The Stockbridge City Council voted at its May 26 workshop meeting to approve a policy requiring city employees and members of the public to wear face coverings over their noses and mouths when in public areas of city buildings and also when participating in meetings in non-public areas.
The move was “for the protection of members of the public and other city employees, including members of vulnerable populations and members of other populations at risk,” according to a copy of the policy. City officials will make accommodations for those who are physically unable to wear face coverings, and they will continue to communicate ways that city business can be conducted without requiring entry into a city building.

The city will also inform the public about the types of acceptable face coverings required for entry and instructions by the CDC about how to make such face coverings easily and inexpensively. Information will be displayed explaining or illustrating the proper way to wear and remove face coverings. The city will provide a face covering for anyone visiting a city building who does not have one that meets the requirements.
In other business, the council voted to approve three SPLOST-funded expenditures. One was a change order allocating an additional $31,332 for the amphitheater construction project. Road improvements along East Atlanta Road and Lee Street have necessitated the relocation of transformer poles by Georgia Power, a task that will cost an estimated $265,016.33. That motion was approved with the conditions that there is no adverse effect to the surrounding neighborhood and that advance notice is given to residents.
Also approved was a request for proposals regarding facility security equipment, systems and services with related supplies in the potential amount of $318,332.37. This involves work to be performed for amphitheater security, according to a city staff report.
The council approved a revised boundary map for the city’s Downtown Development Authority. According to city staff, the DDA’s previous geographical boundary was the same as the Main Street map, and DDA leadership requested the change in 2017.
The new boundary proposed by staff would include nearby commercial and retail parcels south along N. Henry Blvd. to Rock Quarry Road and north along E. Atlanta Road to Valley Hill Road, as well as vacant and undeveloped parcels along both corridors that could spur future downtown development. The map approved by the council reached north to Rico’s restaurant and west to Stockbridge First United Methodist Church.
Before that vote, a motion was made to allow Roger Custin to address the council on the matter. That motion passed 3-2 with John Blount and LaKeisha Gantt opposed. Custin identified himself as a city resident and homeowner as well as a business owner in the district and the DDA’s secretary. He said that there was no such request from the DDA to extend the boundaries.
The motion to approve the new map passed 3-2 with Yolanda Barber and Alphonso Thomas voting against.