I was fortunate enough to be granted an interview with Frankenstein at a Hollywood studio during a break in the filming of one of his movies. The interview took place on a back lot and Frankenstein was very gracious while he enjoyed a cigarette.
CASUAL OBSERVER: Thank you so much Mr. Frankenstein’s Monster for taking the time to talk with me.
FRANKENSTEIN: My pleasure, but just call me Frankenstein.
CO: I was always afraid of you but in real life you seem to be quite a pleasant fellow.
F: Well it’s my job to scare people. If I can’t do that I’d lose my job to Count Dracula, The Wolfman or some other B actor.
CO: It must take hours in makeup to get you ready for the camera.
F: Actually I just come in as I am.
CO: What’s with the flat head? I never understood that.
F: I’ve complained about that many times to my ‘body mechanic’ and he refuses to address it. All he needs to do is get a hold of a normal round scull and make the switch. How difficult is that?
CO: Well not to be judgmental, but while we are on the subject, your feet have what… five or six inch soles?
F: Actually they are six and a half. I like them. Makes me more intimidating as well as giving me a better view on crowded sidewalks.
CO: What about your clothes? Where do you find outfits in your size?
F: I have a tailor make them. I can’t go into a store because everyone screams and runs out.
CO: You were brought to life with a very strong electrical charge to those … those things on your neck.
F: My bolts, yes.
CO: It must have hurt.
F: No, I was unconscious at the time.
CO: Your brain came from where exactly?
F: It was from a medical research laboratory. My fans know that it belonged to a man named Abbey Normal.
CO: Why do you grunt and growl instead of just talking just like we are during this interview?
F: Well, I developed that technique as a method actor. I really had nothing important to communicate so the grunts and growls added to my character’s persona.
CO: One last thing if you don’t mind me saying so, but cigarettes are bad for your health. They could kill you.
F: Haaaa. Not Me.
I wonder how his wife feels about the smoking thing. Does she allow him to smoke in the house?
Has he ever read Don Quixote and does the windmill thing bring back some bad memories?