A request for a zoning modification that would allow for an age-targeted community on a 120-acre site was denied by the Locust Grove City Council at its September 7 regular meeting. The vote was unanimous.
The proposed Oak Ridge Meadows site is located north of Locust Grove Griffin Road. A joint comprehensive plan between Henry County and its cities cites a lack of housing options as an issue that needs to be addressed. While the development in question falls within that rationale, it does not fit with the city’s zoning ordinance, the staff report indicated.
In other business, a request to rezone a 2.85-acre tract from residential to light industrial was approved. The site in question is on the south side of Pine Grove Road between Hwy. 42 and Davis Lake Road. The intent of the applicant is to add the property in question to several other lots which were rezoned for industrial use in May, and the combined site will contain a warehouse with 1.3 million square feet of space.

Architectural plans for a new Chick-fil-A restaurant now in development were approved. The new store will be located at 1005 Bandy Parkway, just west of I-75 and a quarter-mile north of Strong Rock Christian School. It is being designed with a double drive-through as all new Chick-fil-A stores are now being done.
Also approved were architectural plans for a warehouse-distribution building on Colvin Drive that is expected to total 677,967 square feet. The single-story structure will include truck docks, trailer storage and employee parking.
The council approved an agreement with G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers, Inc. for upcoming work on the next major expansion of the Indian Creek Water Pollution Control Plant on Locust Road. Based on population projections in the early 2000s of the city eventually being in the 17,000-to-37,000 range, the plan for the water plant has been to expand from its original 1.5 million gallons per day to three million, and then to double that again to as much as six million gallons per day.
Two amendments to the police department’s standard operating procedure were approved, addressing patrol operations as well as the patrol reserve division. The council tabled a proposed amendment to the city’s personnel policy that would include a new salary schedule and the addition of a fire marshal position.
The council approved the preliminary plat for a new subdivision at 490 South Unity Grove Road, and created a streetlight district that will include 127 lots in the first phase of the Bunn Farms subdivision, and approved an update to the city’s zoning ordinance.