I kept getting warnings that my flip phone was about to be history but decided I’d wait until late November to make any changes. Then, Verizon sent me a replacement phone. I got my daughter Sam to set it up for me, but it notified me when I tried to sign on that I had to wait 30 days from the day it came. But, in the next week I got an e-mail from Verizon that the phone is now ready to update. I got out my old flip phone and it no longer works. I was able to get the replacement turned on but I’m not quite familiar with everything on it yet. So I did the same as with my previous phone and leave it off all the time, just turning it on once a day to check for messages.
Next, my laptop took its last breath. It had been complaining about low battery and I would always make sure it was turned on, then wait for it to get back to 100%. Fortunately my grandson Matthew drove me out to Best Buy and helped me find a similar HP machine, plus it weighs a bit less and has bigger keys. He knew I needed an addition and found it while I shopped the laptops. He also was kind enough to set it up, and he gave me some good help on how to operate it, too. I’m very blessed to have such tech-savvy dears in my family.
Not to be outdone, the Henry Hilton presented me with another problem which I can’t solve alone. But I called my daughter and Sam says she’ll get Mike to see if he can fix my stubborn front door lock. Amazingly, I get a call from her later that day letting me know that my grandson Tyler will come by and heal the issue. Sure enough, he arrives with his tools and before long, my key once again will unlock the front door without any struggling on my part. I’m so glad I have a helpful and very talented family that is always willing, and able, to get things back up and running. I know I could have called a locksmith, but it’s just much nicer having a mechanic I already know to take care of what is not working properly.
I’m still enjoying my frequent swims at Gold’s Gym and they keep changing things too, for the good. I can always find a place to park, but most every day I must move to a different lane. I do enjoy chatting with my fellow swimmers, learning about their vehicles, careers, and where they have lived. Almost everyone there was not a Georgia resident in their early years. I met one lady from Cuba, another from New York, and so many more. It’s interesting how they went through changes too and yet are happy to be Henry County residents, along with me.
I noticed on my way to church several weeks ago that my Castrol Premium Lube had changed to East 81! I got my oil changed and saw that was also on the receipt now. But they didn’t alter the way they work or how they treat their customers. I am glad my mechanic led me there years ago.
It looks like more stores are going to join Publix and Wendy’s way down Highway 81, plus I noticed something being built next to Bellamy Chevrolet. Turns out that will be a Racetrack store. I’m not sure what is going to happen right past Phillips Drive on Hampton Road but LOTS of digging and road preparation going on there.
So much change, but so far, it has all been good for Henry County. Very blessed that I came here, back in 1959 … another PTL in my life!
Beverly Wittler has four children, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She lives in McDonough.