A recent move by McDonough officials is expected to help residents have better park access with less traffic.
The McDonough City Council voted at its June 20 regular meeting to approve the purchase of property at 120 Jonesboro Road at a cost of $450,000. The item was not on the regular meeting agenda and the vote came at the end of the public meeting after executive session.
The property is adjacent to Alexander Park West. Mayor Sandra Vincent told the Times that the acquisition was “for the purpose of expanding park utilization, access, and parking.”
Vincent noted that the park currently has very narrow access and its sole entry-exit point also includes its only parking spaces, which creates a bottleneck and safety concern during high-traffic events. “The ability to create auxiliary parking and future expansion space for restrooms increases the city’s ability to serve the increasing needs for park use and public events,” she stated.

In other business, the renaming of two city streets along the one-way pairs remains unresolved. The discussion from the previous meeting was continued regarding the proposal that the Jonesboro Street/Keys Ferry Street section be called Mary Childs Street white the Geranium Drive portion be renamed Hattie Barnes Street.
City officials presented the name request due to conflicting names currently in place and upon the direction of state officials, since the roads in question are state routes. The specific names were proposed after the city had issued proclamations honoring Childs and Barnes for their service as midwives in the Blacksville community.
According to a city staff report, two local attorneys whose offices are on one of the streets requested that a name be chosen which would reflect legal ideology since they are the only property owners on their street. The council ultimately determined that the issue would be deferred to a future meeting to allow for further public input.
A memorandum of understanding regarding the McDonough Main Street program will receive the mayor’s signature after the council approved such action. This is required before submittal to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs to retain the program’s accreditation. It was to be submitted no later than July 1 after being signed by the mayor, the chairman of the Main Street Advisory Board and the Main Street manager.
The council approved a $20,051.93 expenditure for annual maintenance of police software. The decision to spend the money was actually approved at a previous meeting, and this action authorized staff to pay the invoice.