Well, I am. I take online surveys to build up points and also express my opinion and I don’t like it when a question is phrased improperly. For example, one will ask me, ‘Which state do you live in?’ You are NOT supposed to end a sentence with a preposition! And sometimes they want to learn about the pets we might have in our home. So, another improper question (to me) asks how many cats I own. Own? NOBODY owns a cat! The cat owns us, and rules the house. It’s so funny that our Shadow is maybe the bossiest we’ve ever had. She doesn’t meow if she needs something, she just stares at the object. I’m doing the morning crossword puzzle and I glance up and Shadow is staring at the door. So I hop up and let her out on the porch. Same thing when she wants something to eat or would like for me to replace the water in her bowl. She just stares and waits for me to get her silent message. Now she does meow when she wants me to pet her, but she’ll get up on the sofa arm and stare at me anytime I’m watching “Wheel of Fortune” or “Jeopardy.”
More things I don’t appreciate are repetitive phone calls that I’ve received many times. One calls almost weekly to let me know the warranty is about to expire on my vehicle. Idiots! It’s a 2005 and there was no warranty when I bought it. Oh, the kind soul calls me to say she appreciates I’ve been paying my credit card on time and that I’ve won a lower rate. Another annoyance is when the guy with a unique accent rings me up, again, to let me know that he’s discovered a Trojan or some malware on my computer and will help me get rid of that problem. I always get the right protection and keep it updated, and no, I am NOT an idiot who wants to let you into my computer system.
Occasionally, I will find a typo in the Atlanta Journal daily paper. I guess my English teacher over-trained me. I’m glad that I have a neat rescue on Microsoft Word that lets me know if I’ve goofed and gives me the correction to accept. I do wish the AJC would get the Times memo and shorten their massive articles. I always speed-read those and do like the 80 Minutes Around the World page they provide which does have concise articles.
I’m also picky about language and sometimes I’ll be reading an interesting library book … and then … I see a curse word. Okay, I allow one, then another … and then, I remove my book mark and slide the tome onto the floor next to the front door so I can deliver it back to my number two favorite hangout in McDonough. I’m very thankful that my favorite radio station and television shows keep it clean. My parents weren’t perfect and could lose their tempers from time to time, but I NEVER heard them use a curse word! I have tried to copy this habit myself and so far, only the occasional mild expletive leaves my mouth. I still like how my Mom always said ‘bless pat’ if she was mad.
Another thing I’m picky about is people leaving trash behind. On a morning walk after Ola Middle School’s recent music production, there was not a single bottle or can in the parking lot. We were raised to NEVER toss anything out of our car windows and I always kept a plastic bag in my car for my children to use and then taught my grandkids to do that too. Hey, let’s ALL get picky for our environment!