Ups and downs

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I’ve had several of those lately. The downs have to do with the loss of some great people to this horrible COVID disaster! I was praying for healing to take place and actually thought it might happen. And then they both took off to heaven. Sorry for the families and still praying for this to go away.

Another down is that the mice have returned to the Henry Hilton. Years ago, when they tore down an old mill one street over (now the Huddle House) I suddenly had a bunch of unwelcome guests in the crawl space! I had the little door to that space upgraded but would still hear a noise in my cabinet under the sink … yep, more deposits left behind. Our mayor used to sit in his front yard with a rifle and get rid of his intruders as they ambled up and down our streets. I used lots of over-the-counter rat poisons and sometimes it worked … sometimes. I eventually just gave up using the bottom cabinets. Well, it worked, for a long time. I’ve already had one pest control company out and praying as I wait for my next heroes to arrive.

Neat that just as I finished all my library books, the postman brought my quarterly Reader’s Digest Selection Editions; four condensed books I ALWAYS enjoy!! That made my day.

Sadly, this morning I get a Calling Post letting me know a church sister had lost her Mother. I checked the messages on my cell phone to learn about the sadness. Then my cell phone did it again … it wouldn’t end the message! When this happens, it means that my battery will soon die. The only solution is to remove the battery. Okay, I can’t do that anymore.

I was on the fence about making another trip to Publix and getting one of their kind staff to help me. Then I had another idea – maybe someone would come up my street that would be willing to help me. I strolled out to the mail box and in just a couple of minutes a nice gray Dodge Ram pulled slowly into our street. I waved at him, and made the sign with my fingers inviting him over. He pulled up beside me, asked what he could do and I told him about the phone issues. In no time, he had the back cover off, and handed it to me along with the phone. I thanked him, and told him if he ever needed a place to park, to just pull into my driveway. We didn’t exchange names, but he had a nice smile and it just seemed like an angel had helped me, again.

A couple of weeks ago, as I went out to get the mail, I heard one of the good-looking trucks passing by rev his engine. I’ve always had a hearing problem – I hear TOO well! I stuffed my fingers in my ears and then headed on to get the mail. Well, later that afternoon, I heard a knock on the front door. Put my laptop down, got up and saw a teenager standing there. He asked if he could talk to me a minute, and then he apologized for the loud noise he’d made with his truck. I assured him he was not at fault, told him I would not go out to get my mail around the time they were leaving school. We had a little chat about cars, and of course I gave him the offer to park in my driveway if he ever needed to find a spot and there was too much traffic in the school lot.

ALWAYS glad to see some smiles, and SO thankful again, for where I live!

Beverly Wittler has four children, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She lives in McDonough.


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About Beverly Wittler

Beverly Wittler has four children, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She lives in McDonough with her husband.