Just like that, it’s gone.
As quickly as the process started three weeks ago, the removal of the Confederate memorial from the center of the McDonough square happened Tuesday night with almost no advance notice — at least, not officially. Thanks to social media, many people expected it and were waiting for it to happen.

County officials released a statement Tuesday evening announcing that the monument “will be safely and respectfully removed at 10 p.m. tonight.” This message was posted on the Henry County Police Department’s Facebook page sometime after 7 p.m. and listed two designated “safe protest locations” for anyone wishing to attend and “exercise their First Amendment rights,” whether in support of or opposed to the removal.
Supporters were directed to gather at the county election headquarters on the northwest corner of the square, while those in opposition could gather at the State Court building on the northeast corner. Both locations were opened at 9 p.m. and had checkpoints so citizens could be cleared of a long list of prohibited items for safety reasons.
The announcement also stated that the entire square would be designated a construction zone and completely closed to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

McDonough Mayor Pro Tem Craig Elrod stated on his own Facebook page that he learned just before 8 p.m. about this action, being totally unaware of street and sidewalk closings before that. He notified a number of businesses on the square, then went there to witness firsthand what he called “the confusion and chaos many were describing to me.”
Several merchants were having brisk business, with one new restaurant having a full house, when they were ordered to close with zero notice, Elrod stated.
“It added an atmosphere of chaos to an already tense situation,” he said. “That process is just unacceptable for any reason. Henry County PD and McDonough PD (in a supporting role) did a great job of keeping the scene secure and safe; they should be commended for the job they did and continue to do on a daily basis. But the plan and timeline they were forced to follow could have and should have been better communicated to the general public, business owners, and the City of McDonough.”

Atlanta television news crews also came to the area to report on an event that was the culmination of three weeks of tension resulting from an unexpected action by the Henry County Board of Commissioners.
At the beginning of the board’s July 7 regular meeting, Dee Clemmons moved to add the item to the meeting agenda. It had not been discussed previously and there was no prior indication that it would be added. Before that meeting was over, a measure to have the memorial removed passed 4-1 with Gary Barham voting against it and Johnny Wilson absent due to illness. Board chair June Wood spoke publicly more than once over the next two weeks in defense of her vote to approve the move.
It was unclear how long it would take to secure a company that could handle the physical removal of the large monument. To date there has been no announcement by the county of how much it cost.

Two separate organizations went to court attempting to get an injunction and block the county’s action. Superior Court Judge Brian Amero rejected those motions July 24 on the grounds that the commissioners have sovereign immunity and cannot be sued in this fashion. He did not rule on any other potential merits of the case.
It is not yet clear where the memorial’s final resting place will be, but more litigation is almost certain to come. Also, ethics complaints have been filed against Clemmons and Bruce Holmes for their actions and public statements regarding the issue.
This was a Tombstone, nothing more, nothing less. These four Commissioners that knocked it over are no better than four punk kids knocking over headstones in a cemetery. This is so small minded and sad. Bruce Holmes was actually crying this morning because it wasn’t all gone yet. This Memorial has stood for 110 years and this man is complaining that it’s taking too long to remove. What an ass. RINO June, we’ll see you in November!
The henry county commissioners were elected to serve all the citizens of henry co. Not themselves ,not people in other counties or other states Not to bring up ,rush thru and vote passing all in one meeting to remove the statue in McDonough square solely on their OWN personal feelings and views of just 4 of them.they did not let any citizens know about or speak on this at all. That is so wrong . What is next? all statues , monuments,street signs, tributes of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and others that were part of our trying time in our history to be removed because it bothers someone to look at them .
this issue should have been decided by all the citizens of henry county .i highly respect commissioner Mr.Gary Barham which voted against the statue removal saying henry county citizens should get to have their say on this before it is voted on .as we know that did not take place.
Good riddance!! Everyone of our citizens should feel pride in our square! This is about inclusion & you don’t keep up a statue that makes part of your community feel excluded & less than!
To all of you that have moved to Henry County in the last 30 years you should have done your due diligence about our history , heritage and standing memorials to those that have fought for our rights and freedom. If a statue or monument t hurts you feelings so much, you should have rented or purchased a home north of the Mason Dixon Line. Available home inventory is extremely low in the county so it’s a good time to sell. Call a agent today and get moving.
I Agree Doug, but they’re not about assimilating, they’re about changing things to their liking. Gone now in Stockbridge is Berry St. Named after the blacksmith 100yrs ago, it’s now MLK Sr Heritage trail. Translation..”We’re here now St”.
Don’t let the screen door hit you on the backside as you leave Henry County !!! Bye!!! : )
Unfortunately the democrates are taking over Henry County. The current racial mix of the Board of Commissioners will exist and eventually Victor Hill will either be on Henry County Board of Commissioners or Sheriff of Henry County
Mike Debouis, SMH… The political parties do not care about us, Republican, Democrats, Conservative or Liberal.. Both parties (Republican and Democrates) truly don’t care about you. The old mindset and continuous ridiculous back and forth blame game is just another way to keep Americans divisive. I voted for both parties and neither has eliminated or reduced my taxes or anyone’s for that matter “as promised”. This election and all the lip service surrounding it, is as always, about money and power by any means, and not about the people. We the voters are the ones being bamboozled, and sadly because of personal biases and hate, we have those like yourself playing right into the hands of the parties who want divisiveness.
I am saddened by this turn of events. It was very obvious that these 4 had planned well in advance to bring this for a vote,
It was and is a cowardly act by a group interested in serving blacks and ignore the white citizens of Henry County.
Law enforcement did a wonderful job controlling the situation and are to be commended. I witnessed both black and white arguing with officers about access to the square but were very professional but firm in enforcing this. They are to be commended.
The board should be ashamed if they have any but I doubt it very much.
This is my final straw. My family will probably leave Henry County in the next two years because simply, I don’t want to live in a county run by hate mongers.
To Jimmy Paschall – The ignorance in the remarks you made is the very reason why racism exists. It’s always those who are not affected by such, who make remarks such as yours. In case you didn’t know, the same issues and crimes exist in your communities as well. However, the facts are more in your community commit crimes but it’s rarely published, because community service is provided instead of jail time. The difference is that the media only focuses on negativity in black communities. You do know of the Robert A. Dayton detention center where white collar crimes are more prevalent. Perhaps you don’t know about it because it’s never publicized. What all people should worry about are things that affect your wallet, such as out of control property, federal and income taxes, or are you part of the good old network of privileged low rates and discounts because of who you know? Perhaps instead of spewing hate, your energy could be used to support our vets since no one in power is challenging the federal governments treatment of our vets.
Finally, instead of you and others spewing and harboring such disdainful hate against people who don’t affect your privileges, perhaps that energy can be used to fight the powers affecting your wallet through unnecessary taxes. Use your voice to fight against non-American citizens getting immediate benefits, while our vets have to fight for and die waiting.
Yes there are other more economical issues to be concerned about. Everyone living the American dream but the Americans, so blame all your politicians from all party lines., for allowing such for decades. Republicans, Democrats, Conservative, Liberal politicians don’t know any of us and could care-a-less about history, confederate statues (blacks served in the confederacy too), or the American working class or poor including the nations leader.
America belongs to every citizen, and all of our ancestors came from someplace else. Stop being so hateful and nasty just because you can. The only people that truly care about you is your family. You have what you want in life don’t you?
Stop the hate! It’s a waste!
Don’t like what happened? Should’ve gotten off your keister and voted!