People First of Henry County’s 12th annual Walk-a-Thon Saturday

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  Supporters of the local special-needs community will take to the streets of downtown McDonough this week to raise money for the coming year.

  People First of Henry County will hold its 12th annual Ricky Craig Walk-a-Thon July 27 at 8 a.m. Registration will begin at 7 a.m.

  Participants will gather at the Henry County Board of Education, 33 N. Zack Hinton Parkway, then walk to the Square and back to raise money for People First.

  Melissa Howard is one of three directors for the nonprofit organization, along with Kristy Dobbs and Pamela Young-Wynn. Howard said the Walk-a-Thon is crucial for People First, as it is the group’s only fundraiser throughout the year.

    “This one day determines what we can provide for the year to families,” said Howard. “We try to do cost-effective, fun things that many would not get to do or want to do without the ease of a financial burden, or the burden of getting out around others that may be a big stressor for families with children/adults with special needs.”

The 12th annual Ricky Craig Walk-a-Thon will be held this Saturday. The fundraiser allows the organization to provide socials and outings for special needs children and adults in the area. Special photo

  Last year’s event raised approximately $20,000 for People First. Ricky Craig of McDonough helped to launch the Walk-a-Thon 12 years ago as a way to support the nonprofit’s mission. He also recently kicked off a One Dollar Church Challenge to encourage members of local churches to contribute to People First.

  Howard said “a big chunk” of the Walk-a-Thon’s fundraising success is  due to the efforts of Craig and his family. 

  “Without the Craig family’s support over all these years, we would not do what we do,” said Howard. “Over the years – in particular the last seven I can speak of personally since I’ve been involved – we have spread more awareness in our community and grown tremendously.”

  This year’s Walk-a-Thon is dedicated to the memory of Marshall Dodgen, late husband of People First founder Connie Dodgen. Howard praised  Marshall Dodgen, who passed away in March, for his volunteer efforts with the group, and said he will be with the walk’s participants in spirit on July 27.

  “We will walk as Marshall’s angels,” said Howard. “Marshall was behind the scenes a lot, but boy, did he give so much to People First.”

  Howard said she is hopeful that People First can surpass the 2018 fundraising total for this year’s Walk-a-Thon.

  “We would love to collect at least $25,000 this year but are thankful for whatever the good Lord provides,” she said.

  For more information, visit


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About Jason Smith

Jason has worked in newspapers since 2005, spending the majority of that time in Henry County.