Several county roads and bridges are on the list for improvement through Georgia Department of Transportation’s Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) after the Henry County Board of Commissioners’ approval to submit the LMIG application to GDOT. The action came at the December 3 Commission meeting.

The resolution states that GDOT would like to assist the county in the resurfacing of various county roads and other LMIG permitted activities and will grant Henry County approximately $2.3 million. The grant requires a 30 percent match or $710,723 from the county and funds will be allocated through its DOT asphalt budget. Applications will be reviewed by GDOT after January 1, 2020.
Meanwhile, citizens can report potholes or other quality-of-life issues and request county services through Henry County’s SeeClickFix application. With this free mobile app and web tools, citizens are able to connect with Henry County staff through pictures, videos and specific descriptions to log concerns or report issues.
The SeeClickFix mobile app is available for download in Android’s Google Play Store and iPhone’s App Store. In addition to the mobile apps, citizens can send reports to Henry County’s website at