Business at the June 3 regular meeting of the McDonough City Council included a thumbs-up on an upcoming development, a look at increasing fees on future developments, and several expenditures related to public safety.
A preliminary plat for a proposed new development was approved by unanimous vote, after a development agreement was approved earlier this year. The 12-acre tract at 222 Decatur Road, site of the Geranium Park development, has been zoned originally for 39 lots but the developer has reduced the plan for the property to include only 19 lots, according to officials. There was a question raised regarding water line repairs, and it was determined that all of those repairs will be worked out during the building permit review.
Impact fees in McDonough could double in the coming weeks. The council voted unanimously to start the process of changing its ordinance and to proceed with plans for a 100 percent increase. The city initially adopted its impact fee program in 2003 and the fee schedule had not been reviewed since that date, according to officials.

Three proposed fee schedules were presented to the council, with possible increases of 75, 100 and 125 percent. A consultant pointed out that changing the ordinance would require two advertised public hearings at least 20 days apart before a final vote, and the ordinance would state the effective date of the changes.
The council authorized $13,751.44 for repairs to an aerial ladder fire truck as well as $19,955.21 to purchase 13 tasers for the police department and various accessories. Also approved was the appointment of Ricky Beauchamp to the Planning Commission for the remainder of the year, as the previous appointee moved out of the city. A resolution was adopted appointing Kathy Story as the city’s open records officer, and the council voted to defer action on the FY2022 budget until June 16-17. All of these votes were unanimous.