You keep reading, we’ll keep writing

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  Here at our office we are following all of the guidelines to stay healthy and, just as you, hoping it will be enough. We’ve been a part of this community since 2002, bringing you news and stories about your own backyard – people, churches, businesses, your pets, your vacations, your history. And through it all, the Times has been made possible by our local advertisers. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year. 

  So now we need your help more than ever. We need you to keep picking up a copy of the Times every week or subscribe, if you wish to have it delivered to your home. If you can’t get a print copy, read us online. In the Flipbook version, you can read the entire paper including ads. 

  In this uncertain time our advertisers need to know that you value the paper and their support. Let them know by shopping with them as soon as you can. Email them or call and thank them for supporting your locally owned and operated newspaper.

  Are you wondering about the safety of reading your copy of the Times during the COVID-19 crisis?

  According to information on the World Health Organization (WHO) website, the virus is spread mainly person-to-person through respiratory droplets and it appears the likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of getting the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, traveled and subject to varying conditions and temperatures is also low.

  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) website provides the same “low risk” information for products, which would apply to newspapers as well. 

  So while you are out, please stop by one of our locations and pick up a copy of the Times. You keep reading and we’ll keep writing, thanks to our community advertisers who make all of this possible. 
