The Honorable Holly W. Veal and staff of the Henry County Adult Felony Drug Court Program invites the citizens of Henry County to join the 16th commencement ceremony on Thursday May 28 via Webex at

The court has developed a program to give its participants the necessary tools and support needed to modify their lifestyles to become productive, sober and law abiding citizens.
The program includes weekly reporting to probation; random and routine drug and alcohol testing; home visits by a surveillance officer; reporting weekly to the court; exhaustive therapy; and curfew hours.
The program includes incentives for timely completion of tasks and sanctions for failure to follow the rules.
Judge Veal presides over the weekly court and staffing sessions to ensure all participants are in compliance with the program rules while monitoring their progress.
The mission of the Henry County Adult Felony Drug Court is to enhance public safety and promote healthier lifestyles for its participants. The court combines increased supervision and accountability with effective and intensive treatment, thereby reducing recidivism.