I am SO blessed to have wonderful friends who reach out and make my life much easier. I recently had another medical issue, which my competent eye doctor found, and so off to Clayton Eye Center for the second laser healing! I wasn’t sure I could drive back and a kind Mt. Bethel buddy immediately agreed to be my driver. She knows so many ways to get there too, and that helps with the traffic issues we now have around Henry County and I-75. My kind neighbor stayed with Norman so we could get my little issue resolved.
It’s interesting that most of our friends are either former co-workers, or people with whom we share a church. As I take my early morning walk, I always thank Him for the wonderful souls He’s put in my life, and I mention ‘my fellow Methodists’ and ‘my choir buddies,’ followed by our pastor and pianist. I also thank Him for my doctors and ask Him to bless them, their families and their staff. I always mention my dears who are already up there in heaven too, and of course that includes my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and then I rattle off the names of some best friends who have gone on before me. That list includes eight, of which five were members at Mt. Bethel. I still remember the first time I worshiped at that sweet church down Highway 81 East. I was curious about the style of music (gospel) which I later came to love. I’m sure that I have told about there being no indoor plumbing at Mt. Bethel in 1959. The amazing covered dish meal spread out on the concrete tables healed any negative feelings though, and I STILL am amazed at what I find lining our lunch tables. Looking forward to sandwiches, sides and deserts to welcome our pastor back for another year in July. She fits our family of God so well, and adds to our small but dedicated choir too. I’m glad that God sent us such a capable preacher who can also sing and is a very talented lady in lots of other ways.
During part of my morning chat with God I also thank Him for my kind library folks, those who smile as they scan and bag my groceries. Plus the mechanics that check out the Camry and the kind souls who keep my central air and heat system going too. I loved the neat careers He gave me too, and all the fun I had over the years. I always think of those joys as I pass the Performing Arts Center, and after I’ve mentioned that joy, I go on about state parks, Tybee Island, Davis Brothers, Dauset Trails, Noah’s Ark, the Flea Market and the Atlanta Zoo. See, I am REALLY blessed! Another thing I thank Him for is all the times He saved me too; the divorce, the bank robbery, several wrecks and probably some near misses I don’t even know about. I’m very happy when my Times comes every week. I’m thankful for Facebook plus library books, WJGA in Jackson sharing great music and the latest news; and the list goes on and on.
We ALL got rescued when our pushy county commissioners took the helm and brought Henry County our very own hospital too! Look at all the great doctors, medical offices, nurses that followed and help heal lots of patients. See, we’ve ALL been rescued, over and over. I hope it keeps going, and I will keep praying.