What would you do if the government made an official statement that UFOs are real?
Think about it…
Would you quit your job, take the kids out of school, empty your bank accounts, fill the cars with gas, shop for bread, milk and eggs, then go home and hide in the basement?
Would you paint your house in camouflage colors so the space aliens can’t see you? Would you stop following the Kardashians? Plan a vacation to Roswell, New Mexico? Start a subscription to the SCI-FI Channel? Report sighting and abductions to Hey Henry? Would you dye your skin green to fit in? Vote for Bernie Sanders? Would you stop looking at your phone every two minutes? Become a vegan and only eat granola? Go to a plastic surgeon and get pointy ears?
Would you stop paying taxes, getting car emission tests, putting money in parking meters? Think UFOs were hiding behind every large cloud? Would you keep calm and call Batman? Drink less beer? Buy a BB gun? Ask Alexa to tell you a joke? Would you only wash clothes on odd numbered days? Cross to the other side of the street if you thought you saw a space alien?
If a space alien moved next door would you sell your house? Would you stop wearing socks?
If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then it is because of people like you that the government will NEVER come clean on UFOs. The last thing they want is mass panic and anarchy.