The Locust Grove City Council voted at its July 1 regular meeting to approve architectural plans for a new three-story senior apartment complex.
The proposal for Havenwood Grove, to be located on Indian Creek Road southwest of its intersection with Tanger Blvd., included a three-story U-shaped building with the main covered entrance and vehicle access facing Indian Creek Road to the east along with a courtyard where the outside amenities would be located, flanked on three sides by the building. The facades contain architectural styled and patterns that are repeated on all four elevations.
The proposal was approved unanimously by the mayor and council, serving in their capacity as the city’s architectural review board, according to city officials.
Other architectural plans approved by the council were for a new Waffle House to be located along Bill Gardner Pkwy. west of the I-75 interchange. That vote was also unanimous.
Two annexation requests were accepted by the council. One was from Christine and Derek Law for 10 acres at 387 and 397 Colvin Drive (on the north side of the street). The other was from Donna and Robert Price for 1.2 acres at 1026 Davis Road. Both tracts are zoned RA (residential-agricultural) and will remain so if incorporated into the city, according to officials.
A permit was granted to Fruit of the Spirit Princesses, Inc. for a special event scheduled for July 12 from 3 to 7 p.m. at Claude Gray Park on Frances Ward Drive. The purpose of the event is to give away school supplies as well as fruits and vegetables to the community. The organization “seeks to provide opportunities for young girls to participate in social events,” according to a city staff report.