Where in the World is the Times

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L. to r.: Tracy and Steve Croker and Lori and David Hendrix are shown in Lucerne, Switzerland looking over Lake Lucerne with the Swiss Alps (on the right) in the background. The group flew to Amsterdam for a river cruise up the Rhine River traveling to Kinderdijk, Cologne Germany, Koblenz Germany, Rüdesheim Germany, Strasbourg France, Breisach Germany, and finally Basel Switzerland.

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“We spent a day to a day and a half in each city taking tours or sometimes just wandering the streets soaking up the culture. Each night the ship’s cook would give us a choice of cuisine, we could choose a familiar American dish or choose a local dish. We tried a lot of local dishes and they were delicious or at least most of them. On Sunday, we said good bye to our shipmates and traveled by train to Lucerne Switzerland to see the Alps and tour the city. We left Lucerne Monday on a 10 hour flight back to Atlanta. We had a wonderful time and would definitely recommend the trip to any but, as they say, it’s good to be home,” said David. Thank you for taking the Times on your trip!
