The past year has taught me a lot about myself.
Through a recent diagnosis, I’ve learned more about my physical
limitations. I’ve also learned ways to cope with this new development going forward.
The main thing my condition has taught me, though, is that I still have a lot to learn.
In my last column, I wrote about being diagnosed, last year, with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. Despite how it might sound, this condition has nothing to do with sharks or teeth. It’s a degenerative form of neuropathy that affects my feet, legs and balance.
Almost immediately after my diagnosis, I embarked on the first phase of treatment for this condition – physical therapy. Anyone who knows me can attest that I’ve never been one for exercise, so the prospect of regular physical activity was new territory for me.
Before PT, I couldn’t even touch my toes.
Nevertheless, I came to my first PT appointment with an open mind, hopeful that it would help me in my CMT journey.
After warming up on an elliptical machine – also a first for me – we got to work with some stretching exercises to increase flexibility. These exercises weren’t, in themselves, overly strenuous or difficult to do, but I had never done them before. So, it was an eye-opening experience that showed me what I was up against.
As those exercises continued, new ones were added into the mix. I was also given a set of exercises to do on my own at home. At first, I thought these were designed to keep me from getting too cocky about my progress. But, I knew I had a long way to go.
Along the way, my physical therapists also worked with me with the goal of improving my balance.
This was not a surprise, as I’ve known for years that my balance was off. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had a harder time trying to stand in one place without holding onto something to keep me steady.
I can’t even remember the last time I walked down a flight of stairs without grabbing a handrail to keep me from falling down.
It wasn’t until my diagnosis that I began to understand why I was having those issues. I’ll always be grateful to my physical therapists for helping me to overcome them.
After several weeks, I completed my first round of physical therapy. This represented the first of what I hope will be many milestones for me. I feel like I’ve come a long way since my first PT session.
I can even touch my toes now.
With that being said, by no means have I conquered CMT. This disease has resulted in some changes, which I’ll address next time in this space. I’ll be dealing with this condition in some way for the rest of my life, and I still have a lot to learn about it.
I want to know more about what to expect in the years that lie ahead with this condition.
I want to find out what other obstacles are waiting for me to overcome. Most of all, I’m excited to see how God will use me for His purpose as I go forward on this journey.
Great story! I have CMT myself, and can relate to the shock of having to make dramatic life changes.
Keep writing, you are great at it!