The salaries of the mayor and city council of Stockbridge will be rising significantly in a year. The council voted December 20 to approve a proposed annual pay increase from $12,000 to $20,000 for council members and from $14,400 to $22,400 for the mayor. During a previous meeting, citizens asked during the public hearing where the money would come from and why a raise of more than 60 percent was being considered. Officials stated that there has been no increase in ten years and that an analysis of comparable municipalities was performed. There was no public comment the second time, and the pay raises will take effect in January of 2024.
Appointees to three boards were approved at the December 20 meeting. David Planchon, Harold Thibodeaux and Kathleen Nelson were appointed to the Planning Commission. Bonita Adams, Joc’Quelyn Carter, Ericka Harvey, Ayesha Watson and Tonya “Toni” Williams were appointed to the Youth Council Advisory Committee. Camille Mason and Andrea Burnett were appointed to the Main Street Advisory Board. All of these appointees were approved by unanimous vote.

At the December 12 meeting, the council approved the renewal of a $250,000 contract for on-call sidewalk replacement and repairs, funded by SPLOST. Also approved was an ordinance regarding water and sewer rate increases for the next five years as well as an increase in water deposits from $150 to $200 and a total of $45,649.83 in utility billing write-offs for 2022.
Adoption of a proposed redevelopment plan for a tax allocation district in the downtown and North Henry Boulevard corridor was approved, with no one from the public speaking for or against the measure during the public hearing.