I’ve been looking back at some of the first issues of the Times and strolling down memory lane. We began “Celebrating Henry County” April 10, 2002. The first edition was printed in black and white with the only color in the paper on the front page. It was a story by Adele Brinkley featuring Henry Countians Ben Studdard and Cheryl Stauffer, who met while appearing on Jeopardy and became friends. It is a small world after all. Our first “Cook of the Week” was Pat Robinson. The ads included the wonderful Planter’s Warehouse and Edward Jones financial advisors John Dorminy, Dave Shofman, and Lin Watts.
There are a lot of people who have been involved in bringing you this local publication. Thanks to their efforts and their belief in what we were doing, you could read about your county and its people, reconnecting to what makes this a good place to live.
Here are a few of the people who have made this all work over the years.
Our first columnists were Adele Brinkley, who also wrote feature stories, and Laura Maddox. Then came so many others – Alice Aldridge, Timothy Kimbell II, Susan Howington, Beverly Wittler, Gene Morris, Don Sweetenham, Jimmie Batchelor, Jeff Reeves, Kaye West, Frank Hancock and Paul W. Chappell.
Monroe Roark and Jason Smith have written news and feature stories for many years and are still writing today. Previous editors Joshua Clark, Larry Stanford, and Jimmy Cochran turned out local stories and columns on a weekly basis. Melissa Robinson wrote features for a few years. My son Seth has been handling most of the daily work involved and making sure we got the paper to press for years.
And many of you know Nick Vassy, although you probably think his name is “Nick from the Times.” He worked alongside my son Seth and me for 14 years! He sold and produced ads, delivered papers and kept our old computers working.
As the years passed, you enjoyed the paper and our circulation grew. More advertisers came on board and made it all work. You called, dropped by and wrote us. You invited us into your home, cooked for us, shared your old photos and recipes, and took new photos with the paper when you traveled. You loved Henry County as it Was and Hey Henry. I think you still do!
We’ve produced special sections for Taste of Henry (thanks, Beau), the Geranium Festival, and others. The late Lorene Lindsey loved the Times and came to us with an idea for a senior publication. That led to us publishing Senior Spirit for Henry County Senior Services for many years and we even won an award for it. We welcomed babies into our world, printed birth announcements and photos. We’ve celebrated birthdays, wedding announcements, and anniversaries. We’ve introduced you to artists. We were there when Planter’s Warehouse closed its doors. We’ve watched your sons receive their Eagle Scout. You trusted us to tell your stories with respect and I’m proud to say that we did.
Bear with me because I’m getting to the point of this column.
I’ve enjoyed it all. It’s been great to help record the weekly history of this place and time. But the time has come for me to put personal interests first. My husband John and our children, Seth, Amanda, and Chris agree. They’ve supported me tirelessly in this endeavor and I thank them with all my heart.
And just like that I need to tell you that this issue is the final edition of the Times. We are grateful that you’ve loved this little paper as much as we have.
Mickie Jackson is the owner and publisher of the Henry County Times. She and her husband, John, have three children.
We love you and what you have done for Henry County so much. Thank you!
Ann D.