The Locust Grove City Council approved an annexation and rezoning request that had been under consideration for a few months while tabling another such petition until the Oct. 21 workshop meeting.
The annexation of 10 acres at 387/397 Colvin Drive was approved by a 4-2 vote with Carlos Greer and Keith Boone voting against. All council members voted the same way on the rezoning, which was essentially unchanged, going from RA (residential-agricultural) in the county to RA in the city.

The other requested annexation is for 1.2 acres at 1206 Davis Lake Road. That applicant also wants to keep RA rezoning once in the city.
Each of these two tracts contains a single-family residential building along with some other structures common to properties with agricultural uses, according to a city staff report, and is served by county water and a septic tank. The Henry County Board of Commissioners considered both annexation requests in August and voiced no objections.
A conditional use request was approved unanimously by the council for a 3.48-acre piece of property at 91 Bowden Street, to allow a detached guest quarters. City code allows guest quarters or employee quarters provided that no more than one such unit is placed on a lot and that unit is in the rear yard. The lot must also meet the minimum area requirements for a two-family dwelling, and the guest quarters cannot be used as rental property.
This site is within an existing single-family residential neighborhood that has similar uses nearby. The applicants just purchased the property in August. City staff recommended approval with the condition that the guest quarters comply with the intent of the Mixed Historic Neighborhood future land use designation, having similar architectural styles as the existing historic residential buildings of the district.
Another conditional use request that received unanimous approval involves a 2.83-acre tract zoned OI (office-institutional) at 3300 Hwy. 42, at the intersection of Market Place Boulevard. This request is to allow a drive-through facility at a financial institution.
According to city staff documents, the applicant has expressed plans to develop the site with a branch bank building fronting Hwy. 42 in the range of 2,000-3,000 square feet, along with a single-story medical office building approximately 15,000 square feet in the back of the property.
Other items approved by the council include an addendum to a solid waste collection agreement, an amendment to a city code section and an ordinance accepting the realigned portion of Price Drive and New Logistics Drive as public right-of-way. All were unanimously approved.