Henry County Farm Bureau (HCFB) Young Farmers & Ranchers Chairman, Daniel Welliver, received the Georgia Farm Bureau 3rd District Excellence in Agriculture Award during the recent 3rd District Annual Meeting in Mableton.
The Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes outstanding young farmers and ranchers who have not earned the majority of their income from an owned production agriculture enterprise in the past three years.
Welliver works as general manager at Southern Belle Farm, overseeing crop production for the farm’s strawberry, peach, blackberry, blueberry, muscadine and flower crops. His tasks include a variety of other aspects at the McDonough agritourism attraction, from arranging for seasonal workers to assisting with social media marketing.
Welliver is a graduate of Ola High School, where he participated in FFA and developed a passion for farming. He went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness from the University of Georgia. He worked at Southern Bell while he was in high school and college and was hired full-time after he graduated from UGA in 2016.

Welliver served on the GFB Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee from 2019 to 2021 and was vice chairman of the committee in 2020 and 2021. He also serves as a member of the Henry County FFA Advisory Council.
Founded in 1937, the Georgia Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization with 158 county chapters. As a membership-driven, nongovernmental organization, GFB serves as the voice of Georgia farmers and rural Georgia by advocating for them on legislative issues and promoting Georgia commodities. Its volunteer members also actively participate in activities that promote agriculture awareness.
GFB membership is open to the public and offers a wide variety of benefits, including insurance and discounts for health services, travel and family entertainment. If you would like more information about Farm Bureau and agriculture, please visit www. gfb.org, like Georgia Farm Bureau on Facebook @GeorgiaFarmBureau or follow on Twitter @GaFarmBureau.