The Henry County Board of Education voted at its October 14 regular meeting to approve the purchase of four new air-conditioned, 72-passenger Blue Bird buses through a state contract.
The total cost is $402,000 with a state reimbursement of $308,880 and a Georgia Department of Education Alternative Fuel Bus Funding Grant totaling $32,000. The remaining cost of $61,120 will come from the school district’s SPLOST transportation funds.

The 2021 buses are propane-powered, and district officials indicated during the discussion at the board meeting that they could produce a cost savings due to better fuel efficiency.
In other business, the board’s meeting schedule for 2020 will be essentially unchanged from the year, as shown by the board policy approved at the meeting which sets the schedule. With one exception, meetings will take place the second Monday of each month, beginning with the study session at 4 p.m. The board will convene in executive session at 6 p.m. and the business meeting will start at 7 p.m.
The lone exception to the second-Monday rule currently on the calendar is April, when spring break will be underway, and that month’s meeting is scheduled for April 20. All meetings will take place at the school district’s administration building, 33 N. Zack Hinton Pkwy. in McDonough.