The Locust Grove City Council voted at its April 3 regular meeting to approve the rezoning of 3.37 acres at 4787 Hwy. 42 from RA (residential agricultural) to C-2 (general commercial).
The property is southeast of downtown, on the north side of the highway across from Relevant Church. According to a city staff report, the applicant intends to develop the property as a gas station/convenience store having two additional storefronts for a proposed restaurant and barber shop.
In other zoning news, the council tabled the adoption of a new zoning map until the May 1 meeting. Officials said several items needed to be changed or added to the map prior to adoption, as was made apparent during a recent public hearing.

In other council business, a resolution approving and designating a further extension of Peeksville Road passed unanimously. Officials called the move “part of the process in property acquisition for the right-of-way for the new and important roadway link.” A map included in the meeting agenda packet shows the proposed road going west from Hwy. 42, across a realigned Cleveland Street and extending to Frances Ward Drive and Cemetery Circle, with a roundabout installed where the three streets meet.
The council approved a resolution to create a streetlight district in the second phase of the Collinswood at Locust Grove Station subdivision.
A special event permit was approved for a 5-kilometer race at Strong Rock Christian School. It is scheduled for the morning of April 22. The fundraiser is to benefit Haven House, a domestic violence shelter serving Henry, Butts, Lamar, and Jasper counties.
Kiesha Stubbs and The Artisan Markets also received a special event permit to host an outdoor maker’s market at the Locust Grove train watching platform on the second and fourth weekends of each month from May 12 through September 23 of this year.