Beekeeping course begins February 21

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UGA Extension Henry County is offering a three-day course on the basics of beekeeping. Topics include how to get started in beekeeping, equipment, bee biology, honey extraction, and other topics.

The instructor is Mr. Tom Bonnell, a local beekeeper. He and his wife live on eight acres in Hampton, Georgia. He became a hobbyist beekeeper in 1996 so his gardens would grow great vegetables from pollination by the honeybees. He has a passion for teaching the basics of beekeeping for schools, clubs, and other affiliations with the hope of increasing the number of future beekeepers.

The program will be held from 1:30 to 3 p.m. and again in the evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m. covering the same subject material.

•Tuesday, February 21: Introduction to Beekeeping, Over-view, and Hive Assembly

•Thursday, February 23: Nucleus Colonies (NUCs), Packages and Swarms, and Hive Manipulation

•Tuesday, February 28: Extracting Honey and Hive Issues.

There is no charge, but registration forms must be filled out and returned to the Extension office: Forms are available at

For more information, contact Timothy Daly, ANR Agent for UGA Extension Henry County at 770-288-8421 or


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