I love all of the idioms I’ve learned over the years, and that’s one … pass it on. It sounds as good as the new one … we’re all in this together. Well, we are all in this together and we must get through it somehow. I heard a great sermon from our pastor the last week we could attend, and she did tell us all to pray for our nation, and then she let me know to pass it on to others. So, I’ve called all my neighbors and asked them to pray for the good old USA, plus family members and church buddies that weren’t in the sanctuary that morning. I pray for our nation every day, plus family, church family and our heroes in uniform who support and protect us too. I do hope this strange time is soon something in the past and we get back to a normal life.
I did have so much fun with my children, then the grands came along and brought me more excitement. I’m glad they could pass that on to me, fun, and lots of it for free. I enjoyed taking my boys to Davis Brothers to swim on Wednesday afternoons when the bank was closed along with the rest of McDonough and Henry County. Our Flea Market had some neat buys and sometimes an afternoon of fun for the younger generation, and I appreciate them passing on those joys to us! But the best times were hanging out at Tybee Island, playing in the ocean, building sand castles and eating some delicious food. We loved Fannies on The Beach and lots more restaurants including our favorite lunch spot, which was Arbys. I’m glad our daughter led us to that neat spot to dine and within walking distance of our hotel. I guess she was paying me back for finding her a modeling school and then driving her there for her classes. Later she was in some commercials, and then once we were in a movie, as extras. We had to drive to the Atlanta Airport for that interesting filming and it was supposed to be a movie for television, but we never got to see it. She did get paid though, for all the modeling jobs and when it came time to upgrade her vehicle, she had the funds she needed.
I listen to 92.1 on the radio and it passes a lot of news on, and teaches me a lot too. It’s interesting to learn what national day we are celebrating via WJGA. They did get me in trouble though. It was my fault really. Tom mentioned that it was National French Fries Day. Then I saw several posts on Facebook asking me to select my favorite fast food French fries. I’m not supposed to eat potatoes, but I kept thinking about those awesome Checkers seasoned fries and, next thing I knew, I got Norman in the Camry and picked up their latest huge chicken sandwich and their biggest order of fries. I cut a tiny slice of the chicken off, but did eat maybe a fourth of the fries. They were delicious! Well, I haven’t cheated on my diet in quite a while so I forgave myself for that fun sin. I passed on my actions to my dears and they all forgave me and laughed with me too.
I am missing attending church services and seeing my Methodist brothers and sisters, so I decided to write to one each week, and pass on the prayer request besides reminding them of something special they’d done for Mt. Bethel. I still remember one of my favorites, Josie, passing on a sweet letter to me, from God. And in that letter, He reminds me to leave the prayer request with Him. I’m glad I had/have so many sweet souls via that little brick church down Hwy. 81 East.