Wacky World News (Vol. 1)

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  Just when we think the world can’t get any crazier, more and more stories are reported that prove it is. Here are some headlines from around the globe:

  •Elephants and Armadillos may be susceptible to drunkenness.

  •A ten year old girl in England works out 30 hours a week to maintain her six-pack abs.

  •The fattest countries are in the South Pacific.

  •A man in Thailand with a foot fetish steals 126 pairs of flip flops.

  •Fidel Castro ate 20 scoops of ice cream a day.

  •Slovenia ‘baby dragons’ live for a century and only need to eat once a decade.

  •A paralyzed deaf and mute teenager attempted to rob a jewelry store with a fake gun he held with his feet.

  •The world’s best new brewers are robots.

  •Predator snails are fending off a barnacle invasion in Japan.

  •Three young boys in Bolivia allowed themselves to be bitten by a black widow so they would turn into Spiderman.

  •A 103 year old grandmother who survived coronavirus celebrated with a Bud Light.
