Amid record voter turnout in Henry County this fall, county officials are getting some financial help to offset their efforts to keep the polls running smoothly.
The Board of Commissioners convened in the early morning hours of October 26 for a special called meeting and voted unanimously to accept a $487,793 grant from the Center for Tech and Civic Life to provide resources that are intended to make the voting process more safe and secure for voters, poll workers and election officials.

Ameika Pitts, the county’s elections and voter registration director, presented the board with the resolution to accept the grant and detailed how the money could be spent in these areas:
• Poll worker recruitment funds, hazard pay (poll worker/election staff) and/or training expense.
• PPE including masks, gloves, shields, disinfectant materials, alcohol wipes and other supplies for elections offices and polling locations which may not be shared outside of an election environment.
• Polling place rental and cleaning expenses for early voting or election day.
• Temporary staffing.
• Election administration equipment including additional ICP scanners, ICX tabulator, laptops, copier, signs, tables, etc.
Pitts said that if a portion of the funds were to be used for hazard pay, she would bring that resolution back before the commissioners for approval before proceeding.
There is no local match required for this grant, and funds must be expended by December 31.
Since election officials across the nation have made it clear that one of their most pressing needs is funding, the Center for Tech and Civic Life expanded a COVID-19 Response Grant program to all U.S. local election jurisdictions. CTCL is providing grants to help ensure availability of staffing, training and equipment necessary so that every eligible voter can participate in a safe and timely way and have their votes counted.
This item was originally on the consent agenda for the board’s October 20 regular meeting. After being removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration, it failed to pass because of a 3-3 vote.