Sam was a friend of mine. He was a Christian educator and an ordained minister. When we first met him, he was unemployed. He was working part time at Rich’s during the Christmas season. His schedule called for him to be at work by noon on Sundays, which kept him from being able to attend church while working this schedule.
I was serving as the chairperson of the board of elders and deacons at the church in Stockbridge where Sam attended. As such, I presented the budget to the congregation at the annual meeting, explained the rationale for various decisions, and answered many questions. I guess the board decided that if anyone started casting stones, I was qualified for the sacrifice. We had many fun discussions.
One Sunday morning a call came in from the preacher stating that his son had suffered a broken arm in a football game and they had been at the hospital all night. He was not going to be able to preach. It was also too late to find a substitute or to cancel the service. It was up to me to take care of this situation. While I have done many things in my career, conducting a church service was not on the list.
The service begins on time. After a few announcements, we had the customary greeting of friends, neighbors and visitors. The choir sings a couple songs and we have communion. So far things are going well, but it has become obvious that we have no preacher. Next, the choir sings another song and we take up the offering. Now I am out of options as it comes time for the sermon.
As I step up to the pulpit, I take off my watch and place it on the lectern. Everyone laughs because they know when preachers do this it means absolutely nothing. As I am about to dismiss the shortest service in history, the doors to the auditorium open and in walks Sam. I immediately call him to the pulpit and explain the preacher’s absence.
Sam takes over and begins his unprepared sermon by stating that he was not going to attend church today due to his work schedule. As he passed by the church something convinced him to stop. He turned his car around and came in. His appearance was timed to the exact moment that he was needed. His short sermon was powerful and when he finished he walked out and made it to work on time.
I could not believe what I had just witnessed. While I know the Lord has a plan for me, I didn’t realize to what extent He would go to keep me out of the pulpit. Or perhaps He was just saving me from an awkward situation. Regardless, I will never forget the timing of this event and preaching has never been added to my resume.