They made me smile!

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  Something caught my attention, and it was an odd noise I heard as I walked the aisles at Food Depot. Then I looked around to see if I could spot the culprit, and … I saw a cardinal flying above me. Yes, the bird was in a grocery store. It didn’t take too long for him to notice the door opening as a customer entered and he escaped. Another first in my life, and yes, it made me smile!   

  A couple of weeks later, I smiled as I saw two men remove the “Road Closed” sign from the paving that has been taking place next to the Henry Hilton. That made lots of room for all the cars to park that had come to watch the last senior graduation night at Henry County High School. For some reason, the DOT put the project on hold on this end, and I wonder if maybe they had an inkling that lots of parking would be needed the last Friday night in May, 2019. Family members came to celebrate and thanks to the long paved road that was not yet open to the public, they were able to see their loved ones graduate. Thanks DOT!

  I’m still seeing a therapist for my broken bone and once again she made me smile as she applied heat to my arm, and then gave me some more exercises to do. I enjoy listening to all the machines in that big office, and watching fellow patients do their workouts too. I don’t think that was around when I broke my arm at age 5 and then again at age 35. So glad we keep evolving in the medical areas. Of course I always smile as I leave my chiropractor’s office, thanks to some more relief via a medical expert.

  I smiled again as a kind mechanic diagnosed the Camry’s ailment. I thought it wasn’t cranking as well because of my weakened arm but decided to get a professional to take charge. Sometimes the clock would lose it’s time, and then the lights on my dashboard would flicker too. Well, it turns out my battery was on its last leg. Which is interesting, because in the past, I wouldn’t get a warning, but my vehicle would just refuse to crank. I had the replacement installed, and then came home and looked up why a battery might fail more quickly. It turns out if you only take short trips, and if you have your lights on all the time, it can reduce the life of any battery. Okay, I am no longer running the lights in the daytime. Not much to do about the short trips though. Maybe I need to make a Tybee run? That would definitely make me smile!

  I smiled as our preacher did a little joking in her sermon and made us wonder how we’d feel if when we started to pray to God, He put us on hold, or gave us a number to press if we needed a certain angel. I‘ve seen those neat jokes before but she condensed them all well and I’m sure He will never put me on hold, or tell me to call back. 

  I smiled this afternoon as I heard DJ Rob talking about recycling, and how he’d used a paper straw instead of plastic, and it didn’t work well. I’m glad he and his family are diligent about making sure all recyclable items reach the right destination.  DJ Don makes me smile when he plays a wonderful Neil Young song I love, “Harvest Moon” and I enjoy hearing him chat with his wife when she comes in the station. Of course the BEST smiles come from seeing my wonderful family.

  Thanks for for all the smiles!


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About Beverly Wittler

Beverly Wittler has four children, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She lives in McDonough with her husband.