Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Piedmont Henry Hospital is not allowing visitors for the time being. Patients in Women’s Services and the Emergency Department, and special needs, disabled, or hearing-impaired patients are allowed one visitor. Other exceptions need to be approved by leaders in specific departments.

No children are allowed to visit except those who are coming in for healthcare services.
The hospital changed their visitation hours last week. The new hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
All visitors are required to use the North, South, or Emergency Department entrances. All visitors must pass a health screening including questions regarding symptoms of acute respiratory illness, fever, travel history, and close contact with known or suspected infected persons.
“We realize that this will be very difficult for our patients and their families and friends, but we need to keep our patients and staff safe,” said Lily Henson, M.D., CEO of Piedmont Henry. “We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation during this healthcare crisis.”
For more information about Piedmont Healthcare’s response to COVID-19, please visit piedmont.org.