Letters to the Editor

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Dear Editor,

I’m sitting here wondering what was so “insult laden” in my response to Hannah Evans’ letter that Ms. Scott spoke about as a “new resident” of Henry County? Is it because I spoke the truth? The only “attack” I made with regards to her was to state that she appeared to be uneducated in the area of politics. She was referring to our current president as being “a man of integrity and virtue” when the man can’t even complete a sentence on his own without making a fool of himself!
As for making myself a “self proclaimed” former law enforcement officer, I spent 26 years serving in Public Safety, several of that serving the citizens of McDonough as a law enforcement officer and firefighter. This remains MY hometown, and even with all its changes, it’s still the town I love!

It is true that our schools don’t teach RESPECT, however, THIS should be taught at HOME anyway, not in our public school systems! People should be respectful! They can be respectful without violence and when I last checked, political differences were not new and America was a country with a First Amendment, which allows us to speak freely! I have no idea how Ms. Scott gathered from my letter that I “was promoting fear, anger, threats, and other forms of spiritual violence” by simply stating that I didn’t feel Ms. Evans was schooled in the area of politics. I think that all the violence going on in this country is spear-headed by people who lack respect, not only for each other, but for this country! Let them give some time to our U.S. Military and maybe their opinions regarding respect would change!

As for my “ego being boosted” by having my letter printed, or “callousness of his personal attacks,” many Henry Countians have seen my letters printed numerous times as I still love my hometown. It is definitely NOT the small town it used to be! I offer my apologies to Ms. Evans if I “insulted her,” however, the man she speaks of is definitely NOT the same man I see in the White House at the present time!

Chuck Kimbell,
Formerly of McDonough
