The Henry County Board of Commissioners voted at its February 21 regular meeting to uphold the denial of business licenses for a proposed commercial operation at 3667 Jodeco Road.
According to a county staff report, the applicant had two separate occupational tax certificates rejected in late 2021 because the planned use, automotive repair and maintenance, is not permitted within the Highway Corridor Overlay District and would not be an appropriate use of the property according to the Unified Land Development Code. Officials said the applicant was informed of this in two separate zoning verification letters during the development process.
In other business, a $155,971 contract for upgrades to Henry County’s four senior centers was approved. According to a county staff report, an Americans with Disabilities Act study was conducted and several interior renovation needs were identified to ensure each facility meets ADA compliance regulations. The contract will be funded from the county’s capital funds account.

The board passed a resolution approving 2023 ACCG Georgia Civic Affairs Foundation grant awards to fund personnel costs for summer internships for five separate county departments: Planning & Zoning; Transportation Planning; SPLOST; Stormwater; and Parks & Recreation. For more information, visit
Also approved was the $213,282 purchase, using RedSpeed Funds, of three new vehicles with necessary accessories for Animal Care and Control. Officials said three existing vehicles are more than eight years old and nearing the 100,000-mile mark. The new vehicles from Hardy Chevrolet Buick GMC in Dallas are new surplus from another county’s previous order and are being sold at a largely discounted rate. The Chevrolet Silverados with SWAB Animal Body AR-95 are now in the construction stage and are expected to be available in the next four months.
Portions of the right-of-way in two locations related to the county’s Rock Quarry Road widening project were authorized for acquisition by negotiated contract or condemnation.
An agreement was reached between the county and the city of McDonough so that the county can conduct inspections, permitting and plan review for the former BB&T building that was recently purchased by the county and will be renovated for use as a judicial annex.
Authorization was given to submit grant applications for the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council on behalf of the county’s Juvenile Mental Health Court, Adult Felony Drug Court, Resource Court, Veterans Treatment Court, and DUI/Drug Court.