Due to the increase in community spread of COVID-19, Piedmont Henry Hospital is not allowing visitors for the time being. Visitors for patients with emergencies or for those undergoing outpatient procedures must wait outside in their vehicles.
“We believe that restricting visitation at this time is in the best interest of keeping our patients and our staff safe,” said Lily Henson, M.D., CEO of Piedmont Henry. “We are asking the community to do everything they can to help stop the spread of this virus. That means wearing a mask, watching your distance and limiting potential exposure to others, washing your hands frequently, and getting the vaccine and booster when you are able to do so.”
Legal guardians or family caregivers will be allowed if it is determined necessary for the care of the patient (such as end of life care, NICU and other minors receiving care). Labor and delivery patients will be allowed one support person. Any other exceptions need to be approved by leaders in specific departments.

All visitors (support persons) must be 18 years of age or older and are required to wear a mask in the hospital at all times, regardless of vaccination status. Masks must cover a person’s nose and mouth.
“We realize that this will be very difficult for our patients and their families and friends, but we need to keep our patients and staff safe,” said Dr. Henson. “We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation during this healthcare crisis.”
Piedmont Henry encourages people to remain closely connected to their loved ones in the hospital through virtual means. Email messages to patients can be sent to PHHFeelTheLove@piedmont.org and apps such as Skype, Zoom, DUO or FaceTime can be used to set up virtual face-to-face meetings.
For more information about Piedmont Healthcare’s response to COVID-19, please visit piedmont.org.