodland creatures playing in the woods around Camp Creek, well, that gives me hope.
So, how do I (Jimmy) answer the question, “How do we figure out God’s Will in all this turmoil?”
Well, I may have been to seminary, but I know that I sure do not have all the answers. As my readers and friends know, I certainly have opinions and I always try to base them on a simple word. And, I believe that this simple, yet extremely hard word to use, can answer the questions about where God is during all the storms of life. My word that gets me through is FAITH.
For my sanity and stability in my Christ Walk, I must have the FAITH that God knows what is going on and is allowing it for a reason known only to Him. That is why we who are believers know God. All-knowing. I must believe that God has a greater purpose at work and, while He never causes illnesses or catastrophes, He does allow them to happen. Not everyone who gets sick, gets well. Not everyone can escape the devastation of a powerful storm. Not everyone is guaranteed a job for their entire life. If you must blame someone, blame Adam and Eve. They made the original choice to disobey God and broke that relationship for all time.
When we feel overwhelmed by all that is happening around us, my advice is to tell God and ask for His help in handling our anxieties and sadness. Then, get outside and see the creation and realize that the world, the beautiful blue sky, the white clouds, the blooming plants, the songbirds, are all made by God for us. He cares enough for us to allow us to enjoy His creation. Sing a song. Play music. Call a friend. These are all things we must gain strength to face the fragility of the world around us.
I wish, I could answer the questions with factual, scientific answers, however when it comes to God’s Will, we just have to accept the outcomes by FAITH. I wish you all to be safe and trust in God to bring us through these difficult days.
And for today my friends, this has been the gospel according to Jimmy.