Well we’ve all had a blessed life, right? I have been so lucky, and I just keep getting reminded. This morning, for example, DJ Don played some ZZTop specials and I was suddenly back in the 80’s playing an 8-track in my 1987 Chevrolet Eurosport! My teen sons weren’t too crazy about a four door sedan but as soon as they drove that peppy Chevy with front wheel drive, and they listened to my ZZTop album, they were in teen heaven. They actually took turns borrowing it to go on dates, and I knew they were very careful with vehicles, so I let them. I loved driving the Eurosport, and it was a very fast car. Sadly, another vehicle hit us and totaled my fun drive. I went to one of my customer’s dealerships and actually leased a car that time; a Mercury Sable. I discovered shortly that my leased maroon drive could NOT merge onto 1-75 very well as it was a pokey car. Sigh. Naturally, when I selected my Maxima, I did insist on a test drive via I-75 and yes, she could merge immediately.
I was very blessed to learn that the brick ranch I had coveted was on the market as I was in the process of selling The Yellow Submarine. (My kids came up with the name since it was yellow.) My fellow bank employees helped me move all the furniture and appliances and then gifted me with a wooden paper towel holder, which I still use. Great that I could walk to work since we lived so close to the new bank building. Another blessing! I always loved the neat car wash that is now gone and has a Wendy’s sitting in its former home.
I thought about how lucky I was to have three wonderful sons, and then, God sent me a little girl. Of course our boys were as delighted as we were and took turns playing with her, also helping with any care she needed. They even argued about who would get to rock her to sleep, or take her for a ride. We were a tad short on bedrooms though, so Norman and his Dad converted the carport into another bedroom. Another blessing for us and then later after Norman’s stroke, it was the only room that was open enough for a hospital bed and a wheelchair.
I was very blessed with my careers too. I loved being a teller, until the bank robbers made me nervous especially when customers would run into the branch on their lunch hours. So, they moved me over to the mortgage department and I found another interesting and busy job that suited me to a T! Eventually I retired from SunTrust, on a Friday, then went to work for United Mortgage the following Monday. As we were having a discussion one morning over coffee, another loan officer was concerned what his customer’s home was worth as he began a refinance. So, I told him how to look up properties via the internet for value, square feet, and more. They all gave me a funny look, asked ‘what?” and then were amazed. I was blessed to work there until the mortgage industry took a dive around the middle of 2007. But, I got a call one Sunday from a former real estate agent asking me if I could help her that day on their internet site. That is how I found my next fun career, and was blessed again. I liked working from home, on my laptop, which the company provided.
I’ve been blessed to have two wonderful churches in my life. I love my fellow Christians and appreciate our pastors, teachers, pianists and of course the wonderful cooks. The blessings just keep coming. PTL!
Beverly Wittler has four children, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She lives in McDonough.