A sewer overflow in McDonough last week was reported to state authorities and addressed by local utility officials.
According to a press release, the Henry County Water Authority notified the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division of a sanitary sewer overflow that took place November 22 on Grover Turner Way in McDonough. Authority officials determined that the likely cause of the overflow was a blocked sewer line clogged by grease and gravel that entered the sewer conveyance system from a failing ductile iron pipe.

Approximately 19,215 gallons of domestic wastewater was suspected to have overflowed onto the ground from one of the utility’s manholes at the site. Upon being notified by a customer of the overflowing manhole, HCWA crews identified the clogged sewer line and pressure jetted it to clear the blockage and stop the spill. Crews then cleaned the site and spread lime to neutralize the impact.
Signs were placed around the area to notify the public of the overflow, although officials said there are no expected health risks because of the incident, since the overflow did not affect or reach any neighboring waterway, such as a creek, river or pond, or storm drain leading to such a water resource.
In accordance with Georgia EPD’s “Rules and Regulations for Water Quality Control,” public utilities must report to the regulatory agency any sewer overflow that exceeds 10,000 gallons. As a result of the incident, the HCWA has planned an inspection and repair of the damaged ductile iron pipe upstream from the site, which caused the sewer line blockage and subsequent manhole overflow.