McDonough officials approved the addition of five public schools within the city limits for inclusion in the RedSpeed School Safety Program.
The City Council voted April 17 to approve the installation of cameras around Excel Academy, McDonough Middle, McDonough High, Walnut Creek Elementary and Wesley Lakes Elementary schools. Police Chief Ken Noble shared with the council a video that highlights the benefits of the program, which uses technology to identify speeders and other traffic violations in various school zones.
There will be no financial impact to the city from the implementation of the program, according to city officials.
In other business, the council voted to approve a plan for construction and renovations at the public safety storage building at 77 Lawrenceville Street. Officials said the $118,399 cost of the project is being funded by impact fees.

Also approved was the installation of a security fence at 40 and 50 Lawrenceville Street, site of the city’s police station and municipal court building. That project will cost $14,000 and the money is in the police department’s budget.
Three expenditures for public works and legal services were approved by the council: the $12,534 purchase of nearly 24 tons of chemicals for daily operations of the city’s solid wastewater treatment plant; a software package for a total one-time cost of $22,000 and a $3,500 annual service fee; and a $10,202 payment to Butler Snow LLP for legal services.
Two rezoning items on the meeting agenda were postponed until the next meeting. Mayor Sandra Vincent stated at the start of the meeting that the city received notification of a constitutional objection regarding a proposed rezoning on Hampton Street from single-family residential to residential townhome district.
The other item was a variance request for a proposed four-story hotel on Hwy. 81, which is in council member Kamali Varner’s district. Varner was not present at the meeting, so Vincent suggested both agenda items be postponed, and the council voted to do that.