Lack of quorum deadlocks Commission meetings

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The Henry County Board of Commissioners are scheduled to meet next week.

Will it actually happen? That is anyone’s guess.

A called meeting was set for December 14 after the regularly scheduled November 30 meeting could not take place due to lack of a quorum. It was the third time in November that a meeting either could not officially take place or ended early for this reason.

In all three instances, it was the same three commissioners – Dee Clemmons, Bruce Holmes and Vivian Thomas – none of them have stated publicly the reasons for their absences.

Typically the board meets the first Tuesday morning of each month, but the first November meeting was set for November 3 because of the previous day being Election Day. It was never called to order since only Harrell, Greg Cannon and Johnny Wilson were present.

A called meeting was scheduled November 9 to review several issues such as the purchasing policy, state contract process and an updated on the capital program. According to county documents, Thomas was not present at all while Clemmons and Holmes both left the meeting within 40 minutes of its start.

The regular November 16 meeting took place as usual with all six commissioners in attendance. The November 30 meeting, which was scheduled earlier in the year to allow the board to avoid meeting at all in December, was not called to order because Clemmons, Holmes and Thomas were absent. Aside from Thomas mentioning at the previous meeting that she might not be able to attend, no official reason was given for their absence.

County manager Cheri Hobson-Matthews stressed to the commissioners who were present November 30 that another meeting was needed before the end of the year, so Harrell added the new meeting to the calendar. It is scheduled to be a morning meeting, beginning at 9 a.m.


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About Monroe Roark

Monroe Roark has been covering the news in Henry County for more than a quarter-century, starting in 1992. He has owned homes here and raised a family here. He still enjoys staying on top of the important matters that affect his friends in the community.

2 comments on “Lack of quorum deadlocks Commission meetings

  1. Tom Smith

    Absolutely not surprised at the 3 not in attendance. Those 3 have their own agenda for personal gain and not interested in serving the county.

  2. Rusty Dobbs

    They’re too busy out knocking over tombstones to be bothered. How bout we clip they paychecks a few bucks for layin out of work.

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