Two rezoning requests were approved by the McDonough City Council at its May 16 regular meeting.
Michael Burdette for the Copeland House, 94 Macon Street, requested rezoning from multi-family residential to office-institutional for the property about one block south of the square to allow businesses to rent office space.
After the applicant addressed the council, the public hearing was convened during which no one spoke for or against the request. The motion to approve passed unanimously.
A request by Allen Carmichael for Hampton Road Market, 502 Hampton Road (Hwy. 20/81), called for rezoning from central commercial to highway commercial for the 6.64-acre parcel. The public hearing for this item saw no one speak in favor and one person speak in opposition. The vote to approve passed 6-1 with Kamali Varner casting the lone dissenting vote.

In other business, the council approved a resolution to re-certify McDonough as a City of Ethics with the Georgia Municipal Association. After an executive session the council voted to approve a professional services agreement for outside counsel with Emilia Walker of Fincher Denmark, LLC. Both votes were unanimous.
Several proclamations were presented by the mayor and council at the meeting. One was in honor of the Rev. Dr. Bert Neal, pastor of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Another was for National Historic Preservation Month in recognition of the Brown House. A proclamation was presented in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month to Glendora D’Vine.
Mayor Sandra Vincent noted that a proclamation in recognition of National Public Works Week would be presented to city staff and displayed in the Public Works Department. Vincent added that she signed a proclamation as requested by the Gold Wing Road Riders Association in recognition of May as Motorcycle Awareness Month.
There were no speakers during general public comment time at the council meeting.