The McDonough City Council voted unanimously at its October 3 regular meeting to send a rezoning request regarding a 29.45-acre site on South Point Blvd. back to the Planning Commission.
The request is for RM-75 (multi-family residential) zoning, with two variances pertaining to increase in the permitted units per acre and the height limits under the architectural design standards. The council previously postponed action to revise the scope of work, according to city staff documents.

The density change, if approved, would be from eight units per acre to 10 or 12, while the height increase proposed is from 35 to 43 feet.
Two other rezoning requests, including one annexation, were placed on the October 21 workshop meeting agenda for public hearings. One is a 0.57-acre tract on the northeast corner of Exit 218 (Hwy. 20/81) at I-75, with a proposed annexation and lateral rezoning from C-2 (general commercial) in the county to C-2 in the city. The other is for a 0.86-acre site at 200 Atlanta Street with a request for OI (office-institutional) zoning.
The council’s consent agenda included a $429,946.03 contract for a parking lot project at 41 Hampton Street, to be paid for with SPLOST and Stormwater funds; a resolution in support of borrowing funds from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs’ Downtown Development fund; submission of a $208,959 grant package for hazard mitigation; an agreement with the McDonough Hospitality and Tourism Board; surplus declaration for six city vehicles; and resolutions regarding city employee benefits. All were approved unanimously.