In an effort to preserve some of the history of our community, The Times is displaying photos of Henry County from the past. If you can tell us anything about the photo shown above, use this form. In the next edition, we’ll reveal the details of the picture and notes readers send us.

Elaine Davies wrote, “this week’s picture shows Reagan Baseball Field off of Hwy. 155 just before Hemphill Road.” Chris Southerland wrote, “this is the old baseball field on 155 N. at Camp Creek and Asa Mosley Road. I practiced on that field many times when I was in little league.”
The 9/2/2020 henry as it was picture appears to be the henry general( as it was called at the time) admissions department.
The woman ,second from the left on the back row, is Joyce Fain ,my sister, who worked for several years at the hospital.
Linda Bickers