The Henry County Police Department (HCPD) is applying for a federal grant of $30,467.00 under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Formula Program: Local Solicitation, CFDA 16.738, to support the project entitled “Criminal Intelligence Unit Enhancement.” HCPD seeks to maximize the effectiveness of JAG funding at the local level in the Criminal Intelligence Unit (CIU) with technology and personnel training that will increase operational capacity. If awarded, budgeted equipment and training will be 100% federally funded and incur no additional expenses charged to taxpayers.

Criminal intelligence is critical to the success of law enforcement activities. The HCPD CIU plays a key role in aiding the department in crime prevention and deterrence, as well as criminal apprehension by using analysis to identify and predict trends, patterns or problem areas requiring action.
The two main goals of this project are technological enhancement to detect, prevent, and assist in the investigation and response to criminal and terrorist activity; and to develop personnel efficiency by providing professional training. HCPD proposes to use JAG program funds for technological development within the CIU to replace and complement existing technology and to produce data in a timely and efficient manner to guard against critical information loss on network and external computer drives. The HCPD will utilize JAG funds to professionally develop the Intel Unit personnel through the Georgia Law Enforcement Criminal Intelligence Analysis Certification Program and a specialized digital forensics examiner training program.
Submission deadline for this grant application is August 23, 2019. A public comment period, as required in the official solicitation, allows citizens to inquire about the proposed program and to voice comments or suggestions. Henry County’s grant administrator, Kimberly Monast, is available for questions or comments at 770-288-6540 or at
After August 23, a copy of the proposed application can be viewed in-house by scheduling an appointment with Ms. Monast during regular business hours, or by requesting a copy be provided to you via email, postal mail or direct pick-up. The Henry County Police Department and Henry Board of Commissioners maintain strict financial stewardship of federal and state grant award dollars and welcome your inquiry.