Dee Clemmons has not attended a regular meeting of the Henry County Board of Commissioners in person since November, and last week she attempted to get approval from her peers to take a leave of absence for a few months.
That attempt failed.
County attorney Nancy Rowan brought up the issue at the end of the board’s February 7 regular meeting, when the remaining five commissioners reconvened following executive session. She said Clemmons had requested a three-month leave of absence and outlined the provisions in state law under which she could be eligible.
That information is found in Senate Bill 639. As requested, Rowan read this portion of the bill:

“A board member failing to attend one-third of the regular meetings of the board in a three-month period without being excused by the board; provided, however, that absences due to the following shall be automatically excused.
A personal accident, emergency, illness or injury (or) An accident, emergency, illness or injury of an immediate family member.”
Details regarding why Clemmons would be eligible were not discussed at the meeting, according to officials. But Rowan said she did fall into the category of being eligible, and she asked for a motion in that regard. Vivian Thomas made the motion and it died for lack of a second.
According to information posted on the county website, Clemmons participated in both January board meetings via conference call. The only December meeting listed was a special called meeting for which there is no video or agenda summary, and a county official indicated to the Times that she did not attend. The last meeting for which Clemmons’ in-person attendance can be confirmed took place November 29.