The Henry County Sheriff’s Office has officially entered an agreement with The U.S. Army to participate in the Partnership For Youth Success (PaYS) Program.
PaYS is a unique U.S. Army program designed to prepare, train and connect Soldiers to future employers. PaYS Soldiers are guaranteed a job interview with a PaYS partner of their choice after completing their training or first term of service. Soldiers who participate in the Program gain leadership, technical skills and experience.
Sheriff Reginald B. Scandrett says, “It’s an outstanding honor for us to be able to partner with great men and women; and to be able to stand behind the slogan that you all have stood behind for years which is be all that you can be. We certainly want to try and make sure that we do that in progressive partnerships where when people get that kind of training behind them, then we can bring them on-board to take them to what we call the next level of excellence.”

The Army benefits by gaining valuable industry partners who acknowledge the Army as a quality producer of skilled employees. And PaYS partners gain employees who have developed professional work habits with positive instilled values and the highest standards of conduct.
As it relates to the HCSO, Army Veterans will have career opportunities at the Henry County Sheriff’s Office in support of the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act.
The signing ceremony took place Tuesday, March 15 at the Heroes’ Café inside the Henry County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Reginald B. Scandrett and U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel David were among the VIPs in attendance.