County continues measures to stop spread of COVID-19

  The Henry County Board of Commissioners passed, by a 4-2 vote, a resolution implementing measures which are intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The action came at a March 24 special called meeting which was convened via teleconference.

  At one point, Commissioner Johnny Wilson made a motion to take a one-hour recess so the county’s legal staff could draft a shelter-in-place ordinance for consideration.  Commissioner Vivian Thomas seconded the motion, but the other four commissioners – June Wood, Gary Barham, Dee Clemmons and Bruce Holmes – all voted against it.

  The resolution that was approved by the commissioners, and which is in effect through April 7, requires that all indoor recreation, fitness and entertainment facilities close immediately and remain closed. It also states that all eating establishments, including bars and nightclubs within county limits, need to immediately close in-person dining, consumption of alcohol and entertainment, and to only provide delivery, take-out or drive-through services.

  The resolution does not pertain to cafeterias located within medical, industrial, government or other production facilities that are necessary to promote health, welfare and vital resources in Henry County.

  An amendment that was included just before the vote states that all non-essential businesses which are unable to operate without ensuring that their clients, customers, staff and employees maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet should close during this state of emergency.

  In accordance with CDC guidelines, the resolution additionally states that it is in the best interest of citizens to not gather in crowds of 10 people or more in any location. It also advises all businesses that plan on remaining open during this emergency to implement and carry out procedure and practices that ensure clients, customers, staff and employees  maintain appropriate physical distancing and ensure proper cleaning and sanitizing within each respective business.

  After Wilson made the motion to consider a shelter-in-place order, county attorney Patrick Jaugstetter said he could return within an hour with an ordinance that would address that issue as well as enforcement capabilities. When Holmes asked what kind of enforcement that would entail, Jaugstetter replied that he didn’t know yet because the subject had just been brought up.

  Clemmons made it clear that she would not be in favor of a shelter-in-place order under any circumstances. “That is too extreme,” she said. “The state has not done anything like that. I’m not for it.”

  Holmes echoed those comments. “I’m a little nervous about telling a local business to totally shut down its livelihood, its income,” he said. “I’m concerned about the economy. I know something needs to be put in place, but I’d rather err on the side of personal responsibility.”

  Wood made the motion to adopt the resolution with modifications that were made by Jaugstetter. Clemmons seconded, and the motion passed along the same voting lines as the previous one.

  The resolution will remain in effect until April 7 at 11:59 p.m. unless extended by further action of the board.


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About Monroe Roark

Monroe Roark has been covering the news in Henry County for more than a quarter-century, starting in 1992. He has owned homes here and raised a family here. He still enjoys staying on top of the important matters that affect his friends in the community.

4 comments on “County continues measures to stop spread of COVID-19

  1. Jack Russell

    It’s a shame that the city Council is putting money in front of health how much is a life really worth to the city Council

    1. shinee

      Why is Cos still building the amphitheater right now? We are “sheltered in place” being subjected to 11 hours a day , 6 days a week- incredible noise! Butts county froze their “trivial” funds to be used for emergencies, why aren’t we? There are at least 10 men using 2 porta potties-no hand washing facilities apparently! No one can give an answer. It is shameful to be this inconsiderate of human life! Email COS!

  2. Dona Hansen

    Obviously keeping people at home and separated from each other is the way to combat this virus. The fact that Henry City Council won’t recognize that is shameful. We are all worried about the economy, but shouldn’t we be worried about the health and safety of our citizens?
    In my opinion the entire state needs to shut down. Do we need to become New York before real preventive measures are put in place?

  3. Nick

    Life is more important than money.the economy will come back,but that will not happen as people are dying. To the council- do you have business ownership or intrest .just wondering. When the apex hits henry county it may be to late. Not sure how you will sleep at night.

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