The Henry Arts Alliance, Hood Street Gallery, and the Visual Artists Collective are partnering to present the “Revive: An Artistic Renewal through Strength and Courage” art exhibit in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
The exhibit will run from October 24 through November 7 and will feature artists from the local community. This is a free event and it is open to the public. All ages are welcome. The opening reception for the exhibit will be held on October 24 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Roughly 10 artists will work off of the theme of ‘Revive: An Artistic Renewal through Strength and Courage,’ and will create works from whatever that means to them.

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“The idea is abstract in that the artists can create work from themes expressing strength, courage, or renewal,” said Julie Collier, Gallery Director at Hood Street Gallery. “Really, whatever ‘revive’ means to the artists.”
“It will be interesting to see the different ideas that come out of it,” said Collier.
This is the first year that The Henry Arts Alliance, Hood Street Gallery, and the Visual Artists Collective have partnered to host this exhibit, of which 10 percent of proceeds are donated to breast cancer research.
“When we heard about the possibility to partner for this event, we were very excited!” said Carolyn Fuller, President of the Visual Artists Collective and local artist. “Anything we can do as individuals and as artists to bring awareness to this topic is important.”
“This is a good way for the public to see what local artists do,” agreed Lynna Schmidt, President of the Henry Arts Alliance. “Wandering through the exhibit and looking at beautiful works of art, maybe a young person will be inspired to become an artist or begin to appreciate art.”
One local artist with work in the upcoming show is Domini Re-Darling.
“This exhibit is a wonderful opportunity to have our works showcased with these artists and share our talents with the community,” said Re-Darling. “I also enjoy the chance to work with an organization that not only raises awareness but gives back as well!”
While Re-Darling does not personally know the physical impact of breast cancer, many of her friends are currently fighting the disease.
“I am humbled by their courage and fighting spirit, their endurance throughout the struggle, and their hope for each day’s journey that builds for the future,” said Re-Darling. “My work is a tribute to their spirit of perseverance and hope.”
Re-Darling’s painted a work, titled ‘Morning Light, New Beginnings,’ serves as a tribute to “their daily fight for a future beyond their struggles.”
The painting titled ‘The Gift of Life’ is depicted as an unopened package. It serves as a reminder of “promises and hope waiting to be opened anew,” said Re-Darling. “It portrays a survivor’s chance to count and embrace every daily blessing.”
For more information, visit the Henry Arts Alliance Facebook page or the Gallery at Hood Street Facebook page.