Amanda and Jason Reeves, the founders of Millie’s Mini Pantry, are continuing to work to meet the needs of the community with their pantry containing non-perishable food items and personal care items.
The 24/7 pantry is available 365 days of the year and is described as a “resource at anytime for anyone.”
“You don’t have to come in contact with any human beings to use it. You can walk up and take anything out of it that you need. It doesn’t cost anything,” said Amanda Reeves.
The idea for the pantry came to Amanda in the middle of the night in 2019, after which she shared with her husband the calling she felt from God to help those in need in Henry County.
The pantry was installed on November 7, 2019 outside of Studio 48 on the McDonough Square in honor of Amanda’s grandmother Millie.
“She just taught me how Jesus loves us regardless of the place that we’re in in life and she really helped to instill in me that we should share what we have with people who don’t have as much,” she said.

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Amanda believes that the unemployment rate increasing due to the coronavirus pandemic has increased the need for the pantry within the community this year.
“We’ve seen the pantry get empty really quickly after we fill it whereas before, it would stay somewhat stocked for at least several days,” said Amanda. “There’s been a much greater need since March.”
Millie’s Mini Pantry is stocked twice a week by their organization, but sees additional items being placed within the pantry by various members of the Henry County community.
“Since the time that we began, we’ve had a very steady stream of supporters throughout the community who put stuff in [the pantry],” she said.
Amanda shared that she has not necessarily seen an increase in donations being physically placed in the pantry since March but she has seen a greater number of donations purchased and sent to Millie’s Mini Pantry through their Amazon Wishlist.
“We have definitely seen an increase in people sending items to us from that Amazon Wishlist, so I think that began to increase with COVID,” said Amanda.
Items on the Amazon Wishlist includes canned meat items, crackers, dried beans, rice, and oats, cereals, soups, bottled beverages, toothpaste, bars of soap, lotion, chapstick, and more.
Amanda states that 90 percent of donations given to the pantry are anonymous, rendering her unable to personally thank the donors.
“It just feels really amazing to know that people out there recognize the needs within our community and want to do something about it without seeking any credit for it,” she said. “I pray every day that the blessings that they are giving to someone else will be returned to them again and again.”
Those that receive the pantry items are very appreciative, said Amanda, as she regularly receives messages through the Millie’s Mini Pantry Facebook page from grateful recipients.
“I get a message almost daily from someone saying thank you,” said Amanda. “We receive really heartbreaking and heartwarming messages all the time from the people who use the pantry.”
Amanda hopes to expand Millie’s Mini Pantry by placing food pantries in other cities in Henry County.
“The goal is to have an entire network of pantries in various cities,” she said.
To install the pantry requires no cost from the city, she said, as Millie’s Mini Pantry covers the costs of installation and receives donations to supply the pantry.
“There’s really no cost to the municipalities that allow us to place the pantries within their city limits,” said Amanda. “We don’t ask them to pay us anything and we don’t ask them to do anything. We maintain the pantry.”
“We get a permit from the city so they can specifically designate exactly what [the pantry] needs to be constructed of, everything,” she continued.”We are open to working very amicably with any of the city officials that would like to have a pantry as well.”
She hopes to have a pantry installed in Locust Grove in the first quarter of 2021.
“If just one person is helped, I feel great. The overall goal is to do what I can with what I have and make a difference,” said Amanda.
For more information about Millie’s Mini Pantry or to make a donation to the pantry from their Amazon Wishlist, visit their Facebook page at @milliesminipantry.