Several of my readers have commented that they like my stories because they are not political. I don’t do politics. My momma taught me to know the facts and tell the truth. This by itself disqualifies me from being a politician, but she also told me that if I didn’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all.
I do, however keep up with the news and by doing so can’t help but notice that the little g’s have taken over. You might ask what is a little g? They are people who have set themselves up to be gods. They are today’s snake oil salesmen. If you will give them your money and your vote, they will solve any problem you have, whether real or perceived. I guess Satan was the first little g and Eve was his first follower.
As I listen to the little g’s on the news I think to myself, “surely no one believes them”, but then they get elected. Of course some little g’s are not politicians, some of them work for the news media and try to interpret what little g just said. When I listen I realize that Baghdad Bob is alive and well.
When I was in college, a long time ago, I took an astronomy class. The consensus was that the earth was slowing in its orbit due to friction. This caused it to move ever so slightly closer to the sun increasing the temperature. If this is true, what are the little g’s going to do about it? Why would we want to invest in a problem the little g’s can’t possibly solve. I was content with this explanation of global warming, but when we had record snowfall and record freezing the little g’s started calling it climate change. This way no matter what, the little g terminology is protected. So if it is too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry or too windy, only little g’s can fix it. It is also mankind’s fault, so send more money. Now don’t misunderstand, I am in favor of taking care of the planet, in fact I will hold the ladder while the little g’s fix our orbit.
The other thing little g’s are going to show us is how to lower our carbon footprint. I saw some estimates on the last California wildfire, where fifty-five billion tons of carbon were released into the atmosphere. What are the little g’s doing about that? There are also volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, flooding, tidal waves and mud slides that negate what mankind tries to do. I am sure these will be outlawed and communities that allow them to occur will be fined. But, according to the little g’s we only have a few years to fix all this, so send money.
The fact is there is no plan. There is no plan because little g’s are snake oil salesmen and are not in charge of this planet. Most of them have never solved a problem in their life. So if you are concerned about this planet, my recommendation would be to stop listening to the little g’s, stop voting for the little g’s and stop giving them your hard earned money. Only the Big G has the answers and He can be reached thru prayer.